Sources of Rapport for Bastian and Mirri are not equal?

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The fastest way to level companion rapport, that I could find, is doing the daily quests that reward a large chunk of rapport (125 to be precise). For Mirri that would be the fighters Guild Daylie and the one quest in the Ashlander Camp. For Bastian it is the Mages Guild Daylie and... nothing else? It seems weirdly unbalanced to me that I can level one compaion twice as fast as the other (not considering quest sharing).
Is there no second quest with a large reward for Bastian? Or has it just not been found yet?
  • B0SSzombie
    HanYolo wrote: »
    The fastest way to level companion rapport, that I could find, is doing the daily quests that reward a large chunk of rapport (125 to be precise). For Mirri that would be the fighters Guild Daylie and the one quest in the Ashlander Camp. For Bastian it is the Mages Guild Daylie and... nothing else? It seems weirdly unbalanced to me that I can level one compaion twice as fast as the other (not considering quest sharing).
    Is there no second quest with a large reward for Bastian? Or has it just not been found yet?

    I wonder if Mirri has 2 because Fighter's Guild dailies can take so long, but Ashlander's are very quick?
  • B0SSzombie
    B0SSzombie wrote: »

    I wonder if Mirri has 2 because Fighter's Guild dailies can take so long, but Ashlander's are very quick?

    DELETED. (I love when these forums put your post in a different thread you're viewing.)
    Edited by B0SSzombie on June 13, 2021 8:15PM
  • Dean340
    I've been doing other daily quests with Bastian, hoping to find one he likes...but no joy :(
  • SydneyGrey
    Bastian is a hard-to-please guy. I've been doing the Mage's Guild daily on him every day and I still haven't been able to get his second quest.

    (Edit: Yes, I'm doing the quests on the same character every day.)
    Edited by SydneyGrey on June 14, 2021 7:22AM
  • Chuck_Finley
    HanYolo wrote: »
    The fastest way to level companion rapport, that I could find, is doing the daily quests that reward a large chunk of rapport (125 to be precise). For Mirri that would be the fighters Guild Daylie and the one quest in the Ashlander Camp. For Bastian it is the Mages Guild Daylie and... nothing else? It seems weirdly unbalanced to me that I can level one compaion twice as fast as the other (not considering quest sharing).
    Is there no second quest with a large reward for Bastian? Or has it just not been found yet?

    I have been testing but still haven't found any, a few others I'm sure are testing too but if anyone found a second quest they haven't shared it yet. For the record here is what I've done so far. If others out there would like to test and share their results too it would really speed this up :)

    Tested so far

    Clockwork City - none of the 4 dailies gave any rapport to Bastian (World Boss/delve/harvest/crow)

    Dark Brotherhood - No rapport to Bastian from the daily World Boss or Delve quest (didn't try the murder quests since they are already listed as rapport losses)

    Northern Elsweyr Chapter - No Bastian rapport change for any of the 3 dailies there (Dragons, World Boss or Delve)

    Southern Elsweyr DLC - No Bastian Rapport for the 2 Dragonguard dailies (Dragons/delve) and the 2 Senchal dailies (WB/delve)
  • ectoplasmicninja
    He didn't gain any rapport for the Summerset geyser daily. Also none for me completing the Bards' College collection, the Vault of Moawita, or the Vvardenfell Scale Model, or visiting any of those places after the fact. You'd think he would be excited about me joining the Psijic Order or talking to the Ritemaster, but he didn't even comment. Bastian really seems sort of sidelined in terms of characterization compared to Mirri regarding his approvals and commentary.
    PC NA, CP2200+. Character creation is the true endgame.
  • cyclonus11

    I have been testing but still haven't found any, a few others I'm sure are testing too but if anyone found a second quest they haven't shared it yet. For the record here is what I've done so far. If others out there would like to test and share their results too it would really speed this up :)

    Tested so far

    Clockwork City - none of the 4 dailies gave any rapport to Bastian (World Boss/delve/harvest/crow)

    Dark Brotherhood - No rapport to Bastian from the daily World Boss or Delve quest (didn't try the murder quests since they are already listed as rapport losses)

    Northern Elsweyr Chapter - No Bastian rapport change for any of the 3 dailies there (Dragons, World Boss or Delve)

    Southern Elsweyr DLC - No Bastian Rapport for the 2 Dragonguard dailies (Dragons/delve) and the 2 Senchal dailies (WB/delve)

    In addition:

    Craglorn - neither of the two solo quests up by the Valley of Scars gave rapport to Bastian. I haven't tested any of the "group" dailies in Craglorn with him yet.

    Hew's Bane - Spencer Rye's daily quest did not give rapport to Bastian.

    Murkmire - None of the 3 dailies in Murkmire gave rapport to Bastian.
  • SammyKhajit
    SydneyGrey wrote: »
    Bastian is a hard-to-please guy. I've been doing the Mage's Guild daily on him every day and I still haven't been able to get his second quest.

    Sammy has been on a whirlwind tour of Eyvea, Artaem, and public dungeons with Bastian and still no second quest. Meanwhile, he’s upset if this one cooks cheese, picks locks or steals. Likes to stand in the mages guild and pontificates his adolescence musings about love and imagination.

    In comparison, Mirri is up for a bit of break in and thieving, is always cheerful and now equipped with a purple mace and green dagger she is unstoppable.

    This one is in Team Mirri for sure.
    Edited by SammyKhajit on June 14, 2021 2:22AM
  • Gaebriel0410
    I've started to wonder if Bastian's rapport is working correctly at all. I just finished Blackwood with him at my side all the way, did each of the three guild dailies twice. I did two or three normal dungeons too, as well as his three locations for the achievement. So far he's level 12 but his rapport bar has barely moved, I haven't even gotten his first quest yet. I haven't seen any rapport decreases that I was aware of, since I never steal on my main char.

    In comparison, I did one Blackwood questline with Mirri, and 15-20 mins of large mob pulls in Craglorn to see if she would hold up as a healer and get her a few quick early levels to unlock some skills. So far she's level 4 or 5, but her rapport bar is basically at the same level as Bastian.

    I don't mind it at all if rapport is supposed to be a long term thing, I'm not in a hurry, but this seems really really really slow, to the point I'm suspecting it's not advancing correctly. Especially since Mirri (who I played less than an hour in total) is at the same rapport level as Bastian, who was with me all the way.
  • Lerozain
    this seems really really really slow, to the point I'm suspecting it's not advancing correctly. Especially since Mirri (who I played less than an hour in total) is at the same rapport level as Bastian, who was with me all the way.

    It does advance slowly, very slowly unless you stack up multiple Mages Guild dailies for Bastian, and Fighters Guild dailies for Mirri.

    Each companion starts at 750 rapport, and 5000 is needed to reach the highest "tier" of rapport, which means you need to gain 4250 on each of them.

    The guild dailies each give 125 points, but most other activities only give 1, 5, and a few things that will give them 10 points. Some of these share a cooldown, some don't.

    Those 4250 points needed to reach the closest relationship are packed into a relatively small area on-screen, so it can sometimes seem like they aren't advancing, but they are.

    For quicker rapport gain, you can transfer guild dailies from other characters (if someone helps you do this), or try and get other people to share their dailies.

    When you dig up leads, take Bastian out for scrying, and take Mirri out when it's time to excavate.

    Bring Bastian to Eyevea or Artaeum every day, and bring Mirri to a daedric delve/PD every day (e.g. Sanguine's Demesne PD in Shadowfen)

    There are a few other minor rapport sources out there, but they all pale in comparison to the MG / FG dailies.
    Edited by Lerozain on June 14, 2021 3:41AM
  • Marcusorion1
    Ashlander daily stopped showing rapport boosts for Mirri for me - perhaps it was an unintended reward or something broke for me ( hard to tell these days! )
  • Jaraal
    Ashlander daily stopped showing rapport boosts for Mirri for me - perhaps it was an unintended reward or something broke for me ( hard to tell these days! )

    For me, Mirri seems to only give rapport for the relic gathering quests from Numani-Rasi, and none for the Huntmaster quests..... even if I hand in the Huntmaster quest first.

    BTW, she loves both of the Daemon birds, so I quickslotted both and alternate between them for easy rapport (on cooldown, of course).
  • six2fall
    Jaraal wrote: »

    For me, Mirri seems to only give rapport for the relic gathering quests from Numani-Rasi, and none for the Huntmaster quests..... even if I hand in the Huntmaster quest first.

    BTW, she loves both of the Daemon birds, so I quickslotted both and alternate between them for easy rapport (on cooldown, of course).

    What daemon birds?
  • SydneyGrey
    six2fall wrote: »
    What daemon birds?
    He might mean the demon chicken pets. I haven't tried it, though.
  • The_one_i_seek
    @HanYolo you wrong
    Bastian twice faster to build rapport with, because mages guild dailies took 3 times less time than fighters guild
  • Snowy_Wyndra_Karn
    I can confirm that Bastian's rapport does increase.

    I have him at level 18 and his rapport (from memory) is around 3800.

    I have done 3 of his quests - not sure if there is more (this last one kind of felt like the end of his storyline).

    I think I got his second quest around the 2500 - 2700 mark.

    Plus I also now have him as a houseguest.

    I just did all the things people mentioned - read books every now and then, take him to Eyevea (I no longer get rapport for taking him to Artaeum), kill bandits and cultists, scry, do the Mages Guild daily quest - these all obviously have cooldowns but not sure of the exact time. Oh and if you see anyone out and about who are being attacked and need help then this gives you rapport as well.

    His quests also give you rapport.

    Edit: I forgot to add psijic portals as well.
    Edited by Snowy_Wyndra_Karn on June 14, 2021 3:19PM
  • virtus753
    Ashlander daily stopped showing rapport boosts for Mirri for me - perhaps it was an unintended reward or something broke for me ( hard to tell these days! )

    I have always gotten +125 for the first relic quest handed in per day but none for any subsequent relic quests turned in that same day (shared from others). Same for a friend of mine.

    Fighters Guild dailies will keep giving rapport, in my experience. I've been doing several per day, and they have all given the +125.
  • joerginger
    So far I have only got the +125 rapport for Mirri on the first character that completed an Ashlander quest. My second character never got it, so it seems there is an account-wide cooldown in place for this quest.
    Edited by joerginger on June 14, 2021 12:39PM
  • redlink1979
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  • Jaraal
    six2fall wrote: »

    What daemon birds?
  • deyjasagus
    joerginger wrote: »
    So far I have only got the +125 rapport for Mirri on the first character that completed an Ashlander quest. My second character never got it, so it seems there is an account-wide cooldown in place for this quest.

    I just did the Ashlander quest from Numani, the first I've done since the introduction of companions and there was no rapport increase at all. I don't know if it is bugged or not.
  • Casdha
    joerginger wrote: »
    So far I have only got the +125 rapport for Mirri on the first character that completed an Ashlander quest. My second character never got it, so it seems there is an account-wide cooldown in place for this quest.

    Yesterday was the first time I didn't get the 125 points at all for this quest. The only difference is I did it in the morning rather than at night (quests reset around 1am for me). If it is still working and meant to be there then it must be a 20 to 24 hour cooldown like training in the Stables.
    Proud member of the Psijic Order - The first wave - The 0.016%

  • Jaraal
    deyjasagus wrote: »

    I just did the Ashlander quest from Numani, the first I've done since the introduction of companions and there was no rapport increase at all. I don't know if it is bugged or not.

    Perhaps you have to have the Clanfriend achievement?
  • ADarklore
    I know Bastian gives 1 pt for each time you start a dolmen by killing the cultists... so running dolmens yesterday I wracked up a few points with him.
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • Chuck_Finley
    cyclonus11 wrote: »

    In addition:

    Craglorn - neither of the two solo quests up by the Valley of Scars gave rapport to Bastian. I haven't tested any of the "group" dailies in Craglorn with him yet.

    Hew's Bane - Spencer Rye's daily quest did not give rapport to Bastian.

    Murkmire - None of the 3 dailies in Murkmire gave rapport to Bastian.

    Western Skyrim - None of the 3 dailies give Bastian rapport (World Boss/delve/Harrowstorm)

    It looks like Bastian really must just have half the daily rapport than Mirri, this might be a Chain of the Werewolf lead issue where its just an overlooked bug. @ZOS_JessicaFolsom is this really intended? That Mirri just gets double the rapport of Bastian each day? Or is there a secret quest we just haven't thought to do yet?
  • Bobby_V_Rockit
    I didn’t get any rapport for Mirri for doing the Ashalnder relic daily, but I did for the fighters guild one. Is it possible you can only do one or the other? Or do you need something else?
  • joerginger
    For me the Ashlander quest was a very unreliable source of rapport. Sometimes I got the report on my main, but never on a different character the same day. My main didn't get it every day either.
  • Casdha
    The Ashland quest seems to have a 24 hour cool down. If this is true that means if you try to do it too early you can go two days before you will get it again.
    Proud member of the Psijic Order - The first wave - The 0.016%

  • Dithieon
    Bastian gets a rapport boost just by teleporting to a wayshrine from out in the field (as opposed to wayshrine to wayshrine teleport). I have noticed this on multiple occasions. I am almost at the end of the rapport bar and still have not recieved the 3rd quest, Bastian is at mid-level 12 so might the 3rd quest show up at a later level? Or is it based strictly on rapport?
    "There is a beast in every man and it stirs when you put a sword in his hand" - Ser Jorah Mormont

  • Linaleah
    Dithieon wrote: »
    Bastian gets a rapport boost just by teleporting to a wayshrine from out in the field (as opposed to wayshrine to wayshrine teleport). I have noticed this on multiple occasions. I am almost at the end of the rapport bar and still have not recieved the 3rd quest, Bastian is at mid-level 12 so might the 3rd quest show up at a later level? Or is it based strictly on rapport?

    what do you mean by third quest? if you are expecting another quest after the one that unlocks him as placable guest? as far as I know, there isn't one. the quests rather go.. quest 1 - recruitement, quest 2 and 3 - rapport based.
    dirty worthless casual.
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