Brave Cat Trade is now recruiting new members!
We are a trading guild with an emphasis on community & group events. We sometimes organise several special events with quizzes and scavenger hunts, where you can win some awesome prizes! We also offer a weekly Lottery with prizes up to & sometimes over a total
10,000,000g! This is an amazing community full of wonderful individuals who are always looking to help each other out. We have a solid
Guild Trader in Rawl'kha with weekly sales around
40 Million.
We offer a social atmosphere with excellent trading opportunities, and are looking to grow a farmer community.
We ask for a simple 5k donation a week. Donations also grants you tickets into the weekly lottery!
Of course, you can join regardless which Alliance & Race you play. I heard founder's first character was a dunmer, pfft.
We are also very pleased to announce our Guild Site:
Here you can find events, news & another handy way to apply to join!
If you are interested in joining us, please feel free to leave your GamerTag (Ex.
@Zolexi ) below, at, find us in game through the Guild Finder, or contact one of the Officers in game;
Welcome to you! Meow =^.^=