How do I merge accounts/link steam with pc account

Soul Shriven
Hello guys! This week there's a very nice offer on Steam regarding this game: 15euros for base game plus 3 dlcs and I really want to buy them. I already own a PC account with 3 expansions off Steam. Question is: I understood you can link somehow your already bought account with steam if you buy another copy of it there, but if I buy the offer and I link the account, will I have the expansions already on my account, the expansions from the offer AND the characters I already grown? Thanks a lot! Kind regards!
  • Ozium

    did same thing, orig bought base+mw on steam then linked account and just bought base+mw ss el from store
    logging into steam or ZOS shows same chars

    still using steam install so not sure updates will work without some messing around as using eso64.exe instead of steam to start game atm
    Edited by Ozium on April 5, 2020 12:14AM
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