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After playing pvp for a few weeks

  • ForzaRammer
    We need inspect other player option! There is no plagiarism in gaming. Let us copy each other zos.
  • TequilaFire
    I never have to ride back to the fight, always get rezzed on the spot.
    Don't understand all the horse simulator claims.
  • Jeremy
    Gulnagel wrote: »
    I've been playing pve for many many years, and I've tried pvp before a couple of times with my pve characters to get certain skills or do events. And I always got my a** owned haha. But what can you expect joining in pve gear and with pve skills.

    So a while back I deicided to try pvp for real. So I changed one of my characters(my magsorc) to pvp, geared him up with proper pvp gear, traits and skills. Watched and still watch countless of pvp videos to try and pick up tips. I also asked on the forums a while back and got many good advice.

    All advices where great but one stood out: "never give up"
    That got to me, because before people in pvp felt like gods, 10 People hit at 1 person and barely make a dent in their health.

    Now with more knowlege and proper skills and gear it is a much much better experience. I haven't touched pve in 3 weeks.

    Now I can actually kill other players, and put down a solid pressue. I never thought I would enjoy pvp, since my bad experiences from before. But it makes all the difference to actually use skills, gear, cp aimed at pvp. So much more fun.
    And if I can enjoy it I bet many other mainly pve players can to, if given a proper chance. It feels like a new game and I was on the verge to quit eso. Now I got a solid reason to stay around.

    Funny thing is, pvp is war, people, factions are very, how should I put this, toxic, to some degree. It's like different football supporters end up in a brawl. A grudge the moment you set your foot in Cyrodiil. But I guess thats a part of Human narute in competitive play to some degree. Definetly nothing to discurage pve players from trying pvp. Dungeon finder is more toxic haha.

    However we can all choose what kind of players we want to be.

    Anyway try pvp, it's fun and can make you enjoy eso on a whole other level.


    Pve player for 6 years

    Give it time. After your build gets routinely destroyed by the constant (and erratic) changes you might have a change of heart.
    Edited by Jeremy on March 31, 2021 6:49PM
  • katanagirl1
    Funny, I guess I am the only one who doesn’t like BGs. Too much running for my stamina toons and too many pets in the way of combat.
    Khajiit Stamblade
    Dark Elf Magsorc
    Redguard Stamina Dragonknight
    Orc Stamplar PVP
    Breton Magsorc PVP

    PS5 NA

  • MurderMostFoul
    Funny, I guess I am the only one who doesn’t like BGs. Too much running for my stamina toons and too many pets in the way of combat.

    Lol, to each their own, but if these are the main reasons you dislike BGs, I find that pretty surprising. They're definitely things about BGs that might turn people off, but pets haven't been a big problem for a while, and you can always just choose not to sprint. (It's usually more efficient to cast a major expedition source when traveling a longer distance and not fighting. If you have adequate stamina recovery, you'll be back to full between casts)

    But not only that pets and running or certainly not exclusive to BGs, you'll find them in all forms of PVP except for dueling I suppose.
    “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”
  • Brrrofski
    Good to hear you enjoyed it OP.

    Key thing with learning pvp in my opinion is choose a character and stick with it. While you're learning how pvp works properly, chopping and changing characters might over complicate it.

    If you look up builds, I highly suggest adding a bit more sustain and bit more health to your version of it. As you get more experienced with the build and how it playes, you can swap those out for more damage.

    This night not apply to your server, but it might do. Learn what time of the day good pvp happens. On xbox EU, during a weekday it's terrible. One faction own the map and there's like one group of 20 people to fight. If you constantly try to pvp then, it might wear thin rather quick. Sometimes you just have to go do something else and try later.
    Edited by Brrrofski on April 1, 2021 11:52AM
  • Armethius

    It's actually very easy. All you need is a stam build with a two-handed weapon, Dizzying Swing and Executioner. Duh.


    so sad, but so true
  • Firstmep
    Gulnagel wrote: »
    I've been playing pve for many many years, and I've tried pvp before a couple of times with my pve characters to get certain skills or do events. And I always got my a** owned haha. But what can you expect joining in pve gear and with pve skills.

    So a while back I deicided to try pvp for real. So I changed one of my characters(my magsorc) to pvp, geared him up with proper pvp gear, traits and skills. Watched and still watch countless of pvp videos to try and pick up tips. I also asked on the forums a while back and got many good advice.

    All advices where great but one stood out: "never give up"
    That got to me, because before people in pvp felt like gods, 10 People hit at 1 person and barely make a dent in their health.

    Now with more knowlege and proper skills and gear it is a much much better experience. I haven't touched pve in 3 weeks.

    Now I can actually kill other players, and put down a solid pressue. I never thought I would enjoy pvp, since my bad experiences from before. But it makes all the difference to actually use skills, gear, cp aimed at pvp. So much more fun.
    And if I can enjoy it I bet many other mainly pve players can to, if given a proper chance. It feels like a new game and I was on the verge to quit eso. Now I got a solid reason to stay around.

    Funny thing is, pvp is war, people, factions are very, how should I put this, toxic, to some degree. It's like different football supporters end up in a brawl. A grudge the moment you set your foot in Cyrodiil. But I guess thats a part of Human narute in competitive play to some degree. Definetly nothing to discurage pve players from trying pvp. Dungeon finder is more toxic haha.

    However we can all choose what kind of players we want to be.

    Anyway try pvp, it's fun and can make you enjoy eso on a whole other level.


    Pve player for 6 years

    Glad to hear it!
    Pve and pvp combat in this game are very different, pvp is much more reactionary, while pve requires remembering a ton of mechanics, often overlapping(endgame).
    But dress for success is definitely a big point, and yes many pve players who go to pvp often don't do this, but this can also work vice versa.
    Your not going to do Godslayer or leaderboards runs in impreg and spriggans, after all.
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