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Already wan to quit after JUST coming back (Necromancer Rant)

Hello all,

So I came back after being away for a while, started up the Necromancer (New class to me along with the Warden), didn't like it at first, but after gaining some levels, opening up my skill lines more and more, I actually don't mind it, and seems like it can be potentially powerful.

Here's the thing I DO MIND though; Criminal Acts! It's not so much that I mind this, as it is an illegal magic type in the Elder Scrolls games, and it works well written down on paper. However, with the amount of guards in the city/towns/quest hubs that are literally there for NO REASON, because there is absolutely no open world PvP, and everyone knows it was simply done for "Flavour", which also isn't bad in paper, but the amount of guards by quest givers, and or where quests are is insane.

I just now got the feeling I want to quit this game due this factor. Ebonheart in Shadowfen, while trying to hand in, and complete the questline for "One Eye", not only did I have to run back and forth three different times, but each and every single attempt I ran into at least one guard, forcing me to reset the guard, only to try again, and guess what? If I fail to go unseen again, I'm wasting even more time resetting the guards yet again.

I remember back when they first added the ability to become a criminal added in killable Npc's, and guards, and the first thing players tried to do was kill the guards, but guess what, you can't, because they've invulnerable, and are merely spread out to *** people off, or get in the way.

Again, I don't mind guards being around, or Necromancy being illegal, even though 25% of the quests have you using spells and such right in FRONT of npc's. But for eff sake... tone down the amount of guards there actually are. I've become so frustrated this last 30 minutes trying to hand in the last portion of this quest, I'm just going to stop playing it all together right now.

Yes, I could also goto the black market and clear my bounty and criminal, and I don't mind paying the fee either, but now you're asking me to go through 2-3 more loading screens, teleporting back and forth, just to do so. I don't really feel like wasting the time going back and forth just so I can hand in one damned quest, because I happened to use a Necromancy spell in front of an Npc.
  • Humor
    And no, I don't mean Cyrodill "Open World PvP", that's instance based. Not sure how you edit posts...
  • Shepoffire
    How about when turning in a quest don't have your summons out? No reason for it

    Edit well didn't read most of this. I haven't had a single issue with getting told on or dealing with guards
    Edited by Shepoffire on July 28, 2020 4:16AM
  • Inyhel
    When you're starting out as a Necro it's the most annoying thing ever.
    I can only suggest not assigning criminal abilities to your cancel button, which is what causes the issue for me most the time.

    Being chased by guards, having to go to a thieves den and losing gold is frustrating as hell but you learn to avoid it over time. What's annoying is that the feature is added for "flavor", yet you can murder an NPC, stand over it's dead body and when people come walking over they don't give a *** or even acknowledge there's a dead ***ing body on the ground.
  • Dusk_Coven
    Humor wrote: »
    However, with the amount of guards in the city/towns/quest hubs that are literally there for NO REASON

    This is completely wrong. There are in fact not enough guards and they are not strong enough because the justice system is a joke right now. People around slaughtering all of Alinor even.
    If you insist on running around with a Bounty or having Criminal Act skills active, that's on you.
    Edited by Dusk_Coven on July 28, 2020 6:58AM
  • Ratinira
    There is an addon "no accidental stealing", I think. It also prevent you from casting illegal spells out of combat. Very useful for me.
    Edited by Ratinira on July 28, 2020 6:59AM
  • Inyhel
    Dusk_Coven wrote: »
    Humor wrote: »
    However, with the amount of guards in the city/towns/quest hubs that are literally there for NO REASON

    This is completely wrong. There are in fact not enough guards and they are not strong enough because the justice system is a joke right now. People around slaughtering all of Alinor even.
    If you insist on running around with a Bounty or having Criminal Act skills active, that's on you.

    Guards are invincible though so when you say "not strong enough" I assume you mean they're not perceptive/ intelligent enough to deal with the dead bodies all over town. Actually I'm one of those assassins murdering npcs everywhere to get back at annoying guards.
  • doomette
    I guess I just don’t understand. I’ve leveled up three necros, and have never once gotten a bounty. I’m just mindful of what I cast where and what skills I assign to what buttons. The skills considered criminal acts are clearly labeled. I can see an occasional slip up if you, say, accidentally press a button or maybe don’t notice a wandering merchant who narcs you out. But regularly getting a bounty? That’s not the game’s fault, that’s just not being careful.
  • Humor
    So, as I mentioned before, some quests, just require you to kill stuff, by Npc's, which is pretty much begging you to use your skills.

    Sure, i could use other skills other than necro skills, but why should I have to change my entire hotbar/skills, just to finish a quest that literally has me killing a SINGLE NPC.

    Heck, sometimes I don't even know if I'm near Npc's, because I don't have my camera zoomed all the way out, to actually watch for Npc's.

    I don't try to cast my Necro spells in places where I know I'm going to get caught, because that would just be silly. But when the game is telling you to go and kill someone who's standing in front of an army, well... Don't really know what to say about that.

    I'm also new to the Necro, so, I'm not sure if there's any way I can turn off "Bone Armor", as it's one of my main skills I use before entering combat. But wait... If I accidentally run into town, forgetting it's on/active (as hard as it is to believe), or just not seeing any Npc near me while it's active because they're hiding in the shadows or something. BAM! Insta bounty/kill on sight.

    Okay, so I guess my problem isn't so much the bounty, it's the entire "Kill on Sight" as soon as someone see's any Necro spell happen. As mentioned before, I'll gladly pay the bounty off, but I'd rather have a guard just come up to me, and take it, rather than having to wait 5-10 minutes for the threat to go down, just so I can THEN have a guard claim the bounty. Also as mentioned, it's silly that if I'm just trying to hand in a quest, and I've accidentally have been caught, it's auto Kill on Sight, and I'm forced to travel to a black market, just to pay it off, again, causing me to go through 3 loading screens.

    There have been more than one quest that's forced me to fight enemies near Npc's as well, it's not limited to just one quest. Shadowfen near where "One-Eye" is the Pirate Lizard chick just happens to be crawling with an absurd amount of guards, not to mention they throw Dominion Soldiers, 10-20ft away from npc's which you have fight your way through, so getting caught, or noticed really isn't that difficult.

    Again, I do enjoy that Necromancy is frowned upon, and I think the system is fine. But as someone above mentioned, the Justice system in general is just broken. Personally as someone who's new to the Necromancy class, I don't think I should constantly have to be checking over my shoulder, just to watch for an npc who might be in my blind spot.
  • Ratinira
    Not all necro skills are illegal. If you need to kill 1 NPC that can easily can be done with a non-illegal skill.

  • doomette
    Bone armor isn’t a criminal act...

    And again, I just didn’t use certain abilities in combat if I thought there might be some narc NPC around. Overland content is easy enough you don’t need to use your full arsenal.
    As far as why you’d have to change your bar lineup, well, because that’s how they decided necros were going to function and they tell you right in the skill description. Because you have to adapt to different game mechanics because that’s a normal thing in video games.
  • Ratinira
    Humor wrote: »
    Personally as someone who's new to the Necromancy class, I don't think I should constantly have to be checking over my shoulder, just to watch for an npc who might be in my blind spot.

    You are a criminal. You are practicing forbidden magic. That is exactly what you should do:)
    Together with assassins and vampires...
  • BigBragg
    I've always felt this added no value to the game and the player experience.
  • finehair
    I like the criminal act on necro skills, even while playing on necro.

    We were dueling with a friend in auridon wayshrine, I completely forgot that some skills are criminal act. Then started summoning all kind of dead from the ground like the filthy necromancer I am, then all of a sudden i start losing hp. But I know that the opponent I am dueling with is not hitting me and just standing there watching me.
    Yeah it was a city guard, as soon as i realised that i stopped trying to heal myself and ran to the docks and jumped into water to lose him.
    10/10 wouldn't recommend dueling in necromancer class.
    It is fun though.
  • NotaDaedraWorshipper
    As others also have said, I've had no problem leveling a necromancer. They have plenty of skills that is not a criminal act, so killing enemies near npcs without being labeled as a necromancer is no problem.

    Doing necromancy is illegal and you should adapt to it. There was even a text that warned you about this as you picked the class and all illegal skills are clearly marked as such.

    Think I've only had an entanglement with the guards once on my necromancer. Which was when I accidentally hit my ultimate as I was doing crafting writs, thanks to my clumsy fingers. Turned into a goliath right in the middle of Vivec.
    [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
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