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Attunable Stations "Furnishing Slot Creep"


I hate having to decide between having a beautifully designed house as my primary, or a factory floor of attunable tables. If I do have a fully designed guild hall with stations laid out I hate having to tear it down by 12 items at a time every 6 months. With the furnishing limits unlikely to ever be increased, I would like ZOS to take a look at consolidating the attunable stations into one of these options.

A. - (4) attunable stations w/ all of the sets combined, 1 station for each craft (wood working, Jewelry crafting, clothing, Blacksmithing)
  1. This could be done by creating a new station obtainable by purchasing multiple leads from the Writ vendor to find pieces of these stations. I am fine with the total cost of these new items being well over 10,000 writs per station.
  2. After obtaining the new station you would be able to add all of the stations you currently have to the new station (this would then delete the old station from your inventory)
  3. Pros -
    a. Only 4 items being used for all of the attunable stations (never increases - still have to obtain the new sets with every other patch at the same cost currently)
    b. Easy to move to your new house if you decide to buy/build a new one
  4. Cons -
    a. Seems more over powered than the current system
B. - 1 attunable station per set (combine 4 stations into 1)
  1. Purchasing and consolidation system would be same as Option A (but would cost less writs)
  2. Pros -
    a. Currently this would decrease the number of dedicated furnishing slots for crafting stations to ± 65 down from ± 260
    b. doesn't seem as overpowered as option A.
  3. Cons -
    a. number of stations still increases every 6 months
    b. not as mobile as option A.
If anyone else has ideas for other options or an opinion about the proposed options please discuss. I feel like ZOS needs to address the issue of attunable station creep, and I really hope that the housing community can have a voice about what needs to be done.

P.S. My other option would be to stop making new crafted sets but that one is just out of rage because I have to tear down a piece of my guild hall soon to make room for new stations.
  • bluebird
    Yes, 100%!
  • AuraNebula
    Or they could put it into it's own category named crafting furnishings and adjust the limit when new sets come out.
  • Jthomas56
    AuraNebula wrote: »
    Or they could put it into it's own category named crafting furnishings and adjust the limit when new sets come out.

    This would be a good idea too and I would be happy with this outcome, but technically this would be increasing the furnishing limits. And after 4 years of ZOS saying that increasing the limits would be unfair for players with “minimum requirement” systems I don’t think that they would do this.
  • Thrudra_Magia
    I like the idea of having one station do everything, but not happy with " ... the total cost of these new items being well over 10,000 writs per station." as this is excessive considering each station is 250 writs. You may be fine with that cost, but I doubt you'll find the majority of players who have this set up are.

    EDIT: I agree with the original poster, we are running out of slots in our houses for all the crafting stations.
    Edited by Thrudra_Magia on May 6, 2021 4:00PM
  • Jthomas56
    @Thrudra_Magia yeah the cost was thrown out there as a hypothetical, recognizing that an item that can consolidate 260 items down to just 4 would be extremely valuable to everyone. Cost is negotiable, I’m just stating that I would basically be ok with any cost they set.
  • LaughingGremlin
    I am a big proponent of this idea. With the limited amount of slots we have to optimize all the the space we got.
    Edited by LaughingGremlin on May 7, 2021 5:25AM
  • FluffWit
    It's a cool idea but perhaps more likely is a combined Jewelery/ Wood/ Metal/ Cloth station for each set. You'd still be looking at what? 70 slots or something but the cost per station would be more reasonable.

    Because to have a single station that does the same job as 70 blacksmithing stations.... you're not looking at 10000 crowns of value. You're looking at close to 20000 writ vouchers.

    20000 vouchers costs like 15 million gold. 15 million gold would get you....150000 crowns. 😳

    Even at half price you're looking at a single item costing 75000 crowns.... it's just not gonna happen. It wouldnt be fair on the people who've already poured 40 million plus into their guild halls and Zeni won't want something that expensive in their crown store.
  • Hotdog_23
    Fine with whatever ZOS decides to do so long as they don’t make the ones, we already have obsolete. Give us some way to convert the current tables we have into the new tables if they go this route. The thing is if ZOS makes this super crafting station then most guilds will want at least 2 or 3 of them and not just one for their guild halls.

    Stay safe and enjoy the journey 😊

    PS. ZOS stop the micromanagement of the green tree 🥺
  • Jthomas56
    FluffWit wrote: »
    It's a cool idea but perhaps more likely is a combined Jewelery/ Wood/ Metal/ Cloth station for each set. You'd still be looking at what? 70 slots or something but the cost per station would be more reasonable.

    @FluffWit yeah I think option B is more likely. Option A would be ideal.

    I’m hoping they would NOT make this a crownstore item. I’m hoping they would make it an antiquity that requires multiple leads that are bought with writs. The leads would take you to all different zones (DLC included). That way they would technically be monetizing through sales of eso+ or the DLC being sold in crown store, but it would not be an extra burden to people who already have those things.

    @Hotdog_23 both of the options I am suggesting would use require existing attuneable stations, but after they are combined into 1 station the old would be removed from your inventory. I don’t think the new stations would behave like a collectible (able to place same item at multiple homes), that’s just because current system isn’t that way.
  • Alinhbo_Tyaka
    It has been brought up many times that the attunable stations could be implemented such that you purchase a station then purchase upgrades to be able to attune them to gear sets. This would allow players to upgrade a single station or continue to have multiple stations. At the same time to preserve players who already have a large number of stations a merge function could be created to allow a player to merge on station into another. The problem is ZOS doesn't seem interested in resolving the problems caused by their uncontrolled introduction of more crafted sets.
  • Thrudra_Magia

    It's not cost effective for most guilds, but I do appreciate you taking the time to think it through and provide options. It's a good place to start. :)
  • SilverBride
    Jthomas56 wrote: »
    If I do have a fully designed guild hall with stations laid out I hate having to tear it down by 12 items at a time every 6 months.

    Why do you have to tear it down every 6 months?
  • Jthomas56
    @SilverBride because I build to the 700 limit and every 6 months (Q2 & Q4) they release 3 more crafted sets so I have to tear down a piece of my guild house to make room for the new sets.
  • katanagirl1
    How would a multiple attunable crafting station even work? I mean, I can see this getting horribly bugged in the combination process.

    Probably better to not have this implemented in my opinion. Look what has happened to the bankers and traders, lol!

    I don’t even understand how that got messed up.
    Khajiit Stamblade
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    PS5 NA

  • ziggr

    My guild hall used to look so good with its target dummies and crafting stations and assistants all lovingly nestled in amongst greenery and architecture. It was a joy to visit. It was a source of pride for myself and my guild. Folks used it as a backdrop for photo sessions.

    Then, year by year, 12 items at a time, I started to lose greenery, or convert a few stations into a factory floor grid. With no furnishing slots available, my home no longer supported decorating for events.

    As long as I have 200+ crafting stations in my house, I find no joy in housing.
  • Hermetist
    I completely agree with necessity to solve the furnishing slot creep problem. On the other hand, of example options provided by OP personally I find option A too long in performing by player and option B severely contradicting to existing in-game logic. I would suggest the following as an option C:

    1. Remove attunable stations from the game at all, replacing them with a new consumable item, let's name it Unfinished Drawings (Blacksmithing Drawing, Woodworking Drawings etc., by a type of the craft skill). These should cost the same amount of vrit vouchers, to keep the voucher price balance intact. Each existing attunable station should be either replaced with a corresponding Unfinished Drawings item, or, as an option refunded withvouchers so its owner may have spent them as he sees fit.

    2. All crafted sets should have their place in Collections, just as dungeon, trial and all other sets do. Starting quality for recreating them should be normal (white), as you can already craft them in this quality minimum.

    3. To add the crafted set to collection, you must find its location and use Unfinished Drawing item there, to add to Collection all items that can be crafted with that craft skill. I.e. if you find a set location, use an Unfinished Blacksmithing Drawings there, you add to your Collections all weapons and heavy armor from that set that can be crafted with blacksmithing. All alrady attuned crafting stations should be removed upon implementing, with automatically adding a corresponding pieces of sets to Collections, as above.

    I would also suggest moving the number of traits known prerequisite from the stage of crafting the item (or reconstructing / adding a set bonus in this option) to the stage of adding to Collection - which would be a great Quaity Of Life improvement, when a player will need a character with a high number of traits learned to add a set to Collection and then will be able to use it on any of his characters without need to constantly relog to craft some gear. This is the same design logics that is already present in reconstructing the set gear in its present state (you get it added on one of your characters, can recreate on any of them).

    4. As a supplemental option, I would also suggest replacing reconstruction mechanics with separate craft of item and adding a set bonus to it.

    To summarize:

    Pros of this option:
    - problem with crafting stations eating all furnishing slots in house solved;
    - voucher economy is intact;
    - process of obtaining the set is virtually the same;
    - process of crafting set gear is more handy for a player;

    - to craft a set, you need to add it to your collection first.
  • Jthomas56
    Thank you for adding “Option C”. I do like the idea of implementing a system similar to the reconstruction system and collections already in game. I’m just wondering based on your description would the collection be bound to the stations or to the account? I.E. would every player’s account have to have the set added their collection in order to craft armor in a guild hall?

    If so that would be a MAJOR con compared to the current system. Crafting areas of guild halls are great because even newer players can use the functionality of all the stations gathered in one place.
  • Hermetist

    An excellent question!

    The core of my idea in its original state is in adding the sets to the collection, yes - not to a particular set of crafting stations. One player, i.e. a guildmaster, granting a permission to use his sets collection to other player, i.e. his guildmate, would require a whole new mechanics added to the game, and such feature would be a Quality Of Life improvement of the same caliber as a gift system was, because this mechanics can potentially be used to give another player an access to other collectibles (costumes, skins etc.)

    And I definitely do agree to have this added to the game, 146% true.

    Without implementing such a system, the guildmate player, in addition to learning a necessary amount of traits, will need to obtain a number of vouchers (which can be done by crafting an items for master writ quests at the stations that are directly at the set's location) to add a set he needs to his collections - which would prevent him from access to sets from DLCs he doesn't have.
  • Jthomas56

    I think I would be ok with “option C” if the cost of adding it to an accounts personal collection went down, and also crafting sets could not be done on a standard station. Otherwise you could just craft everything in town at a standard station.
    Edited by Jthomas56 on May 10, 2021 1:16AM
  • xaraan
    They could easily create a new sort of transmute like station that works the same way a transmute station does when "re-creating" drop sets, where it just let's you pull up a big chart of all the sets available and what you can craft is not greyed out and you just hit one button after selecting your item and bam - done!
    -- @xaraan --
    nightblade: Xaraan templar: Xaraan-dar dragon-knight: Xaraanosaurus necromancer: Xaraan-qa warden: Xaraanodon sorcerer: Xaraan-ra
    AD • NA • PC
  • Sorries
    I am currently working on my crafting sets for my Guild House, now attuning them all. I do hope there is an end in sight to the total amount of sets. I run a housing guild so making it look good is important to me and now I can still try to make it work with the space we got. But building knowing I'd have to remove some of it in the future is a shame. I don't want all the sets we now managed to collect to be soon be obsolete, just for future sets to have something that takes less space. Maybe even put crafting sets in a new furniture category that doesn't take up the normal slots.
    GM Tamriel Homes - PC EU
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