ESO Plus and maintenance or server problems...

  • Tinyfangs
    I feel compelled to write this down again. I am less worried about ESO+ compensation, but people have lost out on a chance to gain event tickets. It is very self centred of players who still got a chance to get in that day, to say 'well it worked out for me, so who cares for the rest', or the answer 'who wants an Indrik anyway' - well, some do, and/or whatever else the event shop offers.

    I have not encountered a game yet which managed to avoid downtime, but since my return something like 8 or 9 months ago, it felt rather regular that problems have arisen. Are we entitled to compensation? No, we agree to the game's terms, however, I personally feel as a customer that my investment should grant me a certain amount of curtesy and respectful treatment.
    The lack of communication and the absence of apologies irk me, and when I am not happy or feel unsafe with a company, my willingness to invest and support vanes. It is not just about ESO+. Most of my investment happens through the purchase of crowns, as I assume is the case for many of us, and this is something I will no longer continue.

    It saddens me, as I like to financially support whatever game I favour at a given time, but I am growing tired of the 'some players' notices, as well as the 'thank you for your patience' pats on the back. A sorry would be better, and most of all to see an end to the same issues over and over again.

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