Login Problem On Website - Unable To Login

Soul Shriven
Hi there, I am a returning player trying to log into my account on the website in order to download the client. I enter my UserID and Password and hit "Sign In". Nothing happens at this point; no pop-ups, no error messages. The web page remains unchanged. I am 100% certain my credentials are correct as I've been able to reset my password through the forum's portal. I am currently logged in to submit this, obviously, but when I click on "Account" at the top left of my screen, I am directed to the login page in question where I am having the problem.
Thanks in advance for your time, I hope someone can help me resolve this issue.
  • ZOS_Bill

    Have you tried logging in through a different web browser?

    Please let us know if trying to login through a different web browser helps or not. If it doesn't and you need to open a ticket, you can do so by following the link below.

    What should I do if I can't log into the ESO support portal?
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  • Sumoku
    Soul Shriven

    Hi there and thanks for the response. I've tried logging in with both Firefox as well as Microsoft Edge and Chrome; the same thing happens each time. I've also tried disabling ad-block which made no difference. I've also followed the link you've provided but I'm unable to complete the form as I do not know what my "secret question" and so I don't know the answer; I'm required to log-in to my account in order to find my secret question. Thanks again for your time, I'm hoping this is something simple and silly on my end that can be fixed easily.
  • Sumoku
    Soul Shriven
    Sumoku wrote: »

    Hi there and thanks for the response. I've tried logging in with both Firefox as well as Microsoft Edge and Chrome; the same thing happens each time. I've also tried disabling ad-block which made no difference. I've also followed the link you've provided but I'm unable to complete the form as I do not know what my "secret question" and so I don't know the answer; I'm required to log-in to my account in order to find my secret question. Thanks again for your time, I'm hoping this is something simple and silly on my end that can be fixed easily.

    I last played before ever needing to link my account to anything like Steam, so as far as I know the only option I have is to access my account and download the client.
  • Taleof2Cities
    Sumoku wrote: »
    Sumoku wrote: »

    Hi there and thanks for the response. I've tried logging in with both Firefox as well as Microsoft Edge and Chrome; the same thing happens each time. I've also tried disabling ad-block which made no difference. I've also followed the link you've provided but I'm unable to complete the form as I do not know what my "secret question" and so I don't know the answer; I'm required to log-in to my account in order to find my secret question. Thanks again for your time, I'm hoping this is something simple and silly on my end that can be fixed easily.

    I last played before ever needing to link my account to anything like Steam, so as far as I know the only option I have is to access my account and download the client.

    If you can't remember your secret question or otherwise are still having trouble logging in, @Sumoku, start an account recovery ticket through the Support website.

    Choose the category that is "closest" to your issue ... it doesn't have to be exact.

    Be sure to list the ticket number in your thread here.

    Edited by Taleof2Cities on July 26, 2020 7:25PM
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