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If there is one thing we learned about no-proc test - it's that people hate proc damage sets.

  • Roztlin45
    The no proc change restricts builds that people have bought and paid for.Regardless of you like it or not, no other business can just take away something like this without an alternative. People bought the dlc, expansion and gold for gear to use in pvp. I agree some sets like zaan should have never been pvp but they were. Now you can't just yank the rug out from under your customers. This was not thought out from a business perspective. The correct approach is to create a non proc pvp area like no cp.
  • Dr_Ganknstein
    Roztlin45 wrote: »
    The no proc change restricts builds that people have bought and paid for.Regardless of you like it or not, no other business can just take away something like this without an alternative. People bought the dlc, expansion and gold for gear to use in pvp. I agree some sets like zaan should have never been pvp but they were. Now you can't just yank the rug out from under your customers. This was not thought out from a business perspective. The correct approach is to create a non proc pvp area like no cp.

    Exactly, and many of us pre-ordered the next DLC. We were swindled.
  • baselesschart
    Players: Proc sets are easy and require no skill!

    Same players: spam dizzy, spam spin to win, run 12 pets to block attacks, make a 52k health tank a werewolf and still smacks targets, ball up and make the other team lag out, spam mist form to infinity, etc etc

    If you can't counter proc sets with strategy then you're doing it wrong.

    Those other things you listed are still very much a problem in pvp and I in no way am trying to deny that. However you have to understand that with how proc sets are designed, it allows a bad player to consistently get kills while maintaining very high resists. There isn't a solidified counter to procs because someone that is using all heavy armor and procs basically has as little of a weakness as you can attain in the game. They are really hard to kill and they push out really high amounts of burst.
    A fairly mediocre nightblade that occasionally kills people
  • Attackopsn
    I don’t even understand how this is a debate, what actual player in their right mind prefers proc meta over the beautiful gift of a cyrodiil with no proc sets where skill and knowledge are meta over thumbless garbage item sets.

    Anyone defending that gameplay has no respect for the real pvp scene and is just excited to be able to xv1 those players that have slayed them out open world since beta.

    What is a health build or a meme build even doing without procs? Literally nothing. A 50k health werewolf without an army of beams shooting out of its forehead is going to do zero damage and pose no threat at all, exactly how they should and did in the prime of this game.
    Edited by Attackopsn on March 6, 2021 9:28AM
    ign: ATTACKO
    PS4 NA
    First NA Completion of VMoL Hard Mode

    They should give procs the same treatment of dots during the dot meta.

    Nerf base proc tooltips damage and healing by 75% and make a global cooldown where only a proc can be activated in a 10 seconds window of time.

    To avoid little pve pips crying, make it separate with battle spirit.

    I don't care if zaan does billions damage for free in pve, but in pvp needs to be gutted to the ground, and of course lot of other sets too.

    Procs should be a pressure help with a damage added to your overall burst and not the reason why you kill players by themself.

    Too many bad players that are able to kill you just because they are using procs, even if they have 10% of you pvp experience.

    It's so stupid.
  • Roztlin45
    Attackopsn wrote: »
    I don’t even understand how this is a debate, what actual player in their right mind prefers proc meta over the beautiful gift of a cyrodiil with no proc sets where skill and knowledge are meta over thumbless garbage item sets.

    Anyone defending that gameplay has no respect for the real pvp scene and is just excited to be able to xv1 those players that have slayed them out open world since beta.

    What is a health build or a meme build even doing without procs? Literally nothing. A 50k health werewolf without an army of beams shooting out of its forehead is going to do zero damage and pose no threat at all, exactly how they should and did in the prime of this game.

    Can the company take parts off your vehicle and disable it to only travel at 19kph? It is much more safe that way for you and everyone else?
    The issue is not about PVP being better or not without proc sets, I have always thought some sets should have never been in PVP , The issue is that people have paid real money and real-time to use the sets. Don't blame the sets, blame the people that introduced them and neglected PVP all those years. Even though digital, it is unethical to sell something then take it away. Remember sloads? They should have learned their lesson from that debacle.
  • AuraNebula
    Sanctum74 wrote: »
    Sanctum74 wrote: »
    No I left pve to play pvp. I'm leaving pvp and going back to pve. This changes are horrible and are only catering to casual players who want to spend no time working on a build. They except everything to be easy and for them to just be OP without putting any work in.

    You literally just explained the proc set meta, this is a good change.

    This is a lazy fix. Certain proc sets are over preforming. Not every single proc set is an issue. When did you ever think "This dude is wearing seducers he's never going to die?"

    So instead of fixing certain sets or at least leaving all the sets we can purchase only with AP only, everyone now has to run these same 19 sets? It's a lazy fix for lazy people who don't want to farm gear.

    I agree to an extent, but it’s going to take time for them to fix the coding on sets. It sucks that it includes sets like seducers or nma, but it shows a flaw in their coding that they can hopefully address.

    As far as complaining about only 19 sets, lets be real the majority of pvp players are probably only running the same 8-10 sets.

    That's not true at all. Coming from pve pvp has so much more build diversity. You can run solo. In a zerg, in a ballgroup, you could run small scale, your sets are going to be different depending on how you are playing. There isnt only 8 to 10 playstyles out there.
  • divnyi
    Roztlin45 wrote: »
    The issue is not about PVP being better or not without proc sets, I have always thought some sets should have never been in PVP , The issue is that people have paid real money and real-time to use the sets. Don't blame the sets, blame the people that introduced them and neglected PVP all those years. Even though digital, it is unethical to sell something then take it away. Remember sloads? They should have learned their lesson from that debacle.

    But PvP meta changed a whole lot since then. Remember when dots were doing 2x damage of a spammable, and not ~1.3x? Them changing proc sets to do more is a recent change too. It's not about new content when we have old unusable sets buffed to the roof.

    And I don't mind really, some changes are fun, like mechanical acuity. But for damage proc sets to be competitive in PvE, they just broken PvP. This isn't about "all those years", those changes are recent.

    And I don't want dot treatment here, I want them to think on counterplays. But if they don't want to do counterplays, then fine, reduce the damage by 30-40% on the board and that's gonna be fine too. I just don't understand why DoT skill have to do 2 times less damage than DoT proc. It makes no sense balance-wise.
  • Ocelot9x
    I don't get how can people can seriously defend procs.

    1) No sets like seventh/bsw/mechanical/new moon is bad but it's a small price to pay, and I pay it gladly

    2) Procs are the Xv1 crutch. Barring Crimson Twilight most procs are designed to put single target pressure. That's why small scalers usually play stat builds, because you can nuke more than one player at once. Using Procs is admitting you need external help to kill someone in a 1v1 scenario.

    3) The "unkillable" potato smasher builds are allowed by Procs (even stat Procs). You can't build for 35k+ hp expecting to have enough damage to kill someone cape of pressing few buttons with stat sets.

    4) Meta change. Complaining about old dlc set being unusable makes no sense. You don't own anything on this game, you're paying to access a service. I have like 20 golden out sets only from dlcs and if I can't use them but i get to enjoy a balanced pvp I won't complain.

    5) Class balance should not be achieved from sets, period. If a class is underperforming you should buff that class, not providing cancer builds (hello magblade with caluurion/flame blossom).
    Another example is magcro. I tried run the cheese vateshran/blackrose/zaan/eternal vigor and was disgusting. I could beat people who are better than me on my magcro without even sweating. Then I switched to stat sets and I lost, as it should have been from the start. Does magcro need a buff? Undoubtedly. Does i need to learn how to play magcro? Absolutely.

    I'm kinda tired of all the mental gymnastics on the forum to defend something as bad as proc sets. No real pvper will ever defend them. It would be better if all of those people just admit that they were so used to being carried with low effort that now they feel lost.

  • StarOfElyon
    I just don't like sets that do work for you. I don't like sets that do damage or save you like some kind of built-in AI assistant. Sets that buff or enhance a player based on actions they perform (like using an ultimate or a skill), I can deal with.

    For example: I never used Spell Strategist but I never had an issue with it because it was up to the opponent to deal damage still. But Caluurion's is a POS set that does damage for you just for light attacking. **** that type of proc set.

    If your sets gives you a damage done bonus or a healing done bonus after roll dodging, cool.
    If your set heals you or does damage to me after you roll dodge, screw that set -- keep it out of PVP!
  • Canned_Apples
    Roztlin45 wrote: »
    The no proc change restricts builds that people have bought and paid for.Regardless of you like it or not, no other business can just take away something like this without an alternative. People bought the dlc, expansion and gold for gear to use in pvp. I agree some sets like zaan should have never been pvp but they were. Now you can't just yank the rug out from under your customers. This was not thought out from a business perspective. The correct approach is to create a non proc pvp area like no cp.
    Yes. 100%
    Because if past mmos have taught us anything, it’s that mmos never make any changes that will remove old and broken mechanics.

    I wish they’d remove proc sets from BGs too. Or add a separate queue for those that want to run around with 100k health light attacking each other to death.
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