I tend to switch between Bow and Spells in TES:V, so the idea of an Archer build in ESO has always been in my mind. I've seen the Bow Builds and I've seen how people work them in PvP. It's not impossible, but each time I've tried it, it's just so uncomfortable and clunky, at least in PvP. Most players you come across close to melee range and in long range I feel MagSorcs are dominant. I lasted a good ten minutes before I got fed up and threw my Daggers back on.
In PvE though it's so nice. Lethal Arrow > LA > Poison Inject two shots most Mobs. Sometimes your Lethal Arrow will crit for a one shot. When I went into the Manse Public Dungeon in the March to loot Bosses, LA weaving Arrow Spray at the mob clusters was utterly fantastic and made getting through a breeze compared to my single target DW bar.
Has anyone made a Bow Build work in both aspects of the game? And I mean that by not just being a 100% gank build in PvP.
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