[EN/DE/FR] ESO-Skillfactory: The multilingual skillplanner for ESO!

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
Hello guys,

@Keldor and me proudly present: Our german skillplanner which is now available in English and French with patch version 2.0.8! We will soon update the planner for all three languages with patch 2.1

>> Here you can check out the eso-skillfactory! <<

Please let me show you, what awaits you:

About the project
The eso-skillfactory was born, when Keldor and I talked about the idea of a skillplaner a few months ago. Together we build a german skillplanner, because that's our mother-tongue. But a few months later we began to work on the EN and FR version, because we want to share our project with all ESO-players!

Things to discover
No matter where you are, you can always access the profil-box, the language-option and our other projects like eso-schatzsucher.de (DE), eso-database.com (DE/EN) or eso-lfg.com (DE/EN/FR).

1. This is the mainpage of the eso-skillfactory. Here you can check out the latest news & updates and read something about the project. You can also see the latest 5 builds with a small language-flag.


2. On the "Find build"-page, you can find builds from other players with filters. You can also customize the list by organize the builds (p. e. likes, user, patchversion and more).


3. The "Skill Calculator"-Button directs you to the real mainpage of our skillplanner. Here you can create your own build. You can set your skillpoints until you reach the maximum. You can also set attribut-points (Magicka/Stamina/Health), your mundus-stone and the number of light/medium/heavy armor. The special highlight of our skillplanner is the Championsystem, where you can set your points in any way you like. In addition to that, you can save your build, reset the skillpoints or read our "help" to find out how many skillpoints you can reach in the game.


To save your build, just set one skillpoint and then the button "save build" will be appear. When you hit this button, you can type in a description, title and more. You can also decide to make your build private (hidden for other players) or public (all players are able to find your build).


4. In the section "my builds" you are able to see your own builds. You can edit or delete and sort them according to certain criteria (p. e. likes, skillpoints and more).


5. With the "Favourite"-Function you can put the best skills (in your own opinion) into your Favourite-List and can find them very fast via your profile-box.


6. Important to know:
  • No cost for your: Our site is 100% free to use, without any hidden cost. It's a fan-project and we love to work with!
  • No advertising on the site that sucks

7. Other functions:
  • Banners to link our project in your own forum (we would be very happy about that!)
  • Support with our contact-formular on the site
  • If you like to help or support us, you can donate a small amount via paypal or banktransfer or you can help us with translation-corrections. And of course you can help us VERY much with your own builds, just create them!

8. Special thanks:

Keldor and me are veeeeeeeery happy that some of the EN- and FR-Communitymembers helped us for a long time. So thanks very much to the following members:
  • French-Translation: @Anjali and @RoyJade for helping us for a few weeks, that was VERY great work. And also @Ynehairte who helps us with the legal notices and other small corrections.
  • English-Translation: @Scamandros, @Rosveen and @Iluvrien for have a look over the whole website to check out mistakes and sentences.


So, check out ESO-Skillfactory.com!
Edited by ZOS_Kevin on November 7, 2024 11:07AM
  • trellor
    Yeah... i like this Web Project ...
    its coool man :smiley:
    Dolchsturz / Arkays Zirkel / PC / CP Cap+
    Fortis et Liber

    Wann kann man endlich Dremora Nekromanten spielen die auf Spinnen oder Käfern reiten? ;-)
  • Deltia
    This is amazing, I'll be spreading the word.
    In-game @deltiasgaming | deltiasgaming.com for Elder Scrolls Online [ESO / TESO] Guides
    "It's a good day to be alive"
  • Nestor
    This looks very good. Not just the information, but also in the way it is presented. Good job.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Chufu
    Some of you (also Deltia, who presented his "toxic tornado"-build :smile:) has posted their skill-builds on our site. Thanks for your work.

    At the moment we are working to update the skills to 2.1.5. But the new icons for the weapon-skills are already finished.

    Just check it out and have fun with this ESOTU-skillplanner (multilingual): ESO-Skillfactory.com
  • Chufu
    Today we've changed the look of the overview of the championpoints:

  • Chufu
    Hello guys,

    our skillplanner is now actual for all 3 languages for patch 2.3.8 (in DE/EN/FR).

    In addition to that we've implemented some improvements:
    • Your own builds can now be copied directly in your "My builds" (in your profile, when you are registered)
    • The button "save build" is now always displayed
    • You can now click directly on a morph without activating the basic-skill before
    • With one click on the button "championsystem" you get now to the overview of champion trees (fixed a bug)
    • It is now possible to filter the skills for a username
    • Pictures in build-descriptions and comments can now be opened with one click in a new window (there is a small magnifying glass on the picture)

    We also plan to release the skillplanner in japanese, so if you know anyone who speaks japanese and DE, EN or FR, then let us know :smile:

    >> Here you can go to our project: The skillplanner "ESO-skillfactory.com"! <<
  • Chufu
    A small update: We've got the skills of the Dark Brotherhood for you (some icons are missing).

    Visit our site here, if you wanna test it: http://www.eso-skillfactory.com/en/build-planer

    Edited by Chufu on April 27, 2016 8:16PM
  • Chufu
    Hello guys,

    we plan to offer also the language "japanese" for our multilingual-skillplanner, which is atm in DE/EN/FR available.

    So if you know any japanese player who knows japanese and DE or EN, please contact us for the translation of our site :smile:

    In addition to that it would be very nice to know @ZOS_GinaBruno and @ZOS_JessicaFolsom how we can get access to the japanese version of ESO. The other languages (DE/EN/FR) are available via the client, so that's the easiest version for us to screen the skills and type it into our skillplanner. But what about japanese?

    We would be thankful for every help :smile:
  • Chufu
    All english and german skills in the ESO-Skillfactory are updated to 2.4.4.

    If you want to know more about the changed skills, here is a small hint.

    Have a lot of fun with the brandnew Poison- and Diseaseskills of the classes Dragonknight, Templar and Nightblade and a lot of other skills!

    By the way: Soon we will implement a brandnew feature to our skillplanner: Sets of ESO. When we bring this feature, you will be able to add the sets in form of slots with enchants to your builds with your skills and championpoints and your weapon choice. Just a little bit patience, we'll inform you very soon on the news-site of the ESO-Skillfactory and here in this post, if the feature is ready for you!

    Please enjoy our "Dark Brotherhood"-Skillplanner, ESO-Skillfactory!
  • Chufu
    Here is a first screen of our new big feature for the ESO-Skillfactory.

    The following picture shows a small optical insight to our new "equipment"-tool. You will be able to add then your equipment to your build, p.e. for showing your sets or weapons.

    By the way: We've got 32,884 items of the game (Armor, Weapons and more) in our database.

    Information: At the moment, this feature is still in progress. So the look may change. The screenshot was made on our developer-server.

    Edited by Chufu on June 12, 2016 6:57PM
  • Keldor
    A short update to the champion system:

    The champion skills are now on patch level 2.4.6 in all supported languages.

    Please note: I'm using a level 1 character for exporting the champion skill descriptions. There are some skills that has scaling enabled based on the character stats, for example the skill "Light armor focus" increases by 1 2 3 4 5 points.

    Hopefully ZOS will provide percentage values for all skills in future so we can show the percentage values instead of the current level 1 character values.

    ESO-Database.com (Steam Deck Client | System Status)
    - Character and Guild Database for ESO with data collection AddOn and Windows Client for automatically data transfers. (DE/EN)
    - Elder Scrolls Online skill calculator with Championsystem! (DE/EN/FR)
    ESO-Database Game Data API
    - API for AddOn developers to fetch game related data like Chest positions etc.

    More AddOns: ESO Farm-Buddy, ESO-Skillfactory.com Build Export, All AddOns by Keldor
  • Chufu
    Hello guys,

    as you maybe known of ESO-DB.com, Keldor has quit his ESO-time and the projects.

    So I will still take care of the ESO-Skillfactory. Therefore, we're transfer the server and the ESO-skillfactory will not be available at this time. This can last until 48 hours.
  • Chufu
    Hello guys,

    the skillplanner is now up to date (patch 2.5.8).

    In addition to that, we've implemented a small new feature, because some skills in ESO will now be ingame shown with a "role" (tank, healer, dd). You can check out all of these abilities with a role in our ESO-Skillfactory, here is an example:

  • Chufu
    Skillplanner is now updated with PTS 2.6.0 and also the new weapon-ultimates.

    >> Watch the new abilities on ESO-Skillfactory.com! <<

  • Chufu
    The ESO-Skillfactory is now updated to 2.7.4 (actual PTS Patch) for englisch and german. French will be updated soon.

    So if the servers will be down tomorrow because of patch 2.7.5 (Update 13), you are welcome to inspect the skills in our skillplanner or create you own builds and save them!

    Did you know: When you already have a build on our site, you can edit it and save it again to update it to the newest patch.

    We wish you a lot of fun while creating your builds on ESO-Skillfactory.com!
  • Chufu
    We've implemented the warden into the skillplanner. You are now able to read the warden skills or create your own warden and share your build with other players or save it into your profile (if you are registered).

    Check it out on ESO-Skillfactory.com!

    Thanks to gossi on reddit for the informations!
    Edited by Chufu on March 3, 2017 7:17AM
  • Chufu
    Hey guys,

    we've updated our skillplanner with the warden skills (descriptions and passives). Only morphs are missing (unknown atm).

    You're welcome to read the skills or to create your special own Warden-Build on ESO-Skillfactory.com!
  • Chufu
    Most of the morphs of the warden are now available in our skillplanner ESO-Skillfactory.com (EN/DE/FR)!

    In addition to that we've implemented a small, but cool feature:

    - Magicka costs of abilities are now blue
    - Stamina costs of abilities are now green
    - Ultimate costs of abilities are now normal

  • Chufu
    Hey guys,

    the informations of ESO-Live yesterday and the new icons for the warden-skillline "Animal Companion" are now in our skillplanner, p. e. the Costs, Range, etc.

    Have fun and explore our ESO-Skillfactory and we love to see your Warden-Builds!
  • Chufu
    The informations about all 3 skilllines of the warden are now implemented in our ESO-Skillfactory.

    Have fun while planning and exploring your builds!

    Btw: We're still working on the itemization-feature for your builds. If you want to help us in a way, you can PM me with the sets, you would like to see very soon for your builds, otherwise we will implement the popular ones first and then all the other nice stuff!
    Edited by Chufu on April 15, 2017 1:52PM
  • Chufu
    The ESO-Skillfactory (English version) is now up to date with Wrathstone 4.3.6.

    The german and french versions are still in progress.

    Have fun with building your builds!
  • Chufu
    All the necro-skills are now available in our ESO-Skillfactory (a skillplaner for all classes and abilities) in EN, DE and FR.

    Together with those, ESO has now 825 skills in total (passives, actives + morphs and ultis).


    Have fun with planning your necro-builds!
  • Chufu
    The ESO-Skillfactory has now a new feature: new alignments can be selected for your builds. So I've added a few new ones like "no CP" and "CP" and battlegrounds and levels 10-49. You can adjust these new alignments as you edit your builds, create new ones, or search for skills. Many thanks to @Keldor, who has granted this feature.

    If you have any suggestions or you have any ideas, feel free to contact us directly via our contact form or here in the thread.


    At the moment I am working on the Necromancer Skills for the actual PTS version for EN and FR. After that I'll continue to work on all skills for all three languages for Elsweyr.

    Have fun with creating your builds on ESO-Skillfactory.com!
  • Chufu
    Hey dear community,

    the skills and champion points can now be updated quite easily via add-on in ESO-Skillfactory.com. @Keldor has built a small export addon for this.

    You can already see the result at https://www.eso-skillfactory.com/en/build-planer. If you notice any discrepancies, please report them here or via the contact form on the page.

    We are currently looking at suggestions from the community, such as the equipment feature. :)
  • Chufu
    Hey guys,

    there are some great new features in the ESO-Skillfactory:
    • Patch status updated to 5.3.5
    • On https://www.eso-skillfactory.com/en/skills you can now find a list of all skills. You can also search for specific skills there. If you click on a skill, it will be displayed, you will also see the name in German, English and French and you will be informed whether it is a passive, active, ultimate skill or a morph.
    • Performance improvements on the page, e.g. at Tooltips
    • Active abilities are now quadrangular, passive abilities are round (just like in the game, before they were all round)
    • The champion point system has been improved. You will now find a limit per champion tree (previously you could award more points than you could achieve in the game, we fixed this bug). In addition, there is now an arrow left and right in each champion tree with which you can easily jump to the previous / next tree. When distributing the champion points you can see the change in values ​​directly, this now works better thanks to the performance improvements.

    From now on you can also join our ESO Skillfactory Discord if you would like to get rid of things quickly and easily or want to chat / discuss with us. Since our mother tongue is German, you have the channels German and English here (no French). You can of course always send us suggestions, ideas or errors here in the forum or via our contact form on ESO-Skillfactory.

    Have fun, we look forward to your builds!
  • Chufu
    We have now updated ESO-Skillfactory.com with the latest patch status (Greymoor 6.0.5) for all three languages (FR, EN, DE).

    So if you are interested in the new vampire skills, the adapted werewolf skills and the new Antiquities skill lines, feel free to take a look. You will also find builds that were created by our users and you can also continue to create your own and play around with the skills. :)

    Have fun with us and continue in Tamriel!
    Edited by Chufu on May 28, 2020 4:31PM
  • Chufu
    Hello everyone, we have integrated a great new feature in the testing phase. On ESOUI you can now find the "ESO-Skillfactory.com Build Export" AddOn. With the help of this AddOn you can easily transfer skills, champion points and much more into the skill planner with a single chat command.

    You can install the AddOn either via Minion or manually via the following link: https://www.esoui.com/downloads/info2899-ESO-Skillfactory.comBuildExport.html

    In the game, enter the command /skillfactory export. A dialog to open the skill planner URL will appear.


    We would appreciate your feedback on the new feature. You can leave bug reports in our ESO-Skillfactory-Discord #support channel or let us know with the contact form on this website.

    P.S.: We are now also able to update the skill planner quickly and easily, so that you can see the latest patch version in the skill planner pretty quickly after live updates.
    Edited by Chufu on January 17, 2021 11:01AM
  • Chufu
    Hello everyone,

    We have been working on the new set feature for the ESO-Skillfactory.com for some time and would like to give you a first look.

    In the future you will find the "Sets" tab in addition to the "Skills" and "Champion System" tabs. Under this tab you can select the appropriate set parts for the build. A clear overview is generated from this for saved skills.

    Here are the first thumbnails, we are currently still working on the new CP system and would then publish the set system together with the new CP system (as far as the plan):




    We would be very happy to receive your feedback on this feature and if you have any further ideas, please let us know!

    All the best!
  • Chufu
    Hello my dears,

    again a big update after Keldor has been tinkering with it for a while, but now the last things have been implemented!
    • The announced equipment feature in which you can put together your sets.
    • The new champion system including the possibility to hold the mouse down or to unlock the next rank immediately with Shift + mouse click.
    • Update of the skills to the Blackwood Chapter or the last patch (7.0.7).

    Feel free to go to ESO-Skillfactory.com to try out new builds or edit your existing ones.

    We wish you a lot of fun
    Chufu and Keldor
    Edited by Chufu on July 9, 2021 3:24PM
  • Chufu
    Hello guys,

    You can now also try out the arcanist in our skill planner and create builds for it or read through the skills.

    In addition, we would also like to announce that we have been updating the skill planner automatically from the live client for quite some time, i.e. you should always find the current skills on the page. For the arcanist, we have now extracted the skills from the PTS, since this is not yet found on the live client.

    Feel free to go to ESO-Skillfactory.com to try new builds or edit the ones you already have.

    We wish you a lot of fun
    Chufu and Keldor

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