Being back in the game after some times, I've learned a bit late that my country (Belgium) banned crown crates.
The thing is, we can still see the reward from the crown crates to buy with gems but those gems can only be acquired through..crown crates. Needless to say that at this point, it's useless for us as we can't buy anything.
Wouldn't it be good for belgian account (and other country where government did the same) to buy those reward with crown? Of course we wouldn't be able to trade or gift them because some would take advantage of.
It is kind of a win win situation. Bethesda get more money and we get what we want against crown.
I am fully aware of the new endeavors system that will take place in few days/weeks. But this system is for people not willing to put real money into game cosmetic.
It is gonna be long to acquire enough to even buy a special mount. So if you can't connect everyday to do those quests, or if you want more than just one items or two, It's useless. That and the fact that crates rewards might have already changed/disappeared at the time you got enough.