After a solid day of usage, here's what we're seeing.
1) Magsorcs and Magplars are wrecking people. There are small roving groups of 4-5 a piece that are murdering 12 man mixed groups. I'm not talking a bunch of nobodies. Organized guild groups of people playing their chosen classes are getting wiped. It takes a strong overwhelming force to kill them. Then they just spawn and come back before you can even flag a keep.
2) Baby buff is outrageous. If you're CP, screw playing your usual characters. Make a new one, roll into CP Cryo at level 15, and melt people.
3) Siege is even less effective against mag players.
4) Tanks still exist and they can still murder you. I know a lot of people were hopefully the tank meta would take a backseat but it hasn't. Fortified Brass + One damage is over performing.
Feel free to share your own observations.
I drink and I stream things.