I generally came with all thoughts after spending some time in "Blackreach" campaign. It doesn't have lags or problems even in prime time until immigrants from other campaigns (no cp and gray host) come to flip the map. People that home there are really fed up with this. Immigrants from other campaigns flip the whole map to 1 colour. Sometimes AD sometimes DC sometimes EP to simply farm points and destroy the fun for home people. When home people reenter they see whole map destroyed. Flipping is not the bigest problem. They also defend enemy faction closest home keeps to farm ap even after scrolls are gone (rayles, warden, black boot, bloodmayne, farragut, kingrest). Blame goes to home people even if they were not there. Therefore the best solution I came up with is to redesign entering campaign with and without choosing "Home". Here I came up with few solutions. They should be implemented as fast as possible. In order to make this work "Home" need to be per account not per character for 50 lvl + campaigns (or only Blackreach). So if you "Home" Blackreach you can only "Home" Blackreach with different characters and other campaigns you can only enter. When you enter without choosing it as "Home" campaign you immediately become "Guest". Choosing "Home" campaign should be changed to once per 7 days and cost of changing faster should be 500 000 ap not 100 000 ap (Guys already have millions of ap so they don't care about 100k).
Things that must be done:
-Guests can not siege* enemy faction home keeps nor attack players in home keeps (rayles, warden, black boot, bloodmayne, farragut, kingrest)
-Guests can enter for 48 hours. Then they get teleported out with 5 days cooldown. Timer starts after entering with 1 character to Cyro. (I think it should be 1 day per 7 days for guest but I don't want to punish streamers for bad people so 48 hours is fair for streaming weekend)
-Guests can pick all skyshards normally
-Guests can siege*, defend* and pvp in their faction home keeps (up to dragonclaw, brindle, drakelowe)
Otherwise they influence the campaign too much as we can see now. Everyday.
Things that should be done:
-Guests should not be able to siege* enemy castle faregyl, arrius keep, fort glademist (pvp possible)
-Guests should not be able to siege* emperor keeps to stop them influence emperorship system (can still kill players inside them though)
-Guests can not carry home scrolls of enemy faction
*By siege and defend i mean use of siege weapons on mentioned areas
Cheaters. Most of them are easy to spot as the game starts to lag close to them or their character is doing "small teleports". Their character sometimes dissapear and reappear while moving. Not fluent movement. Looks like lag spikes but that's hack influence. When someone just got lags he doesn't kill you. Hacker does perfect combo. They will run 100 metres back and forth, sustain all damage without losing resources and keep killing people. Don't mistake them with good players. Good player loose resource after some time getting hit by 10+ geared players. Hacker can still run or kill with script using of few skills/0,5 second in your face even if you just came out from behind the wall. Also autopurge, autoheals. Blackreach doesn't have lags until they come. People that protect them on forum like "no your noob they don't hack" are using that themselves. Some of them use hacks for so long they really believe they are good players now. Usually hacks come with nasty tongue and they use chat to call people garbage.
So if you complain on lags in other campaigns it might be amount of people or just amount of people hacking lags your campaign.....
Solution is harsh punishment:
- first time caught cheating 30 days ban, next time 999 days ban
If you want to know why you are losing players and not getting too many new it is simple. Let's say newbies come to Cyro or battleground for fun. There's 100 of them. They don't have gear or skills at start. That's fine. They go into battle and they die. 70 give up right away. Rest stay because they are smarter so they think maybe it's something wrong with heir gear. Okay they get top gear. They died again. 20 left 10 stayed. Those 10 read guides, watch youtube for tips how to use their class or skills. They own some battlegrounds and few players in Cyrodil. Then they meet a hacker. They die. 8 left because of the nonsense 2 stayed because they just like Cyro more than the feeling of losing to hacker. So no one likes to lose but when you lose to good player it doesn't matter. When you lose to hacker it is totally different feeling. It is a feeling like game owner doesn't give a thing about you and you can not do anything with it. The only way is to leave and stop the incoming stress. If the game stress you more than your life you just want to leave. And that is how they work. They want everybody to leave so they can flip the map and farm ap over and over,
Macro using people. Some mouse macro using people are almost like hackers. Their macro is so sophisticated as written script. It is unfair for people playing standard way to lose to them only thanks to that they have macro and you don't.
-Official ZOS statement are their legal or not. If yes support players with links to sophisticated PC mouse products legalized by ZOS with high efficient macro so all would use it and problem is gone because everyone is a god.
People defending the system as it is now are people that are farming ap in Blackreach or doing some of the things above.