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Atrocious state of unbalance

  • PunkAben
    PvP is not a importen part of Elder Scroll Online.
    If PvP have been importen, Zenimax will have done something for long time ago and not just watch Cyrodiil die slowly.
    The good news about computers is that they do what you tell them to do.The bad news is that they do what you tell them to do.Ted NelsonElder Scrolls Online most balanced part is maybe the the number of bugs and not bugs!
  • Dakkx
    Atherakhia wrote: »
    Mobility isn't the problem.

    It's the fact that it's a mobility skill, and a CC (stun), and a damage source. All of this on a kit that actually has insanely high burst, shields, and heals. The problem with Mag Sorc is that it simply has everything a class needs. Any downside the class had is more than compensated for by the fact that it's a ranged class and has a mobility skill that doubles as a primary form of CC.

    If the goal is to nerf mag sorcs, the mobility isn't the problem. It's the amount of burst they can do, the relative ease in delivering that burst, and the fact that their skills are overloaded. Spread out the utility some and make them actually make choices when setting up their bars and they'd probably be toned down considerably.

    If you get caught by mag sorc burst while you’re actually using more than a single brain cell you’re garbage. Every skill sorc has can be dodged except streak and curse and if you’re going to tell me you get blown up by just a streak and a curse you need to rethink your build. As far as skills being overloaded once again streak/ball of lightning are the only truly overloaded skills. The solution to steak is make it blockable again but the majority of you will still die to a good sorc and cry for nerfs.. Shields aren’t as strong as people make them out to be they literally eat one skill a piece (from a good player) with 45k+ mag and 40 points in bastion. Heals are garbage unless you’re talking about the pet you have to slot on both bars and does really nothing in the way of offense so in my opinion not worth it. Feel free to nerf the pet. How about instead of nerfing the only good magicka class we buff the other ones.
  • Goregrinder
    Atherakhia wrote: »
    I've been playing MMOs for a very long time. I'm used to the ebb and flow that is class balance. While I've not seen things quite this bad for quite this long in other MMOs in general for awhile, one thing I am concerned with is the lack of candor on the subject. Nearly every MMO I've played over the past 20 years or more have had a stronger community presence and they put actual effort into steering class discussions. Even during the PTS where you would expect dialog with the developers about the game they were silent.

    I'm convinced ESO is a sinking ship and they're treating it as a cash grab with all the microtransactions. Look at the last patch. There was an alarming lack of content that was released with it and almost all of the content that was added is rehashed stuff that was already in the game.

    ZOS is going out of their way it seems to advertise competing games with how poorly they've been handling things the last few months.

    Idk, WoW is pretty biased on what classes perform and don't. Blizz rarely listens to anyone in the class forums on balance changes. Even during Pre-CU SWG, players complained about having an alpha class...SOE ignored it and kept it in the game....looks like it worked out for them...
  • ivramirez
    The unbalance is present in every aspect of the PvP, on top of that is obvious. There is absolutely no attention from the "officials" to the PvP community. Please send me a dev talk about PvP and how they plan to address what people report here every day.

  • Mazra
    Battleground PvP in a nutshell:
    • You'll queue hoping to get a Deathmatch
    • You'll get any of the other Battleground modes instead
    • Two of the teams feature decked out players working as a team
    • You won't be on either of those teams
    • Waste 10 minutes of your life
    • Lose
    • Repeat until insanity
  • nckg84
    ZOS has no idea where to start balancing the PvP aspect of the game or they littery don't care. On top of that if they would actually manage to balance things out and have proper performance all the sudden the so called "top" tier pvpérs would start to spam the forum with nerf posts haha.
  • Xargas13
    I've been doing PvP for a long time, since my first MMO to be honest, been quite good at it too. And here things are terrible, on my mag class if I see a two handed wielder, its probably run or die, because for some reason they are like tanks, but with lots of damage that down you in seconds. NB has damage, but at least you can kill it, or deal some damage to it, but against those two handed, warden, DK, necro, whatever, they just get hit like you smack them with a wet noodle. I stacked damage sets, and it just doesn't work, maybe I don't understand this game fully, but the unbalance is obvious.

    You either roll meta here, or you die. There hundreds and hundreds of sets with interesting bonuses, but only few work, they might as well remove them to clear the confusion. "Play like you want" yeah right....
  • Hesperax79
    Xargas13 wrote: »
    You either roll meta here, or you die. There hundreds and hundreds of sets with interesting bonuses, but only few work, they might as well remove them to clear the confusion. "Play like you want" yeah right....

    Eternal Vigor/Alessian/Crimson/Malacath/Vateshran 2h or Vateshran staff.
    The rest of the build is your choice... :-)
  • divnyi
    Xargas13 wrote: »
    You either roll meta here, or you die. There hundreds and hundreds of sets with interesting bonuses, but only few work, they might as well remove them to clear the confusion. "Play like you want" yeah right....

    It's not even remotely true. I run a blog on weird PvP no-cp builds. Game is fairly flexible in allowing competitive non-meta.

    The thing is, not everything works. Some of the ideas I had absolutely failed. You won't see em in a blog, ofc. Surely painful, but hey. If everything were powerful - nothing would.
  • Urzigurumash
    Yes the meta changes are substantial. D Swing builds were gutter tier in Death Match from Summerset until Elsweyr.
    Xbox NA AD / Day 1 ScrubDK / Wood Orc Cuisine Enthusiast
  • jtm1018
    Mazra wrote: »
    Battleground PvP in a nutshell:
    • You'll queue hoping to get a Deathmatch
    • You'll get any of the other Battleground modes instead
    • Two of the teams feature decked out players working as a team
    • You won't be on either of those teams
    • Waste 10 minutes of your life
    • Lose
    • Repeat until insanity

    No truer words were said that is so true.

    Play the way you like.

    Best tagline for eso.

    As long as you like dying all the time in bg.

    2 4-man premade group vs 4 solo queue.
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