I think the grouping system and being in a group is causing latency/unplayability issues.

When my friend invited me to join a group when showing up for a roleplay event in Glunembra on Pc Na. Throughout it I had serious latency issues. When I looked at it or payed attention to it it seemed to be always in in the red. However once we finished up and I eventually left the group my latency went back to normal just by dropping the group. Then I was able to move around normally again as throughout traveling with the group it was very laggy when moving. Now it was just 4 or 5 of us doing this small rp event. Latency seemed to be bad because I was in that group I noticed. So I think the unplayable lag people are seeing in Cyrodiil is do to being Grouped up in general. When not grouped up Latency seems to be normal. People will have to test this in the game and see if it is causing a lot of the issues if it is. Zenimax needs to know about this because I do think there seems to be a bug or issues with the group system that is causing a latency downgrade.
Edited by Thevampirenight on March 22, 2020 5:54AM
Please add Fangs to Vampires.
  • oXI_Viper_IXo
    When my friend invited me to join a group when showing up for a roleplay event in Glunembra on Pc Na. Throughout it I had serious latency issues. When I looked at it or payed attention to it it seemed to be always in in the red. However once we finished up and I eventually left the group my latency went back to normal just by dropping the group. Then I was able to move around normally again as throughout traveling with the group it was very laggy when moving. Now it was just 4 or 5 of us doing this small rp event. Latency seemed to be bad because I was in that group I noticed. So I think the unplayable lag people are seeing in Cyrodiil is do to being Grouped up in general. When not grouped up Latency seems to be normal. People will have to test this in the game and see if it is causing a lot of the issues if it is. Zenimax needs to know about this because I do think there seems to be a bug or issues with the group system that is causing a latency downgrade.

    Nope, it is still bad when playing solo.
  • VoidCommander
    Game is perfectly playable. If you are getting a ton of lag, improve your router/system. Tired of seeing people’s “unplayable ESO” on every other thread.
  • snoozy
    yeah let's all play solo in an mmo!! remove grouping altogether!!1!1
    PC EU
  • snoozy
    that must be why they continue to break the group finder - to combat lag. GENIUS :D
    PC EU
  • Sanguinor2
    Game is perfectly playable. If you are getting a ton of lag, improve your router/system. Tired of seeing people’s “unplayable ESO” on every other thread.

    Tired of seeing People like you blame People for Zos screw up because you dont have any Problems.

    Also go into cyro in prime time and tell me how perfectly playable the game is.
    Politeness is respecting others.
    Courage is doing what is fair.
    Modesty is speaking of oneself without vanity.
    Self control is keeping calm even when anger rises.
    Sincerity is expressing oneself without concealing ones thoughts.
    Honor is keeping ones word.
  • Major_Lag
    There is certainly something wrong with the group system, but not quite in the way OP described.

    Every time I'm in a group in Cyrodiil, although it does not significantly impact my lag, it does cause me to get randomly disconnected A LOT more often.
    It even disconnects me at random when I leave Cyrodiil to do something else without leaving the group, and the rest of my group is still in Cyro. Several times I've been disconnected at the Alinor crafting tables because of it, and it never happens when I'm not in a group.

    And FWIW, this is not U25 related, it has been happening for months already.
  • Malkiv
    Game is perfectly playable. If you are getting a ton of lag, improve your router/system. Tired of seeing people’s “unplayable ESO” on every other thread.

    Haha, are you playing the same game as us? I'm on fibre with a stronk desktop, and I'm still having lag, desync, and misfire issues. I very rarely encountered these issues outside of Cyro before U25, and the frequency was low even in pre-U25 Cyro.

    Yesterday, my group missed a no-death run in vFL because of desync during the poison bomb phase where you have to run over the gold circle to cleanse. Both myself and the tank saw the other DPS run through their circle, but desync caused them to skip out of it as they were INSIDE it, so it didn't count? Additionally, the entire dungeon, everyone was having random lag spikes, abilities were not firing on activation, and multiple times block simply failed to work. We still got the speed run with some other various boss mechanic cheevos, but the experience was entirely frustrating.

    EDITED: Clarity of first statement.
    Edited by Malkiv on March 22, 2020 10:54AM
    PC-NA | PvP (Gray Host & BGs) | PvE (vTrials & vDGs)
  • Mitrenga
    When someone enters a group or leaves, it definitely adds more to the lag but be it solo or group, game has a loooong way to go performance-wise.
  • redgreensunset
    When my friend invited me to join a group when showing up for a roleplay event in Glunembra on Pc Na. Throughout it I had serious latency issues. When I looked at it or payed attention to it it seemed to be always in in the red. However once we finished up and I eventually left the group my latency went back to normal just by dropping the group. Then I was able to move around normally again as throughout traveling with the group it was very laggy when moving. Now it was just 4 or 5 of us doing this small rp event. Latency seemed to be bad because I was in that group I noticed. So I think the unplayable lag people are seeing in Cyrodiil is do to being Grouped up in general. When not grouped up Latency seems to be normal. People will have to test this in the game and see if it is causing a lot of the issues if it is. Zenimax needs to know about this because I do think there seems to be a bug or issues with the group system that is causing a latency downgrade.

    Nope, it is still bad when playing solo.

    Yeah. I get lag and desync in group or out of one. I'll get it chilling perfectly alone in overland in the middle of nowhere with no one else around.
    Not saying grouping may not add to an already existing issue, but it's not the cause nor the root.
  • Waynerx8
    Game is perfectly playable. If you are getting a ton of lag, improve your router/system. Tired of seeing people’s “unplayable ESO” on every other thread.

    Oh shut up.
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