I wish that it could be acknowledged that we need a single skill point respec ability. I love the way that skill development is implemented, the massive amount of choices is just screaming for me to play around with builds, experiment, and try new things. Fun!
However, this eagerness is stifled by the rather massive cost and effort involved in refunding ALL your skill points - not to mention you have to keep track of the things you like and want to keep in addition to the ones you want to change.
People say "you get so many skill points in the end you can max out a lot", sure, but it would be nice to be able to play around with this while you are leveling up, and restricted on amounts of skill points, especially if you are also speccing into crafting to keep up with the materials you harvest, and the quest driven skills like persuasion.
Instead of having fun with the skill point building we are directed to level all the way to the end before having a meaningful interaction with the tree? Let people play around and learn what works and what doesn't as they level. Doing it the way it is now encourages cookie-cutter and FOTM builds because people won't dare mis-spec into something that is buggy or doesn't work as expected.
Having a more accessible skill point respec system, would also hopefully reward the playerbase with more knowledgeable players who had an opportunity to try different facets of their class.
So, I would love to see a single-point respec, or heck, skill line respec. The current model of refunding ALL your points just completely contradicts the cool implementation of skill progression.
Edited by Poposhka on April 22, 2014 7:16PM