The Gold Road Chapter – which includes the Scribing system – and Update 42 is now available to test on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here:

Extend the Event Because There Were Two Maintenances

  • AlekoB253
    If this was 'emergency maintenance' I would be nice if it was stated as such. The maintenance announcement and forum thread from ZOS sounds pretty basic to me. I think people would accept this horribly timed downtime if they knew it was for a good reason. Just be honest, if you broke northern elswyer during the last maintenance then just say that.

    We shouldn't have to dissect the forums to figure out truly why the game was shut down in the middle of the day.
  • Nastassiya
    This event isn't a normal event. Someone just thought it would be nice to do. Die hard players didn't have time to schedule a "vacation" or "pto" for this. It just happened upon us so no one should really be upset because it's not like anyone really had time to pre-plan for this event.
  • coop500
    Nastassiya wrote: »
    This event isn't a normal event. Someone just thought it would be nice to do. Die hard players didn't have time to schedule a "vacation" or "pto" for this. It just happened upon us so no one should really be upset because it's not like anyone really had time to pre-plan for this event.

    How about don't tell people what they should or shouldn't feel? It's a free forum (generally).
    Wishing for Lilmothiit race still! Or maybe Lilmothiit companion?
  • Jaimeh
    Yes, please extend the event, besides a chunk of the day getting lost, for those playing during mainentance time means they had to do random normals later, pushing their reset timer later in the day so it won't be possible to do them on Thursday before the event ends. I know there's no event tickets so technically no reward lost, but given how a lot of players are farming CP right now, it would be nice to have some extra time to make up for the long maintenances.
  • maalmo
    JoDiMageio wrote: »
    JoDiMageio wrote: »

    Perhaps read my entire post before jumping all over me.


    What you are saying sounds like you didn't read any of what we said in response. If you had, you wouldn't still be repeating and contradicting what you've said.
  • edward_frigidhands
    maalmo wrote: »
    JoDiMageio wrote: »
    JoDiMageio wrote: »

    Perhaps read my entire post before jumping all over me.


    What you are saying sounds like you didn't read any of what we said in response. If you had, you wouldn't still be repeating and contradicting what you've said.

    Exactly. It's disagreement for the sake of it without providing any concrete arguments or actual participation in the conversation.
  • jssriot
    Nastassiya wrote: »
    This event isn't a normal event. Someone just thought it would be nice to do.

    ZeniMax is a $3 bil media corp and they didn't get that way by doing nice things just to do nice things. That's not how capitalism works. This event was calculated, even if it was unannounced and likely put together on short notice. The full reasons why they did it, we can only speculate, but I promise you, it wasn't done to just do something nice. Please, don't be a sucker like this.

    In the least we can assume they made this event to get players to play the game and be online more, and now we can't do that, and it's not our fault. They promised us 7 days of these event rewards, and players want to get online and play for those rewards, and now they've taken away a significant portion of that me. It's terrible PR on their part and if they want to do something "nice" then maybe give their forum mods a break from locking threads and editing angry posts written by dissatisfied players and just extend the event, even for 1 day. Because that would be good PR.

    PC-NA since 2015. Tired and unimpressed.
  • Gundug
    ZOS has extended events in the past that were interrupted with unexpected maintenance or other major issues, and often by many more days than were lost, so it’s not unreasonable that they might do so in this case, considering the first planned maintenance went drastically over time, and now this second one has occurred. None of us are the developer, so it’s pointless to argue against the request, and nor can we assume it as given that they will extend this one. I don’t think anyone in their right mind would argue against it being a fine gesture if they did so, however.
  • rotten333
    I'm holding out for the polka dot nirnhoned pony and additional trader kiosks now that they have attracted millions of players.
  • mekops_ESO
    it sucks they didnt have any better way to tell us about the XP buff than to call it an "event" and plaster it around as such. they should really just leave it on for a few months to make up for the decision not to scale player CP to match what it would be had said players accumulated XP all been earned under CP2.0 (theres probably a better way to word that.)

    thats not a serious suggestion so dont bother berating me for feeling either way about it XD

  • NeoAntiquus
    Soul Shriven
    Sarannah wrote: »
    Well... the article said everything would be doubled for a week. We never expected maintenances were included in that statement. :innocent:

    ^^^ :D ^^^

  • xv1_me
    Trailed wrote: »
    Liam12548 wrote: »
    Yep. Had two days to grind 10 ish hours to get to the CP cap for next patch. Both days we've now gotten a maintenance.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno is the event going to be extended through the weekend?

    Don't count on it, they don't actually care how much time you lose from your planned sessions.

    in my experience thats one thing they do care about, im sure it will be extended.
  • Kiralyn2000
    Meh, it's just double XP. It's barely an "event" at all.

    (and honestly, anything that makes the Must Grind All Now! crowd take a forced break is probably a good thing...)
  • Duplomancer
    Meh, it's just double XP. It's barely an "event" at all.

    (and honestly, anything that makes the Must Grind All Now! crowd take a forced break is probably a good thing...)

    It is more than just XP and you are posting just to post. Don't tell me how to spend my time.

    Extending the "barely an event" can help them sell an Expansion coming up in a couple weeks. A friend just pre-ordered because of this "barely an event" that got him to 50/200+.
  • ectoplasmicninja
    Liam12548 wrote: »
    Yep. Had two days to grind 10 ish hours to get to the CP cap for next patch. Both days we've now gotten a maintenance.

    Wait, what? You had two days to grind 10 hours to get to CP3600 for the next patch? I might be missing something here.
    PC NA, CP2000+Character creation is the true endgame.
  • ADarklore
    I agree with those asking for ZOS to extend the event. I mean, it would be one thing to be down an extra couple of hours, but yesterday they were down almost all day and today we're missing another four+ hours. I don't think it's a big deal for them to extend another day or two... but is a big deal for people who came to the party late and now will have pretty much completely missed it if they don't extend.
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • opaj
    Meanwhile, I've had to bench one of my characters during this event because I don't want her leveling up too quickly. I can't wait for the event to end. Haha.

    Not that I'd begrudge ZOS extending it, mind you.
  • Nowa133
    Good thing that i was at my part-time job until 10 minutes ago.
  • twev
    JoDiMageio wrote: »
    Does anyone not remember what happened at launch of both Greymoor and Elsweyr? You think this is bad, just wait two weeks...

    Maintenance happens.

    Yes we are aware.

    We are not complaining that it happened. We are asking the event be extended to compensate.

    Nobody is asking for the manager or their money back. They are asking for a video game event to be extended.

    Some perspective would be helpful if you're going to participate in the conversation.
    Trailed wrote: »
    twev wrote: »
    Trailed wrote: »
    Liam12548 wrote: »
    Yep. Had two days to grind 10 ish hours to get to the CP cap for next patch. Both days we've now gotten a maintenance.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno is the event going to be extended through the weekend?

    Don't count on it, they don't actually care how much time you lose from your planned sessions.

    At least they don't charge us extra for the extended down time, right?
    I mean, if we had to pony up the $$ for overtime, well, I can just imagine the wailing and gnashing of teeth...


    Subbed players may as well be paying money for the downtime.

    I understand.
    ;) I've been paying for this game since pre-release.
    Trailed wrote: »
    twev wrote: »
    Trailed wrote: »
    Liam12548 wrote: »
    Yep. Had two days to grind 10 ish hours to get to the CP cap for next patch. Both days we've now gotten a maintenance.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno is the event going to be extended through the weekend?

    Don't count on it, they don't actually care how much time you lose from your planned sessions.

    At least they don't charge us extra for the extended down time, right?
    I mean, if we had to pony up the $$ for overtime, well, I can just imagine the wailing and gnashing of teeth...


    Subbed players may as well be paying money for the downtime.

    I understand.
    I've been paying for this game since pre-release.
    And I've had the tiger for a long time.

    The problem with society these days is that no one drinks from the skulls of their enemies anymore.
  • powerfantasticb14_ESO
    Would be nice, but I wouldn't expect it. I've come to accept that all services have outages and they're always inconvenient. The most I expect is them to do is their best to restore service. Anything additional is a bonus.
  • Vonkarolinas
    Don't extend anything. Sometimes things happen that are inconvenient. People need to stop expecting something in return for every little inconvenience they encounter in life. Something bad happens, suck it up, move on with your life. Quit dwelling on the negative and look forward to the positives. Quit expecting freebies. Nothing was given by us, as players, for this event, so nothing should be given back to us.
  • red_dog82
    Extend please. It's just simply good customer service for a service we all pay for.
  • milesrodneymcneely2_ESO
    I don't see how extending the event would hurt anything, and I think it would generate a lot of good will.

    To me, extending it a few days would be ZOS saying, "Hey, we get that you LOVE this game, and we WANT you here".
  • what_the
    jssriot wrote: »
    They promised us 7 days of these event rewards...

    No such promise was made, they just said it would run from May 13 until Thursday, May 20 at 10AM EDT, which it will be doing.
    Downtime happens, some planned, some not, it part of all Mmos.
  • Duplomancer
    Don't extend anything. Sometimes things happen that are inconvenient. People need to stop expecting something in return for every little inconvenience they encounter in life. Something bad happens, suck it up, move on with your life. Quit dwelling on the negative and look forward to the positives. Quit expecting freebies. Nothing was given by us, as players, for this event, so nothing should be given back to us.

    You also often times get nothing if you do not ask for it.
  • twev
    Don't extend anything. Sometimes things happen that are inconvenient. People need to stop expecting something in return for every little inconvenience they encounter in life. Something bad happens, suck it up, move on with your life. Quit dwelling on the negative and look forward to the positives. Quit expecting freebies. Nothing was given by us, as players, for this event, so nothing should be given back to us.

    We give them our time.
    Some of us make arrangements in our lives to be able to be here on specific days based on having limited free time.

    I'm not so sure that ZOS is comfortable with people telling players to find other things to do rather than come to the game.

    The problem with society these days is that no one drinks from the skulls of their enemies anymore.
  • EmEm_Oh
    I don't see how extending the event would hurt anything, and I think it would generate a lot of good will.

    To me, extending it a few days would be ZOS saying, "Hey, we get that you LOVE this game, and we WANT you here".

    That will probably require more maintenance, but I would like an extra few days. Extend it to Monday morning would be a good idea.
  • edward_frigidhands
    Don't extend anything. Sometimes things happen that are inconvenient. People need to stop expecting something in return for every little inconvenience they encounter in life. Something bad happens, suck it up, move on with your life. Quit dwelling on the negative and look forward to the positives. Quit expecting freebies. Nothing was given by us, as players, for this event, so nothing should be given back to us.

    We paid for it.

    Not sure what the implication here is.
  • ArchangelIsraphel
    Don't extend anything. Sometimes things happen that are inconvenient. People need to stop expecting something in return for every little inconvenience they encounter in life. Something bad happens, suck it up, move on with your life. Quit dwelling on the negative and look forward to the positives. Quit expecting freebies. Nothing was given by us, as players, for this event, so nothing should be given back to us.

    People gave them time on their servers, money when they bought the game, and continue to give them money if they pay for ESO+. People are hardly dwelling on the negative, they are simply asking for an event to be extended because the very positive things they were looking forwards to was pushed off by an unexpected circumstance.

    A little compassion for the disappointment of others would go along way. It doesn't hurt you for others to ask for an extension to the event, so why get so upset about it? No one is inconveniencing you by making the request, nor are you the developer who has to listen to it. You don't have to personally go flip the on switch that would extend it. It's only human for people to be upset when something they looked forwards to participating in is abruptly cancelled. Especially in a world where lockdowns and restrictions due to a deadly virus have put people in a state of fear, where many of the things they would look forwards to cannot be done.
    Edited by ArchangelIsraphel on May 18, 2021 9:26PM
    Legends never die
    They're written down in eternity
    But you'll never see the price it costs
    The scars collected all their lives
    When everything's lost, they pick up their hearts and avenge defeat
    Before it all starts, they suffer through harm just to touch a dream
    Oh, pick yourself up, 'cause
    Legends never die
  • JKorr
    Don't extend anything. Sometimes things happen that are inconvenient. People need to stop expecting something in return for every little inconvenience they encounter in life. Something bad happens, suck it up, move on with your life. Quit dwelling on the negative and look forward to the positives. Quit expecting freebies. Nothing was given by us, as players, for this event, so nothing should be given back to us.

    We paid for it.

    Not sure what the implication here is.

    Yes, we paid for the game, the chapters, and some of us for a subscription. Some of us actually read the Terms of Service. If the ToS were unacceptable, there was an option to not accept them.Or look for a lawyer.

    Terms of Service:


    ZeniMax does not guarantee that any Services will be accessible or available at all times, in all countries and/or all geographic locations, at any given time, or that ZeniMax will continue to offer any particular Services for any particular length of time. Except as prohibited by applicable law and subject to the Statutory Obligations (as defined in Section 1), ZeniMax reserves the right to change and update Content without notice to You. ZeniMax also reserves the right to refuse Your request(s) to acquire Content, and to limit or block any request to acquire Content, including, but not limited to, Downloadable Content and Game Mods, for any reason.

    ZeniMax may patch, update, or modify a Service at any time with or without notice to You. Notwithstanding the foregoing, ZeniMax has no obligation to make available any patches, updates or modifications or correct any errors or defects in the Services. ZeniMax makes no guarantees about the persistence or availability of any user names or other personas at any time and assumes no liability for lost or deleted Account data.
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