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Poll: Why play warden or necro in PvP?

  • Ragnaroek93
    Powerful in the metagame
    Both classes are completely broken and ruin the game. They removed Major Defile from everything yet stamcro is allowed to have perma uptime on it with a super hard hitting semi spammable skill. They nerfed CCs across the board to the point there people stopped using them at all and meanwhile Warden is allowed to have Arctic Blast. Some classes have buggy defense skills (like Cloak), stuff like Dark Cloak gets nerfed and yet one of the morphs of Mortal Coil heals for twice as much as it's supposed to heal...

    There is always a meta and there are always meta hoppers. I don't expect perfect balance but what I expect is that you give classes different niches in which they shine and a proper toolkit in order to kill stuff without stacking mass proc sets. You nerfed the vanilla classes (mostly their offensive toolkit) to the point where they don't have counters to blocking, healing and dodge anymore while giving stamcro and stamden way too much defense. It's mathematically impossible to kill a proper stamden/stamcro on the majority of the classes (assuming that they find their 3 heal buttons). Stamden and stamcro don't have a niche in which they are op, they are literally outperforming everything else in everything.

    Currently you have three options:
    1. Play the class which you like and accept that you won't stand a chance against the two meta classes
    2. Play one of the two meta classes by yourself
    3. Play another game (which is what I've chosen because it's been 2 years now without any meaningful class changes)

    I guess the people who enjoy stamden/stamcro do so because the classes still have a strong offensive toolkit which isn't so bad that you have mass proc sets in order to have meaningful damage.
    Edited by Ragnaroek93 on May 30, 2021 12:24PM
    I used to think that PvP was a tragedy, but now I realize, it's a comedy.
  • Alurria
    I like the class independent of its power level
    What a stretch
  • Spurius_Lucilius
    I like the class independent of its power level
    I play a non-meta mediocre stat build Magden (light armor, build for Max Magicka). For me, one reason to play warden is because I love the beautiful Morrowind animals.
    Edited by Spurius_Lucilius on May 31, 2021 2:18PM
    PC NA Casual/PVP
  • divnyi
    Because I want to play different classes and different roles.
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