Let me Restore Bleakrock Isle

Please don't flame me for this because I know this has been ask many times... but please write a quest where we can restore Bleakrock Isle. I love how it was at the beginning of the game and would never have done the quest that turned it into a burning town had I know that was going to happen. I only did the quest on my main character and never did it on any of my others. But when I take my main character back there it makes me sick to see it in ruins and burning.
ps...while you are at it...please make a small cottage for us to purchase or maybe earn if we complete the quest to restore the island....Jim
  • zvavi
    But...but... Doom and destruction...
  • Raideen
    I'd love a little cottage in Bleakrock Isle. I think your point about restoring it has merit as well. Perhaps they could tie the two together. We get a quest to help restore the area that then allows us to purchase a small home in the area for gold.
  • Girl_Number8
    I would hope they would do this. Nice post.
    Edited by Girl_Number8 on December 31, 2020 5:07PM
  • Dark_Lord_Kuro
    Maybe for a preview quest for an eventual solstheim dlc would be a good way to reintroduce the island
    Edited by Dark_Lord_Kuro on December 28, 2020 7:35PM
  • Iccotak
    Maybe for a preview quest for an eventual solstheim dlc would be a good way to reintroduce the island

    That's actually a great idea
  • dvcod
    These are all great ideas!!
  • ealdwin
    I'd have to imagine the Covenant wouldn't leave it burning for long. Such a location would make great sense for opening up more potential trade routes in the North-East of Tamriel. A garrison could even be set up on a different part of the island so a small navy could protect trading vessels from any pirate threats. (Why a pirate would setup in the Sea of Ghosts is beyond me... one would think the warmer climes of the Abecean Sea would be preferable)

    But yeah, I'd love a chance to help rebuild the settlement there with the blue lion banners flying high above it.
  • Ariont
    I'd love to be able to restore the island to pre quest condition. I did the same as OP, did the quest and hated what the end result was for the island. All of my other characters (9) have just left without destroying the island. Cottage for completing the quest to restore the island isn't necessary but would accept it if it were available.
  • ArchMikem
    dvcod wrote: »
    Please don't flame me for this because I know this has been ask many times...

    Many agree with you. There should've been a post questline Instance of Bleakrock where the Covenant was pushed back out and the villagers returned to rebuild.
    CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • SeaGtGruff
    Is there a downside to leaving Bleakrock Isle as-is and just taking a ship to Bal Foyen or whatever? I don't see any mention in the UESPWiki of any Skill Points for completing any of the Bleakrock Isle zone quests.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • Iccotak
    ealdwin wrote: »
    I'd have to imagine the Covenant wouldn't leave it burning for long. Such a location would make great sense for opening up more potential trade routes in the North-East of Tamriel. A garrison could even be set up on a different part of the island so a small navy could protect trading vessels from any pirate threats. (Why a pirate would setup in the Sea of Ghosts is beyond me... one would think the warmer climes of the Abecean Sea would be preferable)

    But yeah, I'd love a chance to help rebuild the settlement there with the blue lion banners flying high above it.

    Sounds like a great idea for a PvP zone
  • Monte_Cristo
    Maybe, once they're filled in all the map with playable zones, they'll make sequel zones, where you can only access them if you've finished that zone's story. So you can see what happens later. Maybe Bleakrock's sequel could be the Pact army taking it back from the filthy Dagger savages.
  • Monte_Cristo
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    Is there a downside to leaving Bleakrock Isle as-is and just taking a ship to Bal Foyen or whatever? I don't see any mention in the UESPWiki of any Skill Points for completing any of the Bleakrock Isle zone quests.

    Some of the survivors are found in later zones, and a quest in the Rift makes no sense if you haven't completed the Bleakrock/Bal Foyan story. Bal Foyan's main quests can't be done if Bleakrock's isn't finished, either.
  • SeaGtGruff
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    Is there a downside to leaving Bleakrock Isle as-is and just taking a ship to Bal Foyen or whatever? I don't see any mention in the UESPWiki of any Skill Points for completing any of the Bleakrock Isle zone quests.

    Some of the survivors are found in later zones, and a quest in the Rift makes no sense if you haven't completed the Bleakrock/Bal Foyan story. Bal Foyan's main quests can't be done if Bleakrock's isn't finished, either.

    Survivors showing up later isn't a big deal, considering the other ways that main characters are "mixed up" even without doing quests out of order-- like Abnur Tharn being at the Mages Guild as soon as you leave the starter zone even though he's still in the employ of Mannimarco, and Lyris Titanborn being at the Fighters Guild even though she's still held captive in Coldharbour.

    The important thing is that, as far as I can tell, you get no Skill Point(s) for completing the zone quests in Bleakrock Isle and Bal Foyen, so there's no serious downside to leaving those two zones as-is, assuming that doesn't stop you from doing zone quests in Stonefalls and beyond.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • EvilAutoTech
    I'd like to be able to build a little farmstead on Bleakrock after being able to restore it. They could give us construction and furnishing plans for Bleakrock dailies of dealing with bandit and/or dagger encampments.
  • wheresbes
    I fully agree I'd like to see the isle restored as well, and a house there would be cool!
  • BXR_Lonestar
    I would love this as well. Bleakrock is such a nice little island, but you have almost no reason to go there once you have completed the storyline. The island itself has the best crafting zone in the EP because everything is just right there, but it gets annihilated, and it ceases to be useful once you've moved on to Bal Foyen. Getting the chance to restore it would be awesome.
  • lardvader
    As all the other posts on the same topic; yes please! And also add a house there.
    CP 1200+ PC EU EP
  • dvcod
    Thanks for all the ideas and suggestions. I hope ZOS will at least look at this post and consider it. I am not to hopeful that it will happen but a response from them one way or the other would be nice!!
  • Dojohoda
    Bleakrock is very bleak, and I like your idea.
    Fan of playing magblade since 2015. (PC NA)
    Might be joking in comments.
  • SammyKhajit
    Would like to see the island restored. I never return after the main island quest is done. Too depressing.
  • dvcod
    Depressing is very accurate....but it seems Zos has no intention of making it possible to restore it. Such a shame.
  • dvcod
    Just wanted to say again that there has still been no response from Zos and probably never will be. I started ESOL during beta and remember visiting Bleakrock the first time and was impressssed how quaint and nice it was. I treasure those memories and now go back only to see it in flames. A small quaint house or cottage (not those gigantic give away homes) would be so special to spend time in if the island could be rebuilt and restored. I will not add another post to this page but it is so depressing that Zos doesnt care.
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