PTS Patch Notes v7.2.1

Community Manager
The Elder Scrolls Online v7.2.1 includes numerous fixes for Deadlands content, quests, furnishings, and world bosses, along with several fixes and adjustments affecting some item sets and combat abilities. We’ve also activated the New Life Festival for testing this week! You can expect this patch to be approximately 818MB.

  • New Features / Updates / Big Changes
    • Event Testing – New Life Festival
  • Fixes & Improvements
    • Chapters & DLCs
      • Deadlands
      • Markarth
      • Thieves Guild
      • Waking Flame
    • Combat & Gameplay
      • Combat & Abilities
      • Itemization & Item Sets
    • Base Game
      • Housing
      • Quests & Zones
      • Stadia
      • UI
Edited by ZOS_GinaBruno on September 27, 2021 2:22PM
Gina Bruno
Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager

    Event Testing – New Life Festival
    The New Life Festival returns to Tamriel! Breda is back to offer you festive quests for the season that bestow valuable rewards.
    • As always, the first New Life quest you complete each day will award you Event Tickets (3, this year) and any completed New Life quests will award you a New Life Festival Box.
      • This box contains an assortment of valuable and flavorful items, along with a chance for motif pages, style pages, furnishings, or special charity writs (Deep Winter or Imperial).
      • Added to the Festival boxes this year are a chance to get a tradeable page of the new Nord Carved armor style.
    • The Impresario has brought back ALL of 2021’s morphing collectibles for the Unstable Morpholith.
    • She also offers bound pages for the Nord Carved armor style for 5 tickets each, as well as the Powderwhite Coney pet. Happy hunting!
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager

    • The Deadlands now has cooking fires!

    • The Havocrel Executioners will now drop more items akin to a world boss.
    • Set items from Deadlands Oblivion Portals are now properly curated.
    • Updated the Acquire Hints for the Fargrave Soullatice Face and Body Markings to be more consistent.
    • Fixed a typo on the map where some merchants were incorrectly named.
    • You can now steal green-quality Ritual Objects in the Deadlands.
    • Fixed discrepancies on the text of the treasures “Dice of the Daedric Princes” and “Dremora Station Brooch”.
    • Several items that can be stolen in the Deadlands are now Bind on Pickup, as originally intended.

    • Rejoice! Fixed a typo in the Crimson Oath Style Master achievement.
    • The Deadlands Pathfinder achievement now recognizes the striking locales of Fargrave and Deadlands properly.

    • Adjusted boundaries or sizes of some Antiquity dig sites in the Deadlands.
    • Fixed several Antiquity mounds in the Deadlands.
    • Fixed an issue where the Antiquity "Dagon's Scalding Gibbet" could not be obtained.
    • Fixed issue where Antiquities Reward Furnishings had sell values.

    • Fixed an issue where certain furnishing items were in incorrect categories. “Deadlands Floor, Large” is now in Structures > Platforms and “Deadlands Armoire, Etched” is now in Suite > Wardrobes.
    • Fixed an issue where the "Design: Fargrave Corn, Bunch" furnishing recipe was dropping more than intended from Overland and Pickpocket sources.
    • Fixed issue where furnishing recipes "Deadlands Torture Table" and "Fargrave Grapes" were not dropping Overland and Pickpocket sources.
    • Fixed issue where the furnishing "Vines, Thornpinch" was miscategorized under Shrubs. It is now categorized under Vines as its name indicates.
    • Fixed an issue where the "Deadlands Wardrobe, Ashen" furnishing was in the Dressers category instead of the Wardrobe category.
    • Fixed an issue where various furnishing items had incorrect size descriptions including:
      • Deadlands Door
      • Deadlands Post, Short Wall
      • Fargrave Terrarium, Watcher
      • Deadlands Succulent, Bright
      • Deadlands Succulent, Thorned
      • Deadlands Lightning Struck Log
      • Deadlands Lightning Struck Stump
    • Fixed an issue where the recipe for the "Deadlands Candleholder, Etched" furnishing was pointing to an incorrect set of Crafting skills.
    • Fixed an issue with the "Deadlands Lightning Rod, Crescent" and "Deadlands Lightning Rod, Spike" furnishings where they were missing the Visual FX Furnishing Behavior tag.
    • Fixed an issue where various housing items were tagged for incorrect sizes, including:
      • Deadlands Candleholder, Etched
      • Fargrave Terrarium, Scuttlebloom
    • Fixed an issue where the following furnishings were classified as Standard size instead of Large:
      • Deadlands Stairway
      • Deadlands Stairway, Outer Corner
      • Deadlands Stairway, Inner Corner
    • Changed the category from Shrubs to Plants for the following Furnishing items:
      • Plant, Hynvik
      • Plant, Pixas
    • Fixed an issue where new furnishing items, "Deadlands Curtains, Closed" and "Deadlands Curtains, Open," were in the Banners category instead of the Tapestries category
    • Added the item “Deadlands Wall, Curved” (Now you can have curved walls. Curved. Walls.)
    • Fixed an issue where certain housing items were not bound.
    • Moved the “Deadlands Grate, Large” furnishing from Doors to Building Components.
    • Fixed an issue where the “Fargrave Terrarium, Massive Gas Blossom” furnishing was mis-tagged as Animated.
    • Fixed an issue where the “Deadlands Wall Spikes” furnishing was not lighting up properly.
    • Fixed an issue where Achievement Furnishings for the Deadlands did not have individual descriptions.
    • Fixed an issue where the "Sulfur Pool" Achievement Furnishing would position itself too far off the ground when Align was clicked in the housing editor.
    • Fixed an issue where the Portal Key Replica Achievement furnishing would sink into surfaces when Align was clicked in the Housing Editor.
    • Fixed an issue where the “Fargrave Gems, Levitating” furnishing was not set up to be a light.

    • Fixed a number of minor graphical issues in Agony’s Ascent and Ossa Accentium.
    • Adjusted the interior waterfall in Agony's Ascent to fix a clipping issue.

    • Fixed an issue where multiple NPCs in Fargrave offered dialogue with no audio.
    • Fixed some incorrect or buggy NPC behaviors.

    World Bosses
    • Taupezu Azzida (The Abomination Cradle)
      • Adjusted the damage dealt by Taupezu Azzida’s Shockwave ability.
      • Fixed an issue where visual effects from some of Taupezu Azzida’s attacks would not display properly on terrain.
    • Havocrel Executioners
      • Added visual cues to certain Havocrel Executioner attacks so you can tell when they can be interrupted.

    • Fixed a number of typos found throughout quests or quest rewards in the Deadlands.
    • Updated the portal between Tamriel and Fargrave so you can see it properly.
    • You will no longer be forced to dismount when approaching the Bazaar section of Fargrave.
    • Corrected a number of clipping or floating assets around the zone.
    • Updated Livia Tappo's guild store name to be her actual name.
    • Fixed various audio issues associated with quests, including:
      • Lines of dialogue would show but didn’t actually play any audio
      • Voiced lines playing over top of each other
      • Placeholder audio

    • The Brandfire Reformatory
      • Fixed an issue where the map would fail to display properly.

    • Ambition’s End:
      • NPCs will now react appropriately when they are about to be smushed into paste by Mehrunes Dagon.
      • Taught Mehrunes Dagon to find ways to solve problems without using his fists (and clipping into assets).
      • NPCs will now teleport properly when the quest calls for them to.
    • Born in Grief: You will no longer see the quest update too early in Fort Grief Citadel.
    • Deadlight: Fixed an issue where the boss’ weapon would stand up unnaturally when the boss died.
    • Destruction Incarnate:
      • Fixed an issue where Lyranth’s animations would flicker while in the Collector’s Villa.
      • The quest reward "Gazmod's Leg Guards" are now Reinforced, are Daedric in appearance and Blue quality.
    • Robhil’s Final Delivery: Robhir's Soles, obtained by completing this quest, is now part of the Hexos' Ward item set.
    • The Celestial Palanquin:
      • Fixed an issue where a door locked by a quest was not displaying an error message.
      • Increased the quality of the quest reward from Green to Blue.
    • The Durance Vile:
      • Fixed an issue where you could not interact with the door to Elegian’s cell in the Durance Vile, blocking the quest.
      • Fixed an issue where you could not advance through a conversation with Rynkyus if you had already beaten the quest “Heroes of Blackwood”.
      • Your character will no longer face the wrong way when using the Warden’s Overlook portal.
      • The Anchorite will no longer always say the same line whenever she starts following you around.
      • Increased the quality of the quest reward from Green to Blue.
    • The Last Ambition: The Staff of Fallen Ambition, awarded for completing this quest, is now in the Daedric style.
    • Web of Lies: You will now receive the intended reward when completing this quest.

    • Fixed several issues involving icons for items that could be stolen.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager

    • Corrected a number of issues with NPC postures and animations in this zone.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager

    Maw of Lorkhaj Trial
    • You will now “Join Encounter in Progress” when group members engage boss encounters within the Trial.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager

    • Red Petal Bastion
      • Eliam Merick
        • There is now one pair of boots under prior Thierric when he steals them after Eliam Merick is defeated.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager

    • Dawn’s Wrath
      • Solar Barrage: Fixed an issue where this ability could not Critically Strike.

    • Two Handed
      • Cleave
        • Carve (morph): Increased the duration of the damage over time effect to 12 seconds, up from 10, to help ease the difficulty of keeping the stacks up in a rotation.

    • Medium Armor
      • Evasion: Fixed an issue where casting this ability or its morphs could sometimes make your character appear invisible under very specific circumstances.

    • Fixed an issue where not all Crest of Cyrodiil set items and some sets from Orsinium were appropriately curated.

    • Mechanical Acuity: Fixed an issue where this set could last longer than intended in some cases.

    Dungeon & Arena
    • Para Bellum:
      • This set now grants you a damage shield for 6 seconds when you deal damage with a 6 second cooldown, rather than a damage shield passively every 15 seconds.
      • Increased the shield size to 8412, up from 7010, to fix numerous bugs and edge cases with the set.

    • Belzharza’s Band:
      • This set now automatically fires when you reach 5 stacks, rather than requiring you to do a Fully Charged Heavy Attack to trigger it after generating any stack.
      • Increased the damage by approximately 14% compared to the previous max stacks value.
      • This portion of the set now has a 10 second cooldown, up from 4 seconds.
      • Note: For additional context, we also plan on slightly reducing the Light Attack damage bonus to 900, down from 1185 in next week’s patch.
      Developer Comment:
      We’re seeing a lot of discussion that this set is only good as a Light Attack damage bonus which was only added to help players who were using the stack portion of the set. While we’re not opposed to it having a global application, we’d like the set to feel like more of its focus is on the proc, rather than the passive. Additionally, we’ve heard that it’s not intuitive that you build the stacks by rapidly Light Attacking, then spend them by Heavy Attacking. Originally, we wanted to give the caster the control of triggering the effect but since so much of the set is focused on using Light Attacks, we’ve instead opted to go with a rapid-fire function that immediately rewards you on impact. With this loss of control and added cooldown, we’ve also juiced up the damage reward to make its impact all the more satisfying.
    • Markyn Ring of Majesty: This set now has a Current Bonus listing to show its effect on your character.
    • Spaulder of Ruin:
      • This set now reduces your Health, Magicka, and Stamina Recovery by 70 for each ally in the area, rather than your Weapon and Spell Damage. \
      • Fixed an issue where this set could apply to pets and friendly NPCs.
      • Fixed an issue where the effect could linger on allies after you died.
      Developer Comment:
      The original idea for this set was for healers and supports to transfer power to their allies, taking a hit to important stats which would augment their builds and decisions. However, the original form of removing Weapon and Spell Damage was mainly only felt by healers, and tanks could easily run the set with little to no penalty. Adjusting it to instead affect Recovery hits all builds regardless of their type, helping it be more diverse in terms of where you want to use it.

    • Hatchling’s Shell: This set now grants you a damage shield for 6 seconds when you take damage with a 6 second cooldown, rather than a damage shield passively every 15 seconds, to fix numerous bugs and edge cases with the set.
    • Hexos’ Ward:
      • Increased the shield size of this set to 12265, up from 8177.
      • Fixed an issue where this set did not scale based off item set level and quality.
    • Kynmarcher’s Cruelty: Fixed an issue where this set could hit targets outside of its listed radius.

    PvP Sourced
    • Dark Convergence: This set now has new visual effects to help better define its radius attack sources and timing of the detonation.
    • Hrothgar:
      • Fixed an issue where this set could proc off other sets that applied Stuns or Immobilizes.
      • Fixed an issue where this set was not following its listed proc requirements and applying in situations it should not have been.
    • Thews of the Harbinger: Fixed an issue where this set could proc off other procs.
    Edited by ZOS_GinaBruno on September 27, 2021 2:21PM
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
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  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager

    • Fixed an issue where the Achievement Furnishing "Redguard Brazier, Stone Marker" was not displaying its lights properly depending on the time of day.

    • The Harvest Heart: Fixed an issue where the Binding Totems were difficult to interact with.

    • Evening the Odds: Fixed an issue where the bar over the gates in Fort Virak were difficult to interact with.

    • The Keyboard and Mouse UI no longer indicate "High" as a valid key.

    • ESO Plus membership savings now consider the quantity purchased when calculating total savings.
    • Fixed an issue where Crown Store purchase confirmation text would use the incorrect color for ESO Plus discounted items with Crown Gem currency icons.
    • Fixed an issue where invalid names chosen during character creation would remain red when they were no longer in violation.

    • Tweaked the Armory Station's tutorial text to mention that it changes quickslots.

    • Pins for Skyshards tracked in the Zone Guide will now only appear on the map the Skyshard is actually in.
    • The "Acquired Skyshards" map filter now defaults to off.
    • The checkbox for the “Acquired Skyshards” filter now correctly appears in Cyrodiil and the Imperial City.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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