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Great House Hlaalu: 15 vs 100 (Tactics Beat Zergs)


A video of my guild and I holding out a farm with about 15 of us (sometimes more, sometimes less) against a DC zerg of over 100 players.

We held the farm for over an hour using tactics, team play, and choke points. With some help from our allies in Vokundein, we were able to wipe the zerg one time. Unfortunately their spawn point at the keep made it an ultimately futile effort.

While in the end, we would fall, many alliance points and good times were had.
@NordJitsu - Guild Master (Main Character = Hlaalu Idas)
  • cura666eb17_ESO
    I hope they'll fix this pouring oil inside to damage people outside bug. Would love if they implemented freindly fire instead of this lameness.
  • NekOnOkO
    Didn't watch the video, but i can safely assume that there are 15 ppl with over9000 oil pots in the tower decimating stupid PuG zerglings. Must be etremely entertaining... not.
  • ritsuko
    Many small groups use this tower tactic. It's nothing great to be honest and we have also wiped many groups that use this tactic. Would be more impressive if it was accomplished on the open field.
    Edited by ritsuko on April 25, 2014 9:01AM
    Synapse - SEA/Oceanic Hardcore PvP/RvR
  • Fxfighter_ESO
    There were videos of people doing this from August last year... it's pretty standard to get a lot of free AP from stupid people. Plenty of those around.
  • Gaudrath
    There were videos of people doing this from August last year... it's pretty standard to get a lot of free AP from stupid people. Plenty of those around.

    Stupid? No, try noobs. I got fried like that yesterday because I didn't know you could use a boiling oil pot... everywhere. Now I know. But I got fried. Just like many nubs. Doesn't mean people are stupid, they just don't expect it.

    And to be honest, I don't mind - this is pretty much the only way a vastly outnumbered group of players can hold something for any meaningful amount of time. Now, if we had player collision in PvP it would be possible to form a shield wall at choke points, like we did in WAR, soaking up damage and preventing the horde from going forward, with ranged and healers behind us... but we can't. So boiling oil spam it is.
  • LadyChaos
    When I see peeps doing this (through the window) I lightning up, go in stealth, bolt straight to the back and Silence bubble them and take out the one on the stairs and whoever the walker is with AoE, Then the other guys get off the pots to stop me. Only need to get them off the pots, or the pots not facing the door, for 3 seconds to break them.

    Most the time no one cares even a little if a couple people are holding a tower unless it's a large enough force that can retake the camp the minute you walk away.

    TBH this doesn't defend the camp only the tower... unless there's enough siege on tower/hills etc to keep the enemy from capping the camp, this doesn't save the camp only farm AP, IMO. Usually its just 4 players who aren't worth time to kill as they are defending a tower they no longer own, in stead of the keep we're about to siege.

    I'm not mocking your video as it seems like you guys had fun and worked hard together, but I stopped watching about 5 minutes into the tower siege/oil pot party, because of above mentioned reasons.
    VR2 Ataxia - [NA] Veteran Dominion Sorcerer [Auriel's Bow]
    PvP, PvE, Crafting, and General Shenanigans
    >:) Sorcery and Mayhem online since 1999 >:)
    Current PvP Class/Supernatural Census
  • neocomab16_ESO
    looks familiar. we too took a post while the blues were inside the tower. after we took it we couldnt dmg the towers gate due to being our own building now. so yeah, they poured oil and that's their tactics. You cant get in because if you spawn in you die instantly. Bugged? Sure is. That's no real tactics, thats siply clever use of broken mechanics.
  • reggielee
    the point is that it was fun, it was fun for the small group to hold so long and fun for the zerg elsewise they wouldnt have stayed there so long to fight. keep on fighting!
    Mama always said the fastest way to a man's heart is through his chest.
  • joshisanonymous
    I'm a bit miffed that I waited through a pretty bad intro that lasted 1:07 just to find out that your group knows how to use oil to defend a tower that doesn't need to be capped. I should've known, but I didn't.
    Fedrals / EP / Dunmer Nightblade

  • Cydone
    I don't get why ppl are complaining about the oil pots, lol. They aren't an effective tactic inside a keep. And the towers where they are effective don't hinder or block you from taking the objective. If you're stupid enough to go after 15 ppl, in a place that has no affect on the outcome of taking a keep, then that's your own fault for being an idiot.
  • Ltownatrain
    Cydone wrote: »
    I don't get why ppl are complaining about the oil pots, lol. They aren't an effective tactic inside a keep. And the towers where they are effective don't hinder or block you from taking the objective. If you're stupid enough to go after 15 ppl, in a place that has no affect on the outcome of taking a keep, then that's your own fault for being an idiot.

    I think the main reason people complain about the oil pots in the tower is because yes as you stated it doesn't stop them from taking the objective, however, it does stop them from being able to leave the objective. Solely because no sooner than the attackers (or defenders) leave after taking the objective the group in the tower can walk right back out and recap it. Which, as one might imagine can become frustrating after a few attempts.

    It's why whenever I PVP in a group I always suggest we have a small group block the door to the tower in hopes of stopping people from getting in there in the first place. That or we leave a small group in stealth around the objective so when they do come back out we can defeat them as they can only stay inside with oil pots for so long before they run out.
  • NordJitsu
    Gosh people really want this game to be zerg vs zerg, huh?

    Seems like they complain about every tactic that allows small groups to beat larger groups. And its not just the oil pots here that are making the difference. Its the people on the stairs using Volcanic Rune and the guys on the door with Pulsar/Ring of Elements.

    One of the things you don't see in the video (not from my perspective) is how long we were able to keep them from taking the flag itself. We stood on the edge of the tower where the mage is and threw Volcanic Runes at the flag. Was funny watching 12 guys fly up in the air repeatedly (which would have been stopped if they knew how to play.)

    There's plenty of obvious ways that the larger group could have wiped us, easily. People have some ideas in this thread, but are missing one really really obvious one. I'm not gonna share what that is though.

    Anyway, there's no bug or broken mechanic at work here. Just smart use of intended game mechanics.
    @NordJitsu - Guild Master (Main Character = Hlaalu Idas)
  • joshisanonymous
    I think the main reason people complain about the oil pots in the tower is because yes as you stated it doesn't stop them from taking the objective, however, it does stop them from being able to leave the objective. Solely because no sooner than the attackers (or defenders) leave after taking the objective the group in the tower can walk right back out and recap it. Which, as one might imagine can become frustrating after a few attempts.

    That's true, although there's no real reason you need to talk all the resources to get the keep. Also, if you really want to get rid of the group in the tower, you can just cap the resource, walk a few steps away to sneak, and wait for them to try to recap. Or just leave a smaller group behind to wait for the recap attempt.
    Fedrals / EP / Dunmer Nightblade

  • davidetombab16_ESO
    I have not seen the video and did not even want to see, but I try to guess, dark talon> sinergy> AoE> banners> dark talon> sinergy> AoE> banners> dark talon> sinergy bla bla bla bla bla bla
  • NordJitsu

    Not even close.
    @NordJitsu - Guild Master (Main Character = Hlaalu Idas)
  • cura666eb17_ESO
    The main reason i am complaining about pots is the way they work. I hate when developers go cheap on their hardware and let crap like this happen. This *** shouldnt go thgrough walls, thats all.
  • NordJitsu

    It doesn't go through walls? It was hitting people as they came in.
    @NordJitsu - Guild Master (Main Character = Hlaalu Idas)
  • cura666eb17_ESO
    Ahh, i thought enemy cant get through closed doors
    EDIT: And that tey are trying to hit poeple outsied
    Edited by cura666eb17_ESO on April 26, 2014 11:55AM
  • LadyChaos
    NordJitsu wrote: »

    It doesn't go through walls? It was hitting people as they came in.

    They most certainly hit through walls. If you look through window to see whats inside they dump oil on you, while my AoE can't hit THEM through the wall.

    Thanks to whoever decided to camp in there with a scroll I suspect it will get changed soon.
    VR2 Ataxia - [NA] Veteran Dominion Sorcerer [Auriel's Bow]
    PvP, PvE, Crafting, and General Shenanigans
    >:) Sorcery and Mayhem online since 1999 >:)
    Current PvP Class/Supernatural Census
  • Baphomet
    Well, some of us have been using this tactic for a long time to wipe inexperienced players, but as time goes on, most people are learning not to walk into this trap setup any longer.

    If you do come across group of players trying to pull this trick on you, positioning oil pots under the windows on the exterior next to the stair case will actually let you poor oil into the tower and damage those operating oil pots on the inside.
    - The Psijic Order
    - TKO
    - Dominant Dominion
    - The Noore
  • Vlas
    You can destroy a tower, just FYI.
  • Sylvanna
    Nowadays, if there are enough people camping in it, we just siege down the tower, then wipe them. No big deal.
  • Valei
    Soul Shriven
    That door in the tower needs to be removed.
  • Fxfighter_ESO
    Gaudrath wrote: »
    There were videos of people doing this from August last year... it's pretty standard to get a lot of free AP from stupid people. Plenty of those around.

    Stupid? No, try noobs. I got fried like that yesterday because I didn't know you could use a boiling oil pot... everywhere. Now I know. But I got fried. Just like many nubs. Doesn't mean people are stupid, they just don't expect it.

    I guess the first time that's acceptable. When we were doing the same thing we'd see the same names running in again and again.
  • NordJitsu
    Vlas wrote: »
    You can destroy a tower, just FYI.


    You're giving away secrets, lol. :)

    This whole thing could have been easily avoided.
    @NordJitsu - Guild Master (Main Character = Hlaalu Idas)
  • dalgrimar
    This was achieved already vs way more people and way less oil ;)
    How can you even get whiped in that tower???
    Its to easy to hold it even with 7 people...
  • NordJitsu

    Nice video. We weren't trying to be like a world's first or anything, so I'm not sure why you came out with that competitive tone. But how many players were you holding out against? Isn't really clear from the video. Did you guys fight in the open field like we did? Did you hold out for an hour? Jw.

    The way you can get wiped by the way is if you're facing a smart opponent. They can just wait to take the flag and siege down the tower.

    (PS. You should consider putting a health warning on videos with that type of music, my ears are still bleeding.)
    @NordJitsu - Guild Master (Main Character = Hlaalu Idas)
  • dalgrimar
    Haha ye i know music is pretty bad xD
    And i had multiple fraps of tower defence but this one was biggest zerg.
    Also im rendering a 9 vs 100 vid now raw non edited we did last night.
    Was us vs AD+DC in openfield.
    I dont even enjoy tower defence annymore, its so boring.
    Also dont wanna try look like i wanna bash your vid as your video edit skills are way better ;)
    I really want a intro like that to for my vids but i dont know how to make it ;(
  • NordJitsu

    Haha. Not my video. My guild has a dedicated media officer for that kind of thing.
    @NordJitsu - Guild Master (Main Character = Hlaalu Idas)
  • Lexander
    you must be modern's day Napoleon
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