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After playing pvp for a few weeks

I've been playing pve for many many years, and I've tried pvp before a couple of times with my pve characters to get certain skills or do events. And I always got my a** owned haha. But what can you expect joining in pve gear and with pve skills.

So a while back I deicided to try pvp for real. So I changed one of my characters(my magsorc) to pvp, geared him up with proper pvp gear, traits and skills. Watched and still watch countless of pvp videos to try and pick up tips. I also asked on the forums a while back and got many good advice.

All advices where great but one stood out: "never give up"
That got to me, because before people in pvp felt like gods, 10 People hit at 1 person and barely make a dent in their health.

Now with more knowlege and proper skills and gear it is a much much better experience. I haven't touched pve in 3 weeks.

Now I can actually kill other players, and put down a solid pressue. I never thought I would enjoy pvp, since my bad experiences from before. But it makes all the difference to actually use skills, gear, cp aimed at pvp. So much more fun.
And if I can enjoy it I bet many other mainly pve players can to, if given a proper chance. It feels like a new game and I was on the verge to quit eso. Now I got a solid reason to stay around.

Funny thing is, pvp is war, people, factions are very, how should I put this, toxic, to some degree. It's like different football supporters end up in a brawl. A grudge the moment you set your foot in Cyrodiil. But I guess thats a part of Human narute in competitive play to some degree. Definetly nothing to discurage pve players from trying pvp. Dungeon finder is more toxic haha.

However we can all choose what kind of players we want to be.

Anyway try pvp, it's fun and can make you enjoy eso on a whole other level.


Pve player for 6 years
  • Sergykid
    nah, pvp is hot garbage, very unbalanced and extremely difficult to get into. It requires a heavy amount of dedication and research, and the game doesn't help you at all with any information, even the death recap which is your main source of info after a fight, is a joke and you need an addon for a better inspection.

    may be fun playing fps from the back of a zerg in safety shooting at those kiters, or siege ping pong.
    -PC EU- / battlegrounds on my youtube
  • Gulnagel
    Sergykid wrote: »
    nah, pvp is hot garbage, very unbalanced and extremely difficult to get into. It requires a heavy amount of dedication and research, and the game doesn't help you at all with any information, even the death recap which is your main source of info after a fight, is a joke and you need an addon for a better inspection.

    may be fun playing fps from the back of a zerg in safety shooting at those kiters, or siege ping pong.

    I agree it is difficult to get into and require alot of research. But for players that can study dungeon mechanics, do skin runs, and other achivements. Those players will also be able to get into pvp.

    It's not for averege Joe who runs around questing in overland but hey skin runs isn't either.

    So it require a certain amount of a mindset :)
  • ArchMikem
    Gulnagel wrote: »
    Funny thing is, pvp is war, people, factions are very, how should I put this, toxic, to some degree. It's like different football supporters end up in a brawl. A grudge the moment you set your foot in Cyrodiil.

    Xbox NA, Pact is toxic to other Pact. That's the gist of Zone Chat. There is no Alliance patriotism anymore, the War, Lore wise, is long dead in most people's minds. I'd love it if it just ended completely and Cyrodiil was repurposed.

    As long as you're not a sore winner and bag people you defeat then good for you OP. I forced myself (because I'm stubborn) to play PvP with my PvE builds and I've come a fair ways over the years with my self induced handicap. They are right though to never give up. I learned a lot by just trial and error in the moment, but I also trained in a small Guild for a while dueling others and listening to how they play.
    CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • allhailskippy
    I've been on both sides of this camp.

    PVP used to be high stress, high frustration, low reward gameplay.
    I used to go in. Be bad (cause that's how it is for a good while). Die. Res at keep, and run back. Instant repeat.
    Was frustrating and felt like there was no way to get good.

    Of course there's people there, so I tried to join some of those groups. Turns out the "serious pie" PVP'ers just make things worse instead of better. Lots and lots of toxic players.

    Until I came with my friends. And essentially just ignored zone chat entirely.
    We have fun causing disturbances, and we'll try to get every dead body we see back to standing.
    There was no pressure to learn fast, although learning definitely did happen fast.

    And there's side perks. You can socialize easier too, while playing content. There's no need to have 4 or 12 people specificially at any one time. People can come and go as they please, and you don't have to stop. It's pretty easy to find where your goup is and catch up.

    Last piece of advice is do pick a leader. That way there's only one person to follow, and the group can stay together. Deciding where to go by committee is a grade a #1 bad idea.

    (Also, bring lots and lots of soul gems)
    Hireling Wanted! - An Elder Scrolls Tale
  • Anyron
    Sergykid wrote: »
    nah, pvp is hot garbage, very unbalanced and extremely difficult to get into. It requires a heavy amount of dedication and research, and the game doesn't help you at all with any information, even the death recap which is your main source of info after a fight, is a joke and you need an addon for a better inspection.

    may be fun playing fps from the back of a zerg in safety shooting at those kiters, or siege ping pong.

    pvp is more fun if you play it with more people, but that doesnt mean you have to imidiately run and stack in one big ball. it can be played in smallscale, or solo and it is still fun. i play eso pvp for 6 years with small breaks and i still consider it better than pve because you dont need group to play it. you just log in and go where fun is

    about gear, i dont know what game are you playing but gear isnt issue for me at all. you can be competetive with only overland/crafted gear (i have clever alchemist + alfiq) which is super cheap and still be able to be good. in pve you need specialised maxed gear to go to places where you can farm that gear which is silly. why should i go there when i already have that gear right?

    only what bothers me is pvp is overlooked. all you can get by doing pvp is worthless trash. there isnt single good drop anywhere which sucks. at least in past you could get DSA (masters) weapons.
  • allhailskippy
    Anyron wrote: »
    only what bothers me is pvp is overlooked. all you can get by doing pvp is worthless trash. there isnt single good drop anywhere which sucks. at least in past you could get DSA (masters) weapons.

    50 transmute crystals a month per toon don't hurt any.

    Was thinking about this the other day too. There's definitely a LOT more loot in PVE than I realized once I left PVP. But this is also great for gameplay. Took a bit of adjusting when I started having to empty my pockets every half hour or so again.
    Hireling Wanted! - An Elder Scrolls Tale
  • bugmom
    Oh how I wish those of you newer to the game or to PvP could experience how much fun it was back in the beginning! Cyrodiil was never perfect but way back in the dim time it was pretty awesome. Skills worked and we had huge battles between huge groups of players and it was so much fun. You could play in Cyrodiil the way it was intended to be played. It’s just a sad hot mess now.
  • Anyron
    Anyron wrote: »
    only what bothers me is pvp is overlooked. all you can get by doing pvp is worthless trash. there isnt single good drop anywhere which sucks. at least in past you could get DSA (masters) weapons.

    50 transmute crystals a month per toon don't hurt any.

    Was thinking about this the other day too. There's definitely a LOT more loot in PVE than I realized once I left PVP. But this is also great for gameplay. Took a bit of adjusting when I started having to empty my pockets every half hour or so again.

    i have same gear how long. 2 years? for what i will use transmute crystals then? as i said its worthless to me
  • allhailskippy
    Anyron wrote: »
    Anyron wrote: »
    only what bothers me is pvp is overlooked. all you can get by doing pvp is worthless trash. there isnt single good drop anywhere which sucks. at least in past you could get DSA (masters) weapons.

    50 transmute crystals a month per toon don't hurt any.

    Was thinking about this the other day too. There's definitely a LOT more loot in PVE than I realized once I left PVP. But this is also great for gameplay. Took a bit of adjusting when I started having to empty my pockets every half hour or so again.

    i have same gear how long. 2 years? for what i will use transmute crystals then? as i said its worthless to me

    Ah well. You do you. I got a bunch of dyes, skill points and a PSN trophy with my name on them at some point. So still lots for me to do there.
    Hireling Wanted! - An Elder Scrolls Tale
  • FluffWit
    Removing 90% of the sets from pvp has helped immensely.

    I run with my trading guild for a couple hours every couple of weeks so they can get their transmute. In a 12 person group maybe 2 of us are running proper pvp gear and skills. We used to run into small groups of 3-4 and we'd end up chasing them around a keep for 10 minutes because we simply couldn't kill them because of bs like the Crimson set.

    We still run into those same groups. They now just drop like a sack of potatoes.
  • TwinLamps
    I doubt you run into same exact groups.
    Awake, but at what cost
  • FluffWit
    TwinLamps wrote: »
    I doubt you run into same exact groups.

    Yes we do. PvP is a pretty small community.
  • allhailskippy
    TwinLamps wrote: »
    I doubt you run into same exact groups.

    I quite often run into the same groups of people in PVP. After being repeatedly murdered, or repeatedly trying to murder people, you get to know some familiar faces.

    There are (or were prepatch) folks who were fantastic wastes of your time. Hard to kill. Very skilled at staying alive, and keeping you from going anywhere but dealing with them.
    Hireling Wanted! - An Elder Scrolls Tale
  • BisDasBlutGefriert
    Absolutely wonderful write up @Gulnagel!!!! 😁👍🏻
    ~There’s a positive in every negative. Sometimes the positive is harder to find than other times, but there is ALWAYS one there~
  • FluffWit
    Forgot to point out we play in a smaller campaign, typically all the factions are at one bar.

    In Greyhost where its 3 bars you won't notice running against the same people as much.
  • Wolfpaw
    Gulnagel wrote: »
    I've been playing pve for many many years, and I've tried pvp before a couple of times with my pve characters to get certain skills or do events. And I always got my a** owned haha. But what can you expect joining in pve gear and with pve skills.

    So a while back I deicided to try pvp for real. So I changed one of my characters(my magsorc) to pvp, geared him up with proper pvp gear, traits and skills. Watched and still watch countless of pvp videos to try and pick up tips. I also asked on the forums a while back and got many good advice.

    All advices where great but one stood out: "never give up"
    That got to me, because before people in pvp felt like gods, 10 People hit at 1 person and barely make a dent in their health.

    Now with more knowlege and proper skills and gear it is a much much better experience. I haven't touched pve in 3 weeks.

    Now I can actually kill other players, and put down a solid pressue. I never thought I would enjoy pvp, since my bad experiences from before. But it makes all the difference to actually use skills, gear, cp aimed at pvp. So much more fun.
    And if I can enjoy it I bet many other mainly pve players can to, if given a proper chance. It feels like a new game and I was on the verge to quit eso. Now I got a solid reason to stay around.

    Funny thing is, pvp is war, people, factions are very, how should I put this, toxic, to some degree. It's like different football supporters end up in a brawl. A grudge the moment you set your foot in Cyrodiil. But I guess thats a part of Human narute in competitive play to some degree. Definetly nothing to discurage pve players from trying pvp. Dungeon finder is more toxic haha.

    However we can all choose what kind of players we want to be.

    Anyway try pvp, it's fun and can make you enjoy eso on a whole other level.


    Pve player for 6 years

    Nice to see!

    & to the negative posts about Cyrodiil chat,...if you're paying attention to chat that much you're not playing the game right.

    Less reading & typing, more fighting & taking.
  • crjs1
    Great write up OP!

    I PvE 95% of the time. One of my New Years resolutions was to get into PVP! It’s just so unfriendly and dispiriting for newcomers though. I don’t even just mean new players but players like me (CP600) who have played PVE for years.

    Now this is probably because I not anything like a ‘good’ player, but it just feels like a constant ganking and death after death session. It’s soo dispiriting and really hard to get your bearings and improve. Fights last seconds and your dead, not to mention lag.

    On console, without add ons it is also really not user friendly having to respec CP and skills etc. I just wish there were builds that worked for PVE and PVP so it wasn’t such a hassle to jump between PVE and PVP.

    Anyway sorry for the moan fest! Just wish the game made it easier to ease yourself into PVP. Not to mention the hate fest that is zone chat.
  • Theosis
    I'm glad you have fun, I don't have time to work full time be a caring father and husband.. and learn the game all over again. I just don't have that much to go around. I hardly have enough time to play as it is. and PvP is a whole bag of hot garbage in a dumpster fire with no skills, and me.. I ain't got the skills.
    This is were my signature would be if I was allowed one.
  • RevJJ
    I recently made my first dedicated pvp character and am leveling him up in the below 50 campaign. There’s some toxic people, some annoying people... but mostly for me there’s a whole lot of people who are a lot of fun to play with. Especially in a low population campaign you’ll start seeing some of the same names both within your alliance and with the other alliances and it creates a feeling of familiarity. I’m enjoying it a lot and while this particular character will soon be graduating to one of the other campaigns I’ve already got a lvl 10 ready to join the below 50 campaign.
  • katanagirl1
    I followed the same path as you, @Gulnagel . I did some PvP to get Vigor and Caltrops but left as soon as I unlocked them for my stam toon. Then I got hooked during one Midyear Mayhem running with the zergs in my PvE gear with PvE skills. It took 2 PvP toons for me to get one I could work with and be somewhat successful.

    PvP is different for some people who are so used to not dying in PvE. I guess some people just can’t handle it.

    It can be awesome on days when your faction is dominating the map but soul-crushing on days when you have 3 bars and no one is showing up to do anything.

    Still...when it’s good there is nothing else like it in ESO.
    Khajiit Stamblade
    Dark Elf Magsorc
    Redguard Stamina Dragonknight
    Orc Stamplar PVP
    Breton Magsorc PVP

    PS5 NA

  • master_vanargand
    If you are a beginner in PvP, please play Battlegrounds for solo queue.
    Even beginners can play an active part there and it is ideal for PvP practice.
    Cyrodiil less than Lv50 is a den for veteran players who stay to hunt beginners, so never go.
    And Imperial City, Battlegrounds for group quese are not recommended as they have the worst game balance.
  • McGordon
    Don't listen to crybabies, they still upset about proc sets.
    Anyway, welcome to PVP and Im glad you are having a blast. I hope you will be inspiration to get more PVE players to join us. We need new players.
    And you made a good point. Most of pve players hate pvp, cuz they come during event with their pve gear and get smashed. PvE players need to come to cyrodill with diferent mindset, same as we pvp players dont expect to run vet hard mode trial with our pvp gear.
    Edited by McGordon on March 31, 2021 5:29AM
  • jtm1018
    Try bg, with no cp, its a lot of fun.

    Premade group is awesome.
  • Rukia541
    BGs are where its at
  • ccfeeling
    Have you meet ball group ? :p
  • goldenarcher1
    bugmom wrote: »
    Oh how I wish those of you newer to the game or to PvP could experience how much fun it was back in the beginning! Cyrodiil was never perfect but way back in the dim time it was pretty awesome. Skills worked and we had huge battles between huge groups of players and it was so much fun. You could play in Cyrodiil the way it was intended to be played. It’s just a sad hot mess now.

    Angry Joe's angry army!
  • ZOS_Lunar

    After some review, we have removed some posts from this thread as they violated our rules on baiting. We understand that everyone has their own opinions they want to express, but we also want the forums to be a constructive platform for ESO and its community.

    Thank you for your understanding, and please keep the Community Rules in mind when posting on the forums.
    The Elder Scrolls Online - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Forum Rules | Code of Conduct | Terms of Service | Home Page | Help Site
    Staff Post
  • Viewsfrom6ix
    Sergykid wrote: »
    nah, pvp is hot garbage, very unbalanced and extremely difficult to get into. It requires a heavy amount of dedication and research, and the game doesn't help you at all with any information, even the death recap which is your main source of info after a fight, is a joke and you need an addon for a better inspection.

    may be fun playing fps from the back of a zerg in safety shooting at those kiters, or siege ping pong.

    This can't be more wrong. Cyrodill isn't the only PvP option. BG is much more enjoyable and balanced.
    I have a screenshot of my very first PvP experience. I didn't look up how to PvP at all. I simply grabbed up a set of crafty alfiq and seducer set, domihause and swarmmother and went 21-4-20.

    Best of all, BG has less lag and no CP.
    Edited by Viewsfrom6ix on March 31, 2021 1:53PM
  • CaptainVenom
    Sergykid wrote: »
    nah, pvp is hot garbage, very unbalanced and extremely difficult to get into. It requires a heavy amount of dedication and research, and the game doesn't help you at all with any information, even the death recap which is your main source of info after a fight, is a joke and you need an addon for a better inspection.

    may be fun playing fps from the back of a zerg in safety shooting at those kiters, or siege ping pong.

    It's actually very easy. All you need is a stam build with a two-handed weapon, Dizzying Swing and Executioner. Duh.

    (yes, pvp scenario is a disgrace right now)
    🌈 Ride with Pride 🌈Magicka/Damage Necromancer - PC - NA - DC
  • MurderMostFoul
    If you are a beginner in PvP, please play Battlegrounds for solo queue.
    Even beginners can play an active part there and it is ideal for PvP practice.
    Cyrodiil less than Lv50 is a den for veteran players who stay to hunt beginners, so never go.
    And Imperial City, Battlegrounds for group quese are not recommended as they have the worst game balance.

    Agreed, as you and others have stated, if you are new to PVP, battlegrounds is where you want to start.

    People complain about the horse simulator in cyrodiil, and for a new player who dies frequently and has to ride back to the fight, it can be a very frustrating experience. BGs offer constant, immediate action. It is a much better learning environment due to the rate at which you engage in PVP. You also don't need to worry about CP imbalance, and with the wider variety of sets available, it'll probably be easier for new players to put together an effective build.
    “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”
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