In Dreams and Memories leads.

  • Jaraal
    Gold - Any safebox
    Purple - Any thieves trove

    This. Only the blue lead is zone specific (Summerset).
  • Ilsabet
    Jaraal wrote: »

    This. Only the blue lead is zone specific (Summerset).

    I've picked them up in Vivec City, so that one has multiple zone options too.
  • Jaraal
    Ilsabet wrote: »

    I've picked them up in Vivec City, so that one has multiple zone options too.

    Interesting. I stand corrected.
  • tomofhyrule
    I think the blue lead comes from any Jewelry box anywhere.

    My thief character keeps coming across it while he's ransacking houses in Balmora. I've hit it several times by now. Pity I haven't found that thieves trove one yet...I keep having to just ignore that drop every time.
  • Erissime
    ImmortalCX wrote: »

    First off, the merchants stole those items and were hiding them in their safeboxes. You taking them back does not make you a bad person. Remember, you are finding them for the antiquarian circle and are allowed to borrow them before they are put in the museum. It's not stealing.

    To avoid killing ppl, brew a stack of invisibility pots and slip past them.

    Uhm .... I think we are talking totally different things here. That one music box you seem to refer to is achievement reward for the bards (which I already got - ty) - here we are talking simple antiquity finds - hello? Finding parts of an antique music box ? As in old? probably broken by ... time? - totally not fitting. Also it is not about me being good or bad - it is a game lol - the point of my character not suiting the idea is personal, and rp related ( as stated above, I do have a thief char ) . My point ( and for the last time please) - is the simple fact that putting antiquities leads of something artistic in thieves containers only (in here enter both troves, safeboxes or anything thieving related) simply feels off. ( I will not brag about the various disadvantages others have found before me on that ) - just ... why? A simple - where does music/art binds with thievery so that they make the leads so exclusively from such sources ( as all confirmations and links and players resources seem to point out thus far). Conclusion? - expand the sources. Keep the ones you got, if you find it so utterly funny ( I still find it very off logic - I am sorry - and yes that IS for zos ) - but yeah - music and thieving? Very poor choice. I am sorry again.
  • Jaraal
    Erissime wrote: »
    - just ... why?

    They want you to purchase the Thieves Guild DLC, or sub so you can access it.

    It's not rocket science.

  • Ravensilver
    A very good list of where to find the three parts of the music box can be found here:
  • doomette
    I think the blue lead comes from any Jewelry box anywhere.

    My thief character keeps coming across it while he's ransacking houses in Balmora. I've hit it several times by now. Pity I haven't found that thieves trove one yet...I keep having to just ignore that drop every time.

    I think so too, I got mine from a jewelry box right outside of the free inn in Solitude.
  • Jayne_Doe
    So, I keep getting the blue lead, but not able to loot it anymore. I've excavated it and the purple one, but not the gold one yet. So, does that mean that I have to get the gold lead and scry/excavate it before I can actually get the blue one again?

    I'm confused how this works, as I've not yet completed any of the multi-part ones. I'm guessing it's a bug that I keep getting the blue lead but unable to actually pick it up since I haven't yet gotten and completed the gold lead for a complete music box. It would make more sense for the blue lead to not appear again until you can actually pick it up and scry/excavate it.
  • trackdemon5512
    So the blue, purple, and gold leads come from ANY jewelry, thieves trove, and safebox in ANY zone.

    Furthermore, you will continue to get repeat leads from these sources no matter what. If you already have the lead but have not constructed a full music box with all 3 pieces the game will just state that you cannot do anything with the found lead. @Jayne_Doe
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