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WTB ignore for forums

Please Dev's give us the ability to ignore other people on the forums.
  • ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Community Manager
    We agree it's needed. It's something we're working on getting added, @spawn10459.
    Jessica Folsom
    Associate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • Firmament
    spawn10459 wrote: »
    Please Dev's give us the ability to ignore other people on the forums.

  • Saihung423
    We agree it's needed. It's something we're working on getting added, @spawn10459.

    Do you also agree that a general forum is needed as well? Or perhaps an off topic casual forum?

    Because, I am sure I may become the most ignored poster in the forums short history...though...I do try to give decent suggestions to folks looking for help.

    I just have such a hard time being serious about a game.

  • Dovel
    We agree it's needed. It's something we're working on getting added, @spawn10459.

    YAY! That is good to know. Though I expect a lot of the forum trolls will be gone after their first month of play runs out.
  • ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Community Manager
    Saihung423 wrote: »
    Do you also agree that a general forum is needed as well? Or perhaps an off topic casual forum?

    Because, I am sure I may become the most ignored poster in the forums short history...though...I do try to give decent suggestions to folks looking for help.

    I just have such a hard time being serious about a game.

    A general forum is something we know people would like, and yes we're considering it.

    Jessica Folsom
    Associate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Facebook | Twitter | Twitch | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube | Support
    Staff Post
  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    We agree it's needed. It's something we're working on getting added, @spawn10459.


  • MercyKilling
    Saihung423 wrote: »
    Because, I am sure I may become the most ignored poster in the forums short history

    Oh, I think I'll give you a run for your money on that one, my friend.
    I am not spending a single penny on the game until changes are made to the game that I want to see.
    1) Remove having to be in a guild to sell items to other players at a kiosk.
    2) Cosmetic modding for armor and clothing.
    3) Difficulty slider.
    4) Fully customizable player housing that isn't tied to anything in the game other than having the correct resources and enough gold to build. Don't tie it to PvP, guild membership, or anything at all. Oh, make it instanced so as not to take up world map space, too. Zeni screwed this one up already.
    Any /one/ of these things implemented would get me spending again, maybe even subbing.
  • doggie
    How do you guys manage to get hate mails on PM on the forums?
  • Kyotee0071
    @doggie I'm not sure? Look over my post and comments and I don't think I have said anything to attract enemies. But yeah I have someone flagging a lot of my post and get a few hateful messages.

    It happens.
    I didn't think my hangover was that bad this morning until I spent 10 minutes trying to log into my old Etch-A-Sketch

  • nerevarine1138
    Saihung423 wrote: »
    Because, I am sure I may become the most ignored poster in the forums short history

    Oh, I think I'll give you a run for your money on that one, my friend.

    Hey, this thread was started because of me. So let's all bow down to the master.

    Also, on a completely unrelated note, anyone else love that the star ratings on this forum have nothing to do with how many posts you've made but how much people like/support those posts?
  • Ragnar_Lodbrok
    Its funny how the word troll gets used and is generally used to describe anyone who disagrees with you. So people who ask for ignore buttons generally are asking to not read anyone elses opinion. Very closed minded imho.
  • Ragnar_Lodbrok
    And please no general forum, I dont want to see a million posts that have zero to do with ESO.
  • Lanatireb17_ESO
    Saihung423 wrote: »
    We agree it's needed. It's something we're working on getting added, @spawn10459.

    Do you also agree that a general forum is needed as well? Or perhaps an off topic casual forum?

    Because, I am sure I may become the most ignored poster in the forums short history...though...I do try to give decent suggestions to folks looking for help.

    I just have such a hard time being serious about a game.

    Im pretty sure as long as you dont post anything that remotely looks like criticism you should be fine. It will be the fanatics that will first start ignoring every critic, because they cant deal with it.
  • ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Community Manager
    And please no general forum, I dont want to see a million posts that have zero to do with ESO.

    If we open up a General Discussion forum, the idea will be that discussions must be about ESO. These are the ESO community forums; we believe that all discussions should be at least somewhat related to the game. We really don't want an off-topic discussion forum area.

    Jessica Folsom
    Associate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Facebook | Twitter | Twitch | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube | Support
    Staff Post
  • Nox_Aeterna
    I do hope we get some warning when someone is ignoring us.

    I dont mind the ignore function idea , i prefer to not use it myself , but i can understand others will want it , so ok.

    BUT it would be quite annoying to respond to someone that is ignoring you , they cant see your response anyway , therefore it was a bit pointless, a small warning just so we can avoid wasting time would be nice.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Chalybos
    And please no general forum, I dont want to see a million posts that have zero to do with ESO.
    The solution would be to ... not go there?

  • Ragnar_Lodbrok
    Chalybos wrote: »
    And please no general forum, I dont want to see a million posts that have zero to do with ESO.
    The solution would be to ... not go there?

    Your solution would be to go to reddit or 4chan for your forum uselessness.
  • Grithok
    Hopefully you add one at the same time that you finally fix the weirdly and oddly noticeable sorting of the different languages on these forums.
  • Saihung423
    And please no general forum, I dont want to see a million posts that have zero to do with ESO.

    If we open up a General Discussion forum, the idea will be that discussions must be about ESO. These are the ESO community forums; we believe that all discussions should be at least somewhat related to the game. We really don't want an off-topic discussion forum area.

    I am certain that this view is undervaluing the results of an off topic forum. Comradery. People bonding over things that are not related to the game. A place to gather and mutually blow off steam or entertain each other.

    Comradery won't be built by the threads full of bickering and sniping. That will foment more divisiveness than it would bring people together.

    Sure, it is another section to be policed or monitored...but...what's the alternative? Are you going to ban people from the forums for doing nothing more than bantering and entertaining each other?

  • Saihung423
    Chalybos wrote: »
    And please no general forum, I dont want to see a million posts that have zero to do with ESO.
    The solution would be to ... not go there?

    Your solution would be to go to reddit or 4chan for your forum uselessness.

    These two quotes are a perfect example of what I mean. Divisiveness.
  • Orizuru
    And please no general forum, I dont want to see a million posts that have zero to do with ESO.

    If we open up a General Discussion forum, the idea will be that discussions must be about ESO. These are the ESO community forums; we believe that all discussions should be at least somewhat related to the game. We really don't want an off-topic discussion forum area.

    Thank you for providing that clarification. Nothing annoys me more than people wanting to use game forums in the same way they use Facebook and Reddit.
  • Ragnar_Lodbrok
    Saihung423 wrote: »
    And please no general forum, I dont want to see a million posts that have zero to do with ESO.

    If we open up a General Discussion forum, the idea will be that discussions must be about ESO. These are the ESO community forums; we believe that all discussions should be at least somewhat related to the game. We really don't want an off-topic discussion forum area.

    I am certain that this view is undervaluing the results of an off topic forum. Comradery. People bonding over things that are not related to the game. A place to gather and mutually blow off steam or entertain each other.

    Comradery won't be built by the threads full of bickering and sniping. That will foment more divisiveness than it would bring people together.

    Sure, it is another section to be policed or monitored...but...what's the alternative? Are you going to ban people from the forums for doing nothing more than bantering and entertaining each other?
    You can go to 4chan or reddit for that
  • Saihung423
    Might as well ban me now then lol. Because I'll sow the seeds of discord with off topic posts and mildly amusing witticisms. :

    Make your "go to reddit" statements all you like, but there is a difference between reddit and off topic game forums.

    I spent 5 or 6 years playing another MMO that had an entire community playing together that met through the off topic forums. Not three or four players. But scores of players. Some gathered for gaming conventions, some met in real life because they were geographically close.

    If you give us an outlet we will use it rather than clogging up...say...New Player Questions forums.

    It also gives your moderators a place to move off topic discussions rather than closing them and offending your paying customers sensibilities.

    Does any of this make sense to anyone? Or am I simply a fool?
  • Saihung423
    Saihung423 wrote: »
    And please no general forum, I dont want to see a million posts that have zero to do with ESO.

    If we open up a General Discussion forum, the idea will be that discussions must be about ESO. These are the ESO community forums; we believe that all discussions should be at least somewhat related to the game. We really don't want an off-topic discussion forum area.

    I am certain that this view is undervaluing the results of an off topic forum. Comradery. People bonding over things that are not related to the game. A place to gather and mutually blow off steam or entertain each other.

    Comradery won't be built by the threads full of bickering and sniping. That will foment more divisiveness than it would bring people together.

    Sure, it is another section to be policed or monitored...but...what's the alternative? Are you going to ban people from the forums for doing nothing more than bantering and entertaining each other?
    You can go to 4chan or reddit for that

    And you've nothing useful to say so you repeat yourself. Do you think I missed your previous post when I quoted it?

    You remind me of the people that say, "So move to another country" when someone doesn't like something political happening in their home country.

    There is no value in your repetitive stock response. When the ignore feature is implemented, I sincerely hope it absolves the ignored from seeing the ignoree.
  • Hawke
    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom please be sure to add a forum achievement for the number of people ignoring you :smile:

    In all seriousness, it might cut down in the number of upset posts I see when I can just one click, "ignore". Hmm I hope they don't have something useful to say afterwards.

    *edit* Added Number because I thought faster than I typed.
    Edited by Hawke on April 25, 2014 8:40PM
  • Orizuru
    Saihung423 wrote: »
    Might as well ban me now then lol. Because I'll sow the seeds of discord with off topic posts and mildly amusing witticisms. :

    Make your "go to reddit" statements all you like, but there is a difference between reddit and off topic game forums.

    I spent 5 or 6 years playing another MMO that had an entire community playing together that met through the off topic forums. Not three or four players. But scores of players. Some gathered for gaming conventions, some met in real life because they were geographically close.

    If you give us an outlet we will use it rather than clogging up...say...New Player Questions forums.

    It also gives your moderators a place to move off topic discussions rather than closing them and offending your paying customers sensibilities.

    Does any of this make sense to anyone? Or am I simply a fool?

    It takes servers and hard drives to manage online forums. While individually one server or one hard drive may be relatively cheap, the numbers needed to present an online forum that can serve hundreds of thousands to millions of customers is very costly.

    Do you want your monthly subscription to go towards developing new content for the game, or towards upgrading web servers so people can share stories about their cats? Personally, I'd rather read the cute cat stories on Reddit and have my money go towards new Adventure zones and quests.

  • Saihung423
    lol, EQ2 managed to add content with an off topic section. STO has a "ten forward" section and manages to cure bugs and add content.

    To equate having that type of section in the forum to not having the money to add content or fix bugs doesn't jive in my view.

    Hellfire, most game forums have community moderators that aren't even paid. If forums were going to reduce in game services and features because of the money sink they require, then why do any games have them?:)

    I appreciate your reflection on that particular topic, I just don't agree.
  • Orizuru
    I didn't mean to imply that one prevents the other from being funded. I merely wanted to make it clear that funding both siphons funding away from one.

    I appreciate you being mature enough to simply disagree politely though. :)

    I work in IT and I know how much time, energy, and money it takes to maintain systems like these so I tend to prefer that a game forum group be focused on topics that are constructive. I understand other people will have other ideas though. Best of luck to you!
  • Gedalya
    Baskin Robbins always finds out.

    Check out my ESO name generator:
  • Saihung423
    I'll stop hijacking this thread. Thanks for the insight and opposing viewpoints.
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