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Vet Vateshran, Stamblade, Final Boss advice

  • Jeremy
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    Chrysa1is wrote: »
    If i choose sustain, i lose damage, if i choose damage, i lose sustain. Seeing as this is literally a stupid dps race. You can't afford sustain.

    It isn't. The only part that's a dps race is the tether add, which as a NB you can bypass entirely. Just kill focus the adds. Barely worry about the boss. She dies easy and will teleport to you often to soak up aoe damage. The only ones that should dps race it down are the ones with the dps to bypass mechanics.

    While you can't get away with like a tank build, the dps needed is pretty much at a medium level. Totally doable without 70k+ dps. It just requires pacing.

    It's a DPS race in the sense you have to be able to kill the adds in a timely fashion - otherwise you will get overwhelmed by them, especially when the tether phase starts. Trying to stay alive while a Collosus, Slime, Archer, Mage and Fire Wizard are all pelting you while trying to take out the shade is not going to end up well for most players. So the faster you can kill the adds before the shades appear the better, and ultimately the easier this fight is going to be. This is definitely a fight where the best defense is a good offense.

    The issue is a lot of the people who comment on these forums are used to doing 70k+ dps which is well beyond the average player. So what you consider to be "medium level" dps (let's say 20k) is probably closer to what most players do on their best DPS character. So many posters on this board end up being indifferent to the DPS requirements of this fight when in fact they're actually quite high. This forum - like most MMO forum boards - always tend to become overrepresented at the top end. So it may not seem like a lot of damage is necessary to burn down the adds to you, but to a lot of us it is... trust me. haha
    Edited by Jeremy on December 25, 2020 8:24AM
  • LadyLethalla
    Chrysa1is wrote: »
    My stamblade can't even make it past the first area boss. Even with the PO ring. Right now I can't muster the enthusiasm to try to get any further.

    Which portal/area did you do first? And how far did you get?

    Welp, as I doubt I will get to the final boss I started on the green portal in order to get the relevant achievements done, the plan then being to abandon the quest after that portal boss and start afresh on the next one, then do the same on the third portal. Yes, I know about the essences, and yes I know as a stam build I should be starting with the blue portal, but again, I don't think I would be able to get all three portals done and get to the final boss let alone clear it. I can clear VMA but definitely can't get Flawless.
    Sets I'm using Briarheart and Vicious Ophidian.
    Edited by LadyLethalla on December 25, 2020 8:50AM
    x-TallyCat-x // PC EU DC - For the Covenant! // ESO Platinum trophy - 16th May 2017.
    Melbourne Australia - the land of Potato Internet.WTB ESO OCEANIC SERVER
  • Ringing_Nirnroot
    You should try stamplar for ez mode, completed it with mine using deadly, Selene, relequen. The ring and buffs helped a lot
  • Jaimeh
    I've done it on 4 classes so far and I have to stay stamblade had a harder time in there. A few things that can help: for sustain, are you using VO? You can consider adding a regen glyph on your jewellery, and also, if you are getting the orb buffs for health and stamina, you can use 'parse food' (the lava foot food that gives you max stam and stam regen) for the last boss. As for which things to focus: you can go slow on the last boss at the start of the fight, meaning you can focus down all the colossi, BUT that also means you will get the shade mechanic, since you are taking it slow. I didn't use the shade teleport trick, you could try it, but imo, the shade will go down fast if you throw the AoEs in its path, and then focus it. One thing with stamNB is the lack of cleave damage, that's why it fares worse in there. I used 2h with brawler to get the benefit of the shield, but damage is lackluster compared to dual weild. Presumably after the first shade mechanic, you won't get another, and it will be time to go to the islands, I found this order helped: lightning, minotaur, fire. When you get back, try to target the boss as much as you can, so you can drop her health without gettting another shade mechanic. If you beat the colossi at the start, then you will only get one at a time, I believe, so the adds won't pile up so much. Then it will be time for the second island, and if it's the minotaur, make sure to have a healing set on you, like briarheart, or the ring of the pale order, and you can stay in range even when it does its ground quake/lava. Then rinse and repeat for the last island. When you come back up from the last one, focus the boss, and only be mindful of the flame throwers for bashing, you can use the defensive sigil if you need as well. I hope this was helpful, good luck!
    Edited by Jaimeh on December 25, 2020 10:48AM
  • zvavi
    You could use the archer morph of shade to teleport through the wall essentially ignoring it.
  • Colecovision
    I'm a middle class player who struggles with dps and cleared this vet arena. I main stamblade and haven't even tried this arena with any other classes. My overall dps with this build is 25k on a 3m test dummy. So nothing like most of the posters here.

    It's Khajiit - Briarheart - Maelstrom bow - VO - Pale Order and my one extra piece is the Gallant chain. It's an armor of the trainee quest reward. It's heavy armor with a reinforced trait. The extra health seems like overkill with the 5k you get from the orbs, but it all comes together when you ditch vigor and use dark cloak, which is based on max health. As a general rule the ring of pale order is quite overrated imo, but I did use it for this arena.

    I don't view this fight as a dps race outside of the chain. So I gear the entire fight around that and take my time the rest of the way. I get the target marked on the way over, hit PI if I'm far enough and then hit incap, relentles focus arrow, blood craze and then endless hail and power extraction have to be enough when the area gets crowded. If I do the first part right, it is. I did it wrong about 10 times, then I finally got the hang of it and haven't messed it up since. I guess as NBs we can just teleport out, but I don't plan on doing that.

    With all the over healing this build does, I just relax and kill everything else as it comes and make sure I'm ready for the chain. I tend to throw reapers and consuming trap on whatever is dying next. I get major brutality from power extraction, so I use crit, heal, stam potions.

    The meta guys don't roll like this, but this build can really take a beating and heal through just about anything that isn't set up as a one shot.

    In terms of getting gear, get the maelstrom bow in normal. With a tanky build, the bow will just kill stuff while you wait. Then do pug crag trials until you get VO. People will talk about huge dps numbers, but if everyone has 20k dps vet HRC is an absolute breeze. For Normal, it's just not that big of a deal. It's old content and I've never even done it with a planned group. Just pugs and I have all the gold VO jewelry I need.
  • itscompton
    Jeremy wrote: »
    itscompton wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Chrysa1is wrote: »
    itscompton wrote: »
    I really struggled with this fight at first too... but leaving and coming back another day really did help. The first time I fought this boss I had been playing for hours and I was just trying to power my way through and didn't have the patience left to start seeing the patterns that I saw when I started fresh.

    As for tips on the fight: Calling it a DPS race is a disservice to those not familiar with the fight. Unless you are so good you can put up a parse of 70K plus on a 3 mil dummy it's not about doing as much damage to the boss as you can as fast as you can, that's how you wind up getting overwhelmed with the voriplasm, archer/mage and a colossus at the same time you get a tether ad.
    At first burn the boss until it summons the voriplasm and archer/mage, get the voriplasm out of the way, work on archer/mage until tether is up, then kill that. Then after the first tether burn the boss as fast as possible until it calls a colossus. Switch focus to the colossus and the voriplasm to get them out of the way before the next tether ad. Rinse and repeat. Once you've got the right pacing the fight becomes somewhat easy until you have the flame caster from the red portal added to the mix.
    And if you're having trouble with sustain I'd suggest using "soul consuming trap", put in on the ads before you kill them and you'll have no issues with resources.

    Its going to take me more than 10 seconds to kill a colossus to reap the benefits of consuming trap. This in turn creates panic and costs more resources bevause i'll need tk cast it again. This is absolutely to do with how fast you kill an enemy and your dps.

    It is. This fight is all about having enough offense to keep the adds from piling up. I've tried all kinds of defensive strategies and none of them worked. That's why I hate this fight so much. It's one of those gimmicky bosses that rely on specific offensive builds to win at. So don't put yourself through the torture of trying to to defend yourself through this fight Chrysa. That's going to do nothing but cause you stress and pain. Trust me, I know. :(

    Get as much offense as you can for this one, especially if you have the ring of Pale Order. Hopefully a Nightblade will show up and give you some more specific strategies you can use to down the adds quickly enough.

    Sigh...bad advice. The voriplasm and archer/mage get summoned by doing damage to the boss, the colossus as well but it takes much more. Tether ads are on a timer. If you pace the fight correctly instead of just trying to focus the boss you won't get overwhelmed by having them summoned at the same time as a tether ad.

    I literally told that poster to focus on the adds and not to directly attack the boss unless all the adds are dead. And you are claiming I gave them supposed bad advice by telling them to just focus on the boss?


    No where in any of my comments did I even remotely tell that poster to try focusing on the boss. In fact: I was saying exactly the opposite. So I think you misunderstood me something.

    No but you did tell OP it's all about offense when you can do the whole fight with 15K DPS if you pace it correctly, only the very last phase would be tough because of the fire spinner hitting so hard, and if you're on a tankier setup then even that mechanic won't be so oppressive.
    Edited by itscompton on December 30, 2020 6:38PM
  • MrBrownstone
    I did it on my first try with my magsorc, almost no death. Then i tried on my stamnb, stuck on last boss just like you. Tried like 10 times, no hope. It is significantly harder as a melee class without any reliable self heal, don't worry.

    Guess i should farm that ring...
  • Hesperax79
    Provin915 wrote: »
    I don't have great weapons just random epic ones.

    All Veteran Arena is an endgame content. You need a decent gear, enchantment, rotation and CP. So do not start the game at the top, first climb the mountain.

  • UrbanMonk
    There is one more things which makes it Problematik for stam players is the resistances. For mag most of the boss and mobs have 12k spell resistance while for stam they have 18k physical. I fail to understand why this disparity while its easier to get higher pen values on a LA build than medium.
    Champion's Deis
    Maebroogha: 18200 Physical and 12103 Spell
    Shade Colossus: 18200 Physical and 12103 Spell
    Void Firehorn: 18200 Physical and 12103 Spell
    Void Dremora: 18200 Physical and 12103 Spell
    Void Chillfield: 18200 Physical and 12103 Spell
    Void Archer: 12103 Physical and 12103 Spell
    Void Flameshaper: 9100 Physical and 18200 Spell

    So for Stam players, you might want to recheck your penetration values solo for this particular boss fight.

    Pale Ring definitely makes the Arena easy but its not a must. But while learning it helps immensely.
    Edited by UrbanMonk on January 8, 2021 9:35AM

    -Monk I- Magden- ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    -Tsürügi- MagBlade- ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    -Bantam Bomber- MagPlar- AVA28
    -Hot Nöödle- MagDK - AVA37
    -Pablo Necrobar- StamCro- AVA24
    Easiest mDK for vMA and vVH-

    Balance for the Sake of Balance is no Balance at all.
  • fred4
    @Chrysa1is, did you ever complete it?

    I had trouble with my stam DK, because I was using the wrong build. vMA can be done with single-target builds. This is IMO not possible in the vVateshran finale. You need tons of AOE damage so that, when the "void comes for you", you can still DPS one of those adds down, even when there are other adds in the way. I tab-target, but it only helps a little.

    IMO you have to heal while attacking, e.g. Pale Order is a must. I'm talking about mere mortal players here, not ones who have so much DPS they bypass mechanics. Furthermore you should do the early sections in the order blue -> red -> green, so you get the 10K health and stamina buffs. In terms of the adds in the final arena, I leave the red section to last, e.g. the fire add.

    The main solution to everything is Brawler. I also have the Master's 2H, which ups the damage on Brawler the more things you hit. More targets = more damage = more healing and a bigger shield. It's important that you can keep damaging when the ring closes in on you and you don't get overwhelmed and pushed into defense at that point in time. While you can bypass mechanics using Shadow Image or, in the case of DK, Corrosive Armor, those are somewhat passive approaches that kind of prolong the agony.

    As a DK I use Arrow Barrage, Venomous Claw and Noxious Breath. As a nightblade I would probably experiment with Soul Trap, either morph, e.g. for sustain or AOE damage. If you don't have Vicious Ophidian, then Vengeance Leech may be something to consider, although any sustain set really.

    Be sure to use an Infused bow with a weapon damage enchant on the back bar and keep up Endless Hail / Arrow Barrage, so you get 100% uptime on the enchant. For what it's worth, this is my stam DK build. Since it's a "Brawler" build, it should carry over to other classes:
    PC EU: Magblade (PvP main), DK (PvE Tank), Sorc (PvP and PvE), Magden (PvE Healer), Magplar (PvP and PvE DD), Arcanist (PvE DD)
    PC NA: Magblade (PvP and PvE every role)
  • fred4
    Off the top of my head, I would adjust my build as follows for nightblade:

    Igneous Weapons -> Rally
    Noxious Breath -> Razor Caltrops for the pen or perhaps Soul Splitting Trap
    Venomous Claw -> Poison Injection or perhaps Consuming Trap for the sustain
    Volatile Armor -> NB Shade (either morph) or Dark Cloak
    Corrosive Armor -> Soul Siphon
    PC EU: Magblade (PvP main), DK (PvE Tank), Sorc (PvP and PvE), Magden (PvE Healer), Magplar (PvP and PvE DD), Arcanist (PvE DD)
    PC NA: Magblade (PvP and PvE every role)
  • NoSoup
    UrbanMonk wrote: »
    There is one more things which makes it Problematik for stam players is the resistances. For mag most of the boss and mobs have 12k spell resistance while for stam they have 18k physical. I fail to understand why this disparity while its easier to get higher pen values on a LA build than medium.
    Champion's Deis
    Maebroogha: 18200 Physical and 12103 Spell
    Shade Colossus: 18200 Physical and 12103 Spell
    Void Firehorn: 18200 Physical and 12103 Spell
    Void Dremora: 18200 Physical and 12103 Spell
    Void Chillfield: 18200 Physical and 12103 Spell
    Void Archer: 12103 Physical and 12103 Spell
    Void Flameshaper: 9100 Physical and 18200 Spell

    So for Stam players, you might want to recheck your penetration values solo for this particular boss fight.

    Pale Ring definitely makes the Arena easy but its not a must. But while learning it helps immensely.

    Wow - thanks for this, I've been targetting 18k on both my magic and stamina characters, this means I can drop the lover on my magic toons....
    Formally SirDopey, lost forum account during the great reset.....
  • MurtaghGrim
    When vateshran was released, I went in there without knowing that there are any buffs. Also got no PO ring on that first try

    My setup was VO and AY plus stormfist
    I got to the final stage, then I had a really hard time!
    Without the PO ring I had to focus the colossus or at least get him to execute range as fast as possible, with stamnb execute you can finish them pretty fast then if needed, so you don't have to deal with two of them at once (or at least notfor long time)

    As soon as the wall spawned I focused one of them, and tried to avoid any aoe because there is so much damage incoming
    I've tried for almost 2 hours, getting to the third phase sometimes but couldn't deal with all that incoming dmg
    So I changed gear for next try, went in with VO and briarheart plus stormfist
    Was pretty intense, but I was able to finish it after a few tries

    After that first clear, I looked for those buffs (extra stamina and hp) and put on the pale order ring
    And yes...pale order makes it easy mode

    I was able to get the spirit slayer because the PO...itvallows you to focus on doing dmg...and if you are fast enough, you can completely ignore machanics then (maybe kill first colossus), just burn down the boss

    Pale order ring is really a change!

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