When my friend invited me to join a group when showing up for a roleplay event in Glunembra on Pc Na. Throughout it I had serious latency issues. When I looked at it or payed attention to it it seemed to be always in in the red. However once we finished up and I eventually left the group my latency went back to normal just by dropping the group. Then I was able to move around normally again as throughout traveling with the group it was very laggy when moving. Now it was just 4 or 5 of us doing this small rp event. Latency seemed to be bad because I was in that group I noticed. So I think the unplayable lag people are seeing in Cyrodiil is do to being Grouped up in general. When not grouped up Latency seems to be normal. People will have to test this in the game and see if it is causing a lot of the issues if it is. Zenimax needs to know about this because I do think there seems to be a bug or issues with the group system that is causing a latency downgrade.
Edited by Thevampirenight on March 22, 2020 5:54AM PC NA
Please add Fangs to Vampires.