Looking at the natch potes for Greymoor is obvious that ZOS wants to completely gut tanks, from halving armor values on sets to adding a metric fudge ton of penetration on so many things *cough* Stuhns Favor *cough*.
Prior to reading the notes I was working on putting together a fairly tanky Magplar build using 2pc Chudan and Pariah, but now I’m wondering if there’s going to be any point, same goes for going full Impen like we have in the past.
So what kind of builds are people starting to theorycraft for Greymoor, is it too early?
Another thing I was wondering, would it be worthwhile ditching our armor buffs and using Dampen magic instead? Crafty Alfiq with Bright Throat to boost Magicka, therefore boosting Dampen was something I was toying with in my head.
Need ideas, I’m scared to gold anything at this point until Greymoor comes out.
Vaelerys Nightborn - Bosmer Nightblade PC NA