I have an idea for a character that only uses abilities that are not magical. I am not talking stamina morphs, but abilities that do not in any way look that they are magical. I know most of that would come from weapon and fighter skill lines. I was looking at sets that would improve physical/weapon damage along with any base damage increases like Dreugh King Slayer and Slimecraw. Add a race like Orc or Dark Elf for bonus damage.
I am looking at possibly using:
2H Swords
Dreugh King Slayer weapons and jewelry
Medium armor set like Strength of the Automaton, Toothrow, Titanborn Strength or Heem-Ja's Retribution.
Skills like Evil Hunter give Major Savagery to save from needing Toothrow if I have the slots available.
What class would be best for this?
Would it be viable in Vet content?