I played probably a few thousands bgs, rateds, and arenas over 10+ years in wow.
So I did notice that the weapon lines allow for some really cool mixes, and I switched from magsorc to stamsorc last week (around level 34) and its been pretty cool swinging a 2hander and also using lightning.
Kinda enhance shaman style for a somewhat comparison.
I’ve been doing a decent chunk of bgs to get the hang of it, and i think the hardest part has been staying on my target.
I’m starting to get the hang (barely) of rolling, as well as kicking, both of which I moved to mousewheel.
It’s just a steep learning curve, which I definitely had in wow circa 2006/7, but I guess after so many years and it becoming so rote (in a good way) it’s awkward hopping in and feeling soooo out of my comfort zone.
I just got vigor and it’s been a huge improvement to my survivability.
Thanks a ton though, really good help.
Any advice on targeting, sticking on a target (melee as well as casting)?
So I played wow pvp for years, bgs and arenas.
Never too great, but always above average.
So now I’m here, enjoying the game, but confused af with adjusting to targeting, and even just the simple concepts of rotation.
I’m level 39, playing a sorcerer.
I picked it because I always played a lot of ranged casters (or warrior).
So I started mag, but switched to Stam so I could swing a sweet 2hander and it feels good.
So any advice for a eso bg newcomer would be great.
I love bgs, and would like to understand a little better how to perform playwise.
I love capture the relic btw.
Oh, and if there is any class/spec concept similar to arms warrior from wow I’d be happy to hear what it is.