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What monster set would you replace maw of the infernal with?

So my magcro is running Julianos/Medusa/Sellistrix (for mobs)/Maw (for single target/boss). Sometimes It seems like it takes 10 light attacks to get the Daedra to show up....what's a good alternate set for a boss (not Skoria...8% proc is meh).
  • El_Borracho
    Zaan. But you'll have to run vet Scalecaller. Grothdarr is easier to get, but its an AOE attack.

    Since its a magcro, Ilambris could work as magcro deals both fire and lightning attacks, depending on the build. Its easy to get, too.
  • DigiAngel
    Thanks as always @El_Borracho ...I don't have the DLC (yet) for Zaan....I do have both Ilambris and Grthdarr already as well as toying around with the idea of Nerien'eth which I have as well. I'm just picturing fighting a boss with a group and wanting to cause as much damage as possible at a safer distance ;) I have to admit I DO like seeing the Daedroth continued to cause damage without being impacted by whatever the boss is doing. I'll have to play around as usual :)
  • El_Borracho
    Nerien'eth would work too. But if you are looking for range, Maw is going to be the best as Zaan and Grothdarr have a distance attached to either the proc requirement or the range of the damage done. I've found it best to wear a monster set that will be most effective for bosses. Trash mobs are trash for a reason.

    Don't take this the wrong way but I'm guessing you might still be working out a rotation. Once you tighten up the light attacks, the Maw will proc a lot more. And if you are using a lightning staff/heavy attack rotation, each tick of the heavy attack has a chance to proc the Maw, unlike the "wind up" on inferno or ice staff heavy attacks.
  • QuebraRegra
    Nerien'eth would work too. But if you are looking for range, Maw is going to be the best as Zaan and Grothdarr have a distance attached to either the proc requirement or the range of the damage done. I've found it best to wear a monster set that will be most effective for bosses. Trash mobs are trash for a reason.

    Don't take this the wrong way but I'm guessing you might still be working out a rotation. Once you tighten up the light attacks, the Maw will proc a lot more. And if you are using a lightning staff/heavy attack rotation, each tick of the heavy attack has a chance to proc the Maw, unlike the "wind up" on inferno or ice staff heavy attacks.

    why does Nerien'eth fell like crud? is it the delay? the hit seems lackluster... can't figure it out. Relegated to an alt of an alt :(
  • El_Borracho
    Nerien'eth would work too. But if you are looking for range, Maw is going to be the best as Zaan and Grothdarr have a distance attached to either the proc requirement or the range of the damage done. I've found it best to wear a monster set that will be most effective for bosses. Trash mobs are trash for a reason.

    Don't take this the wrong way but I'm guessing you might still be working out a rotation. Once you tighten up the light attacks, the Maw will proc a lot more. And if you are using a lightning staff/heavy attack rotation, each tick of the heavy attack has a chance to proc the Maw, unlike the "wind up" on inferno or ice staff heavy attacks.

    why does Nerien'eth fell like crud? is it the delay? the hit seems lackluster... can't figure it out. Relegated to an alt of an alt :(

    Nerien'eth can be improved in the damage output with your CP setup. But, its starting point is lower than other sets, which means the other sets that start at a higher baseline have more potential damage than Nerien'eth. Think about Selenes. It says it will put out 13,364 damage, but after allocating CP points and with group buffs it will routinely hit in the 25K and above range.

    You have identified what I think is its weakness, the delay. Add in the small range and it can be rendered ineffective with any boss that doesn't stand still. It might be more effective if it exploded immediately or tracked its target. But I don't think its as good as Ilambris

    Here's an thread about it from last year:

    Edited by El_Borracho on March 3, 2021 12:48AM
  • DigiAngel
    Thanks @El_Borracho! So I think I took your "guessing you might still be working out a rotation" exactly as you said it :) I took a look at the lightning as well and sure enough....a constant heavy procs Maw pretty consistently, so I'm gonna be running Arx until I get a lightning staff since I can see this being useful against a boss.

    As for my rotation....<sigh>....well...I have a modded:


    whereas I've dropped in inner light, which replaces harness magicka and mystic orb, and then changed channeled acceleration for degeneration. Here is in all honesty exactly what I do for my rotation:

    Degeneration -> Unstable wall of elements -> unnerving boneyard -> swap bar -> skelatal arcanist -> stalking blastbones -> richochet skull -> light -> stalking blastbones -> light > richochet skull -> etc..

    It really seems like I fire off all the DoT items first, and THEN finally start a rotation of sorts. Clearly I have this wrong. I think my brain tells me "don't waste time with light attacks while the DoT's are initially ticking away".

    I'll keep analyzing...not gonna lie ESO has been a wonderful diversion doing this pandemic. Thanks as always.
  • Juhasow
    Ilambris combines well with rapid rot passive on necro.
  • DigiAngel
    Thank you...I ran that for a while and it was neat to see the amount of DoT/AoE Ilambris had. Sellitrix allows my Magcro to just sit in the middle of the crowd, take a hit, and watch everyone fall down while the skeletal arcanist fires away ;)
  • El_Borracho
    @DigiAngel I'm familiar with that build as I run a variation of it. Mag necro is one of the harder builds to sustain even when you are hitting all the light attacks. The cast times and the animations of the skills also make a rotation more difficult than a magsorc or a magblade. It will come with time and gameplay. Two things necro-specific I have found: make sure you are hitting the targeting button when fighting a boss with the necro. I've noticed blastbones and the tether get kind of picky when you don't and won't always fire. Second, you must keep the tether up as much as you can or your DPS will take a big hit.

    Everyone was once where you are now, just starting to figure out how DPS works when it comes to sets, skills, and rotation. Hate to tell you but there is no shortcut to big DPS numbers. Best piece of advice I ever got was slow your rotation down. Players tend to rush it, especially in harder content. The basic way to learn a LA rotation is to hit your LA first, then hit the skill so you can see on the screen how the animation cancelling works. Its NOT the other way around. If you do skill then LA, there is a good chance you will cancel the skill itself this early on. Once you get that down you can work on speeding it up.

    Good luck as always
  • DigiAngel
    Great advice thank you so much. I just started the la first thing last night and noticed a difference almost instantly. I have indeed gotten in the habit of targeting the boss first because I too have seen that blastbones and the tether don't always fire when I press the mouse button.

    Side note...would love to know what your modded build is :)
  • QuebraRegra
    DigiAngel wrote: »
    Thanks @El_Borracho! So I think I took your "guessing you might still be working out a rotation" exactly as you said it :) I took a look at the lightning as well and sure enough....a constant heavy procs Maw pretty consistently, so I'm gonna be running Arx until I get a lightning staff since I can see this being useful against a boss.

    As for my rotation....<sigh>....well...I have a modded:


    whereas I've dropped in inner light, which replaces harness magicka and mystic orb, and then changed channeled acceleration for degeneration. Here is in all honesty exactly what I do for my rotation:

    Degeneration -> Unstable wall of elements -> unnerving boneyard -> swap bar -> skelatal arcanist -> stalking blastbones -> richochet skull -> light -> stalking blastbones -> light > richochet skull -> etc..

    It really seems like I fire off all the DoT items first, and THEN finally start a rotation of sorts. Clearly I have this wrong. I think my brain tells me "don't waste time with light attacks while the DoT's are initially ticking away".

    I'll keep analyzing...not gonna lie ESO has been a wonderful diversion doing this pandemic. Thanks as always.

    Good then.. So i wont be the only fool running ARX for the 100th time trying to get that neck to drop? :) Kinda wondering when everyone will start MEDUS farming in force with the upcoming changes (been farming it for months, before I even knew the changes were incoming). I like that I can run a HEAVY chest, and don't have to run trap/channeled on most of my MAG characters.

    I got lucky and got the lightning staff very early on.. I must have 100 rings by now :(
    Edited by QuebraRegra on March 3, 2021 7:24PM
  • GreenHere
    I know you said eww to Skoria, but fwiw it procs a LOT more than you might think; pretty much on cooldown -- if you have consistent damage ticking away. It's a solid set, because Penetration is essential if you're below cap and the proc itself never misses, which is obviously nice. And it is just as effective no matter the range or mobility that's required by the situation you're in -- which is a weakness many of the other sets suffer from (enemies walking out of area, distance to target = wasted procs, and so on).

    It might not look good on paper I guess, but if you've never tried it I encourage you to do so. Skoria is one of the GOATs.

  • DigiAngel
    @QuebraRegra LoL...ya welcome to my world. Oddly rings and neck I had no problem...and I *think* I actually deconstructed the lightning staff a while ago when I wasn't looking at the set :( The inferno staff took moons though.

    @GreenHere Thanks.....yet another reason why I REALLY need some way to get actual metrics/stats...I have the Skoria set...I guess I give it another look see...most likely in ARX :smiley:
  • QuebraRegra
    DigiAngel wrote: »
    @QuebraRegra LoL...ya welcome to my world. Oddly rings and neck I had no problem...and I *think* I actually deconstructed the lightning staff a while ago when I wasn't looking at the set :( The inferno staff took moons though.

    @GreenHere Thanks.....yet another reason why I REALLY need some way to get actual metrics/stats...I have the Skoria set...I guess I give it another look see...most likely in ARX :smiley:

    I remember YEARS ago Skoria was BIS for long time.. I'm not sure what happened (because pen cap was easier to reach in champion system maybe)? Honestly it still looks good on paper. Hmm, I might have to farm a new one tonight (CITY OF ASH 2 is the daily), as I think I only have a heavy.

    You got crazy lucky with the the neck... it can only be dropped by the end boss, or from a chest.

  • GreenHere
    You're on PC, right @DigiAngel? Combat Metrics makes it all pretty easy to compare numbers. AUI has a decent damage analyzer component too, if you're using it (or need the best minimap addon around).

    Just remember all those little non-numbery factors, though. Zaan is still king afaik, but only within range... on a single target only... as long as neither of you moves too much... if you're good about weaving... and so on.

    I'm not like a Skoria salesman or anything, but I was just having this discussion with a guildie the other day. It might be kind of middle-of-the-pack for damage (though it's still pretty good there, imo), but its versatility is what makes it so hard to beat. Stronger sets sacrifice said versatility, so it's largely situational which is best for your build.

  • DigiAngel
    LOL....Skoria salesman..that's awesome. I don't mind the Draedoth...just that it's ONLY single target...swipes every 2 seconds...and sometimes it's frankly annoying (Banished Cells II leaps to mind.."is that YOUR flame??? Or one of the other Daedroth???). I know over time it does top damage (5K per attack at around 7 attacks per instance is pretty beefy), but still...bleh. I think Degeneration/Unstable Wall w/inferno/Unnerving Boneyard might have a better than average chance to proc with magic/flame/frost damage. I'll try it out tonight...and see what happens.

    And yes..PC...I have AUI and have tried to take a quick peek after a boss fight...sometimes I get good info, sometimes I get "waiting for combat to finish", so it's not always what I need...but it's something at least.

    Lastly, I'm..kind of doing my "build within my means"...I know False God's/Zaan is supposed to be best in slot, but I have neither of those DLC's...and getting a DLC just for a single set seems like a waste of money to me. I know they'll be more content, but eh....I'm actually really enjoying dungeons and trials (when I can get in a group at least) and now just zoom through the remaining overland content I have. Thanks for the great comments :)
  • GreenHere
    DigiAngel wrote: »
    LOL....Skoria salesman..that's awesome. I don't mind the Draedoth...just that it's ONLY single target...swipes every 2 seconds...and sometimes it's frankly annoying (Banished Cells II leaps to mind.."is that YOUR flame??? Or one of the other Daedroth???). I know over time it does top damage (5K per attack at around 7 attacks per instance is pretty beefy), but still...bleh. I think Degeneration/Unstable Wall w/inferno/Unnerving Boneyard might have a better than average chance to proc with magic/flame/frost damage. I'll try it out tonight...and see what happens.

    And yes..PC...I have AUI and have tried to take a quick peek after a boss fight...sometimes I get good info, sometimes I get "waiting for combat to finish", so it's not always what I need...but it's something at least.

    Lastly, I'm..kind of doing my "build within my means"...I know False God's/Zaan is supposed to be best in slot, but I have neither of those DLC's...and getting a DLC just for a single set seems like a waste of money to me. I know they'll be more content, but eh....I'm actually really enjoying dungeons and trials (when I can get in a group at least) and now just zoom through the remaining overland content I have. Thanks for the great comments :)

    I feel ya. I wouldn't want to buy a DLC just for sets either; especially since differences are usually like ~5-10% at the top end (which I don't really occupy, personally). The differences in damage/sustain vs similar sets is seldom enough to fret over, imo.

    I've always favored rocking my own setups, too. I build for strength & flavor, instead of worrying about what's BiS or meta. I'm still rocking BSW + Silks of the Sun on my MagDK, and I have no problems clearing vet content. Skoria or Grothdarr are my usual picks for that character. So no DLC required at all. This setup is going on 4 years old, and still does fine. :P

    I love AUI for some features, but Combat Metrics really is the gold standard for combat data & insight. Give it a look, if you haven't already! It's not as daunting as it seems on first glance. :)

  • DigiAngel
    Thank you!!
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