Mine is a little long but I love the way it came together. I always play in Cyrodiil so this would make sense for my character. I wish a feature like back story would be put in the character description in game one day. Now show me your character backgrounds:) Any criticism is welcome, I know very little of eso lore so any is appreciated.

Seratopia is a young open minded altmer who has distant family ties with Queen Aryenn. Her connections to royalties opened a path way into becoming an ambassador for the Aldmeri Dominion. Though, she does indeed have royal blood, she prefers to keep this to herself throughout her travels in fear of capture and interrogation from the opposing alliances.
Her choice to leave her home and become an ambassador was heightened after witnessing many of her kinds' condescending behavior towards the other races. Because of this she never had a love life amongst her kind and would gladly look elsewhere for a partner in the future, perhaps an orc, ugly but with a great personality? A khajiit, probably too furry for her liking but cuddly? She knows there are plenty options but that as it may she is in no rush to be married.
Growing up, she frequently visited the Mage Guild with curiosity of its doings. The members welcomed her and eventually took a liking to Sera after noticing her growing passion with magick. After years of studying among her peers, she considered herself a skillful sorceress to be reckoned with for she exceeded extremely well in dark magic, storm calling, and even daedric summoning. Learning what she had with magick was a very valuable asset to obtain in order to protect herself while traveling between alliances in Cyrodiil. Even though ambassadors have the right of safe passage according to which territory they travel, there is no guarantee the other alliances' warriors will keep to that promise. An encounter early into her ambassadorial role had left her looking over shoulder many a travel. After visiting pact officials and taking her leave a group of pact dunmer, apparently upset with a casualty of a comrade attacked Sera holding a dagger at her throat while shouting to everyone in ear range why they should allow dominion altmer scum to travel in their territory so freely after so many a dunmer, nord, and orc died because of "her" hand? Plenty looked upon the event and many fell silent until a frail old nord woman stepped in and put the dark elf in his place for she did not agree to harming ambassadors due to her son being such for the pact.
It's the experiences like these that Seratopia hopes she can mend the racial hate, encourage peace, and play her role into ending the Three Banner War.
Edited by Seratopia on June 27, 2016 2:19AM