In Dreams and Memories leads.

Has anyone found the items....
  • Aldmeri Golden Embellishments
  • Preserved Music Box Mechanism
In places other than thieves troves, i mean its not like you can spawn camp these things thank to bloody rng.
  • Valarion
    I got the Aldmeri Golden Embellishments in a thieves trove in Summerset, I don't think you can get it from other places other than thieves troves, but I read you can get them in hew's bane too.
    About the Preserved Music Box Mechanism, I have been farming safeboxes A LOT from Summerset, Greenshade and Glenumbra with no luck yet.
  • LeglessUK
    I just got the Preserved Music Box Mechanism from a Safe Box in the town of Daggerfall - Glenumbra
    Got the Aldmeri Golden Embellishments from a Thieves Trove in Reapers March
    Edited by LeglessUK on June 2, 2020 12:45AM
  • feyii
    I got the lead for the Aldmeri Golden Embellishments from a thieves trove in Murkmire.
  • kaisernick
    I finally managed to get the items i needed from a safebox in hews bane.

    I still however think its daft that they are found there, since its not exactly easy to find them (even with mappins) and your competeing with everyone else.
  • Radka
    I found lead for Aldmeri Golden Embellishments in thieves trove in Hews bane, but so far nothing on Preserved Music Box Mechanism. Ive been farming safeboxes in Glenumbra for 3 days now.
  • Raisin
    I got the Preserved Music Box Mechanism from a Safebox in Shornhelm. Also ran into 10+ safeboxes in one run through the city, so it seems no one was farming there. :P
  • skyhawk002
    Preserved Music Box Mechanism took 60+ safe boxes in glenumbra during off peak hours for me
  • Apox
    do i just open safeboxes to get the music box mechanism or is there something else i need to have done first to be eligible to loot it? i've gotten the aldmeri symphonia lead and i got my wodden tone box pretty quickly, but i've opened an insane amount of safeboxes in glenumbra greenshade and grahtwood as thats the 3 zones the websites i was looking on said it dropped in but i havent gotten anything yet
  • Erissime
    To hear some leads are only available through the justice system seems unfair and game braking. If anyone reads this, please allow a wider drop of leads outside the justice system, because I simply don't like doing that on my main. Sure I like the justice system in itself, but to force a char into stealing ( even from thieves troves) and braking into houses and indulge into even more stealing - just because it is my main - seems very off to me, and for this reason I almost dropped the search for these music box parts - which granted, I would very much love to own. On a more ... story side of things - what is music and art got to do with thieving to begin with? I though these things were supposed to drop from more appropriate sources. Elven land - yes, but seriously now - stealing? only? Zos please fix this, even if for ethics. Very disappointing. Do something connected with the bard's college if you must and leave stealing as a side option, not main. More on topic - I got my blue lead for the music box from a jewellery box in Solitude ( the inn) - and that because the rumour they were found ... via stealing. After 2 days of seeing my altmer canonreeve indulging into the lowest sort of activities, just because the game forces me to ( put it on the "things one does for art" as you might - still - no)- made me almost want to quit the whole thing - which ... granted - I love. That off this whole business became. No more stealing as main option - PLEASE - (yes - it has forced me into repetition - that bad !).
  • Sylvermynx
    @Erissime - leads are shared across your account. So make a temp thief character to steal? Then your main can do the scrying.
  • Raisin
    Erissime wrote: »
    To hear some leads are only available through the justice system seems unfair and game braking. If anyone reads this, please allow a wider drop of leads outside the justice system, because I simply don't like doing that on my main. Sure I like the justice system in itself, but to force a char into stealing ( even from thieves troves) and braking into houses and indulge into even more stealing - just because it is my main - seems very off to me, and for this reason I almost dropped the search for these music box parts - which granted, I would very much love to own. On a more ... story side of things - what is music and art got to do with thieving to begin with? I though these things were supposed to drop from more appropriate sources. Elven land - yes, but seriously now - stealing? only? Zos please fix this, even if for ethics. Very disappointing. Do something connected with the bard's college if you must and leave stealing as a side option, not main. More on topic - I got my blue lead for the music box from a jewellery box in Solitude ( the inn) - and that because the rumour they were found ... via stealing. After 2 days of seeing my altmer canonreeve indulging into the lowest sort of activities, just because the game forces me to ( put it on the "things one does for art" as you might - still - no)- made me almost want to quit the whole thing - which ... granted - I love. That off this whole business became. No more stealing as main option - PLEASE - (yes - it has forced me into repetition - that bad !).

    if ZOS listened to forum users not wanting to branch out to get leads, leads would not drop from: PvE Content, PVP Content and the Justice System. I guess that leaves exploration and picking up crafting nodes?
  • Magdalina
    The type of container seems stable, but the zones are a mess. I found the thieves trove one in Gold Coast. I wonder if it actually has a chance to drop in ALL zones or something?
  • LadyNalcarya
    I keep getting the blue part, and can't even loot the lead because I already have it. :D
    Dro-m'Athra Destroyer | Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor | Voice of Reason

  • kaisernick
    Erissime wrote: »
    Do something connected with the bard's college if you must and leave stealing as a side option, not main.
    You can get a different one from the bards college
  • Erissime
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    @Erissime - leads are shared across your account. So make a temp thief character to steal? Then your main can do the scrying.

    I already have one such character. It's just secondary - and while I am aware of the leads being spread through the whole account - I simply said that I find it unfair for them to be dropping strictly from one source - and I am talking about this antiquity in particular ( the music box) - NOT in general. Also I am aware that there are various other sources for various other leads. But since the game kind of compels you to have one main character - well my main ( also the one who has reached level 10 of both scrying and digging in 4 days since launch - THIS much I love it all) - I would very much prefer to continue the whole adventure on that one character. And being all I said above - once more - I find it unfair to tie certain leads to certain specific drops. In short - for the music box ( As this is what I understand this thread is about - and not general leads) - leave the thievery as secondary and allow and other sources ( even if harder - more rare drop rate -) to give the leads as well. And yes I live in that Utopian universe in which zos at least reads some of these forums - hope dies last.
  • Erissime
    kaisernick wrote: »
    You can get a different one from the bards college

    That is another music box and not the one to which this thread refers to. So while I thank you for the input - it does not change the fact that the box in this topic seems to be dropping its leads from thievery mainly.
  • SolidusPrime
    Raisin wrote: »

    if ZOS listened to forum users not wanting to branch out to get leads, leads would not drop from: PvE Content, PVP Content and the Justice System. I guess that leaves exploration and picking up crafting nodes?

    I got a gold lead from a mushroom node. They drop from pretty much every aspect of the game.
  • Raisin

    I got a gold lead from a mushroom node. They drop from pretty much every aspect of the game.

    I know they do, I think you misunderstood my post/the conversation. :)
    Edited by Raisin on June 8, 2020 3:09PM
  • Erissime

    I got a gold lead from a mushroom node. They drop from pretty much every aspect of the game. [/quote]

    are you saying that you got the golden part of the Aldmeri Symphonia from a mushroom or ... just a golden lead (for something else? ) - which is already known - yes, leads drop from everywhere. What about this box ?
  • KMarble
    Raisin wrote: »
    if ZOS listened to forum users not wanting to branch out to get leads, leads would not drop from: PvE Content, PVP Content and the Justice System. I guess that leaves exploration and picking up crafting nodes?

    You forgot fishing ;P
  • kaisernick
    Erissime wrote: »

    That is another music box and not the one to which this thread refers to. So while I thank you for the input - it does not change the fact that the box in this topic seems to be dropping its leads from thievery mainly.

    Im well aware of which this topic is refering to as i made it, but while i agree that i dislike that half of the object come from crime, i was pointing out that your idea of using the bards college has been done.
  • Apox
    finally got the stupid **** sucking music box mechanism from shornhelm safeboxes in rivenspire. i could have unlocked the 100 safebox achievement 4 times over by now. absolute insanity.
  • stevenyaub16_ESO
    Gold - Any safebox
    Purple - Any thieves trove

    Got mine from Malabal Tor + Bal Foyen.
  • Apox
    Alcasts website mentioned the lacquered wood tone box came from jewelry boxes in alinor, and I can confirm thats where i got my lead for it. I dunno if theres a method to farming them but i got mine on the 2nd jewelry box i opened
  • bluebird
    Apox wrote: »
    Alcasts website mentioned the lacquered wood tone box came from jewelry boxes in alinor, and I can confirm thats where i got my lead for it. I dunno if theres a method to farming them but i got mine on the 2nd jewelry box i opened
    It comes from any Jewelry box, not just in Alinor. I got at least 3 blue music box leads running in-and-out of the Blue Palace during the Greymoor main quest and just opening random Jewelry boxes I saw on the way.

    I can also confirm that I got the golden part lead from a Safebox, and the purple from a Thieves Trove.

    Wish it was the other way around - the common blue one with the high drop rate coming from Safeboxes, and the ultra rare gold lead coming from Jewelry boxes. Low drop rates are bad enough, but putting it in safeboxes that are competitively looted by anybody (rather than Jewelry boxes or Wardrobes or Dressers which give individual loot for everybody) is just the worst...
  • ImmortalCX
    Erissime wrote: »
    To hear some leads are only available through the justice system seems unfair and game braking. If anyone reads this, please allow a wider drop of leads outside the justice system, because I simply don't like doing that on my main. Sure I like the justice system in itself, but to force a char into stealing ( even from thieves troves) and braking into houses and indulge into even more stealing - just because it is my main - seems very off to me, and for this reason I almost dropped the search for these music box parts - which granted, I would very much love to own. On a more ... story side of things - what is music and art got to do with thieving to begin with? I though these things were supposed to drop from more appropriate sources. Elven land - yes, but seriously now - stealing? only? Zos please fix this, even if for ethics. Very disappointing. Do something connected with the bard's college if you must and leave stealing as a side option, not main. More on topic - I got my blue lead for the music box from a jewellery box in Solitude ( the inn) - and that because the rumour they were found ... via stealing. After 2 days of seeing my altmer canonreeve indulging into the lowest sort of activities, just because the game forces me to ( put it on the "things one does for art" as you might - still - no)- made me almost want to quit the whole thing - which ... granted - I love. That off this whole business became. No more stealing as main option - PLEASE - (yes - it has forced me into repetition - that bad !).

    First off, the merchants stole those items and were hiding them in their safeboxes. You taking them back does not make you a bad person. Remember, you are finding them for the antiquarian circle and are allowed to borrow them before they are put in the museum. It's not stealing.

    To avoid killing ppl, brew a stack of invisibility pots and slip past them.
  • Inaya
    I got the Embellishment from a Thieve's Trove in Grahtwood.
  • deLioncourt
    I got the yellow lead part of the music box from a safebox in Shadowfen.

    A SAFEBOX, not a thieves trove. Not saying they can't drop in thieves troves, just that I got mine from a safebox.
  • Magdalina
    bluebird wrote: »
    It comes from any Jewelry box, not just in Alinor. I got at least 3 blue music box leads running in-and-out of the Blue Palace during the Greymoor main quest and just opening random Jewelry boxes I saw on the way.

    I can also confirm that I got the golden part lead from a Safebox, and the purple from a Thieves Trove.

    Wish it was the other way around - the common blue one with the high drop rate coming from Safeboxes, and the ultra rare gold lead coming from Jewelry boxes. Low drop rates are bad enough, but putting it in safeboxes that are competitively looted by anybody (rather than Jewelry boxes or Wardrobes or Dressers which give individual loot for everybody) is just the worst...

    It also doesn't come from jewelry boxes only. I got 2 from urns in Vvardenfell so yeah. I guess game treats urns and jewelry boxes as the same type on container which is kind of amusing lol.
  • Hippie4927
    I got the Aldmeri Golden Embellishments from a thieves trove in Hew's Bane.

    The Preserved Music Box Mechanism, for me, came from a safebox in Glenumbra.
    PC/NA/EP ✌️
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