Underneath the shadow of malacath and all of the proc sets that deal damage and heal for you, ESO still has a fun, well-designed combat system. When light attacks no longer proc random dawnbreakers (Syvarra's Scales), crit charge doesn't auto place a 2k DPS dot on your entire group (Unleashed Terror / Merciless Charge), lightning heavies don't channel for 15k damage, etc. the game's combat is much more rewarding. Blocking matters more, dodging matters more, positioning, timing your burst, working as a team, all these things matter so much more when the game plays as intended. It's not perfect, but it's still great fun when it works.
This is also probably the only time we can experience this kind of combat in ESO. If you like pvp, to go out there with your friends and play and relearn and remaster the basic gameplay mechanics again. The stuff we've all forgotten ever since a wobbly beam started melting everyone for us.
The best times to play are Grayhost morning to early afternoon, Blackreach after that is playable until it hits triple bar+.
GL out there.