The Elder Scrolls Online v7.2.1 includes numerous fixes for Deadlands content, quests, furnishings, and world bosses, along with several fixes and adjustments affecting some item sets and combat abilities. We’ve also activated the New Life Festival for testing this week! You can expect this patch to be approximately 818MB.

- New Features / Updates / Big Changes
- Event Testing – New Life Festival
- Fixes & Improvements
- Chapters & DLCs
- Deadlands
- Markarth
- Thieves Guild
- Waking Flame
- Combat & Gameplay
- Combat & Abilities
- Itemization & Item Sets
- Base Game
- Housing
- Quests & Zones
- Stadia
- UI
Edited by ZOS_GinaBruno on September 27, 2021 2:22PM Gina Bruno
Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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