Hi after doing research and playing around with my settings, I thought I would post what is working for me.
I'm running:
Processor 2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Memory 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
Graphics NVIDIA GeForce 320M 256 MB
Software OS X 10.9.2 (13C64)
The game runs almost perfectly smooth for me no crashes with the following settings:
resolution: 640x480
Windowed mode: this makes the lowered resolution almost un noticeable
vertical sync: off
anti-aliasing: off
Graphics Quality: Medium
everything else on low and off for shadow and water.
You can switch the subsampling quality between medium and low for better graphic quality and not too much cpu usage. I usually play with it on Low and turn it up sometimes.
I also use a memory manager, I use memory booster ram optimizer from the apple store.
Lastly iBoostUp is a good app for managing storage.
This works for me and I haven't had any more crashes

however computer gets quite hot after a while

. If you DO freeze, then: command + option + shift + escape will close ESO.
I also think if you have a similar computer and upgrade your ram or to a solid state, the game will run no problem.
good luck!
Edited by Domminust on April 25, 2014 8:34PM @Domminust
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