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Official Discussion Thread for "Limited Molag Bal Lithograph"

Community Manager
This is the official discussion thread for the blog post Limited Molag Bal Lithograph. Who is planning on adorning their walls with this Daedric Prince?
Jessica Folsom
Associate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online Studios
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Staff Post
  • Splattzilla
    I know I am!!
    To succeed you must do the things that you think you cannot.
  • Leekly
    Will it be possible to add some kind of framework to it? Its a litle expensive with chiping
  • xryanvb16_ESO
    ✭✭ it a lithograph instead of a poster so you can charge.... 40$!!! for a poster lol
  • bogieman987
    How much is shipping to Ireland? Edit: Never mind, a choice of either MSI International Parcel (Customs Duties Free) @ $26 or USPS Priority International @ $46
    Edited by bogieman987 on April 25, 2014 9:37PM
  • Myxril
    $40. For a poster.
    'Okay, the question is...(laughter)...the question is, we have Vicious Death sets with Prox Det that are doing double damage from last patch -- they're doing double damage -- and the CP system scales them even more. Prox Dets are doing over 20k, okay? That's before Vicious Death does 15, m'kay? We're talking like 30k+. Okay.
    "So, what about the stamina?" Okay. Um "The 2-handed execute skill--" I'm s--I'm sorry. What? The 2-Handed execute? What?! What am I gonna f***ing do?! Am I gonna execute a f***ing zerg with a 2-Handed slice?!'
    --Fengrush, ESO Live Review 1:08:18

    'He's lucky Im not a part of the company because I would simply ban or delete his account or even make the RNG or his damage ridiculously to stress him out even more.'
    --mb10, regarding Fengrush
  • VashTheStampede
    Soul Shriven
    That's quite the profit margin. $40 for a poster lol.
    Edited by VashTheStampede on April 26, 2014 5:41AM
  • BulbousMeathead
    Do not want
  • plaxy186

    actually if there claiming a Lithograph there giving you something thats a little more than a poster. and keeping the set number of this print Low on a such a popular franchise, will certianly see that this "poster" will maintain its value for years to come. Btw Collectors pay in the millions for Lithographs of Walt Disneys original work. No one pays a that kind of money for a Poster of Snow White.
  • spooky3db16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Sold out already..damn
  • DanteYoda
    The people.. they like to waste their monies...yes?
    plaxy186 wrote: »

    actually if there claiming a Lithograph there giving you something thats a little more than a poster. and keeping the set number of this print Low on a such a popular franchise, will certianly see that this "poster" will maintain its value for years to come. Btw Collectors pay in the millions for Lithographs of Walt Disneys original work. No one pays a that kind of money for a Poster of Snow White.
    Walt Disney will be remembered in a hundred years, i very much doubt Elder Scrolls Online will be.
    Edited by DanteYoda on April 26, 2014 1:55PM
  • jimmulvaney
    Nice to see this is what everyone has been working on while the game is still full of bugs while farmers and gold sellers run rampant. They have even begun to bogart resources so it is only a matter of time before players have no choice but to buy from THEM exclusively and then they use that in-game gold to sell for real money. Hey Zenimax, they are monopolizing YOUR game and I have not seen you take step one towards stopping it!
    Edited by jimmulvaney on April 26, 2014 3:55PM
  • Emily
    Wow. So much hatred that isn't needed in this thread.

    It's a lithograph. They haven't chained developers to their desk into making it, they had artists do it. Two people who have very different jobs. Artists don't fix bugs, and developers don't make posters. Don't keep pretending that they're focusing on this over the game when they're completely unrelated. It's threads like these that make me concerned for humanity and wonder how far we've come as an ungrateful and ignorant collective that always roves around looking for people to blame.

    P.S.- It's $40 because it's still hand made by the artist, and not copied through a machine, as lithographs are.
    Edited by Emily on April 26, 2014 5:15PM
  • robynheraty_ESO
    I couldn't wait to "waste my money" on this lithograph. Bought one within seconds of the announcement showing up on my launcher. Not because it will be worth more money in the future (which it will), but because I thought the art work was beautiful and want to hang it in our home office.

  • samchatillonwinberghb16_ESO
    Would buy this, but all 300 copies are already occupied.

  • montana474
    it's not possible to order from France, for nothing of the store
  • Haltus_Kain
    Hey, YOU,
    Petition to include chat bubbles to ESO -

    /sign it^^
  • latimore.scottprb18_ESO
    I bought one and I'm glad I did. It'll look great in the office. Understanding the difference between a lithograph and poster was key to my decision.
  • Rotherhans
    That´s all well and nice but how about some merch other than a goram demon? :\
    Edited by Rotherhans on April 27, 2014 1:34PM
    “I'm not going out of my way looking for devils;
    but I wouldn't step out of my path to let one go by.”― Robert E. Howard
  • vrwub17_ESO
    While I won't pay a penny for a poster of Molag Bal, I would part with a tidy sum for a detailed wall map of all of Tamriel.
  • The_Wolf
    Soul Shriven
    If you really want people to buy your products, stop glorifying the bad guy and make some products for the good guys. I specifically did not purchase the physical collector's edition because... what the heck am I going to do with a demon statue? I mean... really guys? Come on! Give me a lithograph of Queen Ayrenn in full battle armor. Give me a statue of King Emeric in Ranser's war. Give me something for the good guys. THAT I'll buy!
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