Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10

Solo/Group Settings - "Play The Way You Want"

The way it is set up. "Play the way you want" philosophy that ZOS touts for ESO is not compatible with the current Season formula for two reasons
  1. Half the Story is behind the Group DLC
  2. Half the Story is catering to casual or beginner players
The game would be better if the Dungeons & Main Boss Fights had a "Solo/Group" setting

- Solo: You can play on easy and experience the story throughout the year (no dungeon sets)
- Group: harder difficulty, play with a group, and get more loot from the Dungeons & Main boss fights

This is especially the case if ZOS is going to integrate the DLC dungeons even more into the story.

Also, with Solo Story mode, ZOS would not have to make Group DLC Dungeons easier in order to cater to Casual Players.
On Group Mode they could make Dungeons even harder than they are now because it is aimed at players seeking Harder content and more reward.

They could make a Hard Mode for the Final Story Bosses that have mechanics on par with DLC dungeon bosses

It is a simple solution

Detailed Explanation
1st - let's establish who is the target audience of the Current Season System.
Players like me who play the Dungeons, Chapters, and Story zone as they release throughout the year. I'm a Veteran player so I have a full grasp of the story and I never feel that I am missing out.

2nd - How is this a problem?
For solo players, or anyone just getting into the game, they are missing out on the story context because they have to unlock the dungeons at level 45 or greater. Then they get the prologue quests and it's just a mixed bag of a story that feels out of order if you started with the latest chapter.

Which it is out of order if you started in the latest chapter but that is a different topic that you can find here from our friend @VaranisArano
( )

Recently people have been arguing about why ZOS should cater to casual players, a common response being;
"If you want the story then find a group"

However..There is another side of the problem of how dungeons were integrated into the season.

3rd - What is the other side of the problem?
The year long storyline, that includes difficult Dungeons as part of the narrative, had ultimately built up to a Final fight full of tedious encounters & bosses that were designed so that a Beginner at the game could beat it. Which is disappointing for a player whose journey over the year was leading to this final climatic moment.

The Season is separated between Beginner Friendly Quest Zones & Dungeons that are designed for Veterans, this created an inconsistent gameplay experience in the Story for both Casual & Hardcore Players.

How can we meet both sides?

4th - What is a the solution?
Part 1 - design a solo mode for the dungeons called Casual

What is a "Casual" dungeon: They have normal mobs and toned down bosses. Mobs only drop miscellaneous white gear - no sets. Upon completing the Dungeon Quest players earn a single green-blue tier Overland set item from the main NPC involved in the story. Just like any Overland quest
This allows players to experience the story if they need to catch up or want to just take their time without being rushed by a group.
EDIT: Players can do a Casual dungeon with no more than Two people in their group. This is an MMO so players should be able to enjoy the story with a friend at least

If you want the Dungeon set items, achievements, undaunted keys, dungeon skill point, Geodes, etc. the you have to play the group content.

Part 2 - Design the Final Story Bosses as un-lockable dungeons called Lairs. Just like Dungeons, the Lairs will be different if played Solo or in Group.
These Lairs will get their own tab in the Dungeon Finder because they are unlocked by playing the story.

There will be a Dungeon Mode for the Final Bosses of the following;
- Base Game
- Morrowind
- Clockwork City
- Summerset
- Murkmire

Followed by the Final bosses of this Season;
- Mulaamnir
- Laatvulon
- Kaalgrontiid

Each ending will be a Lair that players unlock.
The Developers already said that they want to make the Dungeons more involved in the story and the Final Boss lairs were basically Solo Dungeons already.
So now those final battles will be utilized as dungeons that have a setting of;
- Casual
- Normal
- Veteran
It would still be an epic conclusion that the Season was building up to as well as a challenging repeatable activity with dungeon sets and unique items Players could obtain.

Example: Possible rewards from achievements for the Veteran Group Dungeon version of Dragonhold.
- Nahfahlar theme Helmet + Shoulder
- Nahfahlar Imp pet.

Undaunted: Lair Weekly
At the Undaunted Camp meet a mysterious Argonian character known as (NAME) he seems to have something important to tell you. He will tell you a cryptic message of your destiny and you must go out and face it.

The Argonian will cycle Lairs every week. Which are Main story bosses as Group Dungeons.
This covers the Base game, Daedric War, Season of the Dragon, and the upcoming Dark Heart of Skyrim.
Lairs will have their own tab and once a Player beats a Lair that specific activity is unlocked on the whole Account.
Just like Dungeons, Lairs will have 3 difficulty settings:
- Casual; for 1-2 players
- Normal
- Veteran

Lair: Vault of Kings - Help Sai Sahan obtain the Amulet of Kings before Mannimarco

Lair: The God of Schemes - Make your way to Molag Bal and defeat the God of Schemes

Daedric War
Lair: The Clockwork Vault - Defeat Barbas in the Clockwork City to restore Vivec

Lair: Cogitum Centralis - Find the Shadow of Sotha Sil and stop him before the Clockwork city is lost forever

Lair: The Crystal Tower - stop Nocturnal before she uses the tower to remake reality.

Lair: Vakka-Bok Xanmeer - Prevent Kassandra from acquiring the Remnant of Argon

Season of the Dragon
Lair: Jode's Core - defend Jode's core and defeat Mulaamnir

Lair: Doomstone Keep - Assist Nahfahlar end a feud with Laatvulon and save Elsweyr

Lair: Dragonhold - Journey to Dragonhold and Defeat Kaalgrontiid to save Tamriel

What about the Undaunted Quests & Content?
The Undaunted Guild is specifically for Group content. So if you want to do Undaunted Quests or obtain undaunted keys, dungeon skill point, Set gear, Geodes, etc. Then you have to play the group content.

What about Trials?
Trials do not need a solo mode as they don't have any bearing on the main story.

Why is this the best solution?
1. It is a system that allows both playstyles throughout the whole story.
- solo playstyle (at a cost of dungeon specific loot)
- an MMO play-style where players can work together to beat the main story for epic rewards

2. This would be a system that encourages New Players to experience the Main Story at least once to unlock Lairs

3. We would get Overall more group content.

This system alone would create 8 group activities per year
- 4 dungeons
- 3 Boss Lairs (Chapter Boss, Zone boss, Season Boss)
- 1 Trial

It would generate, at the least, 9 more Boss Lair activities from previous content including
- Mannimarco
- Molag Bal
- Barbas
- Shadow of Sotha Sil
- Nocturnal
- Kassandra

as well as the Bosses from 2019:
- Mulaamnir
- Laatvulon
- Kaalgrontiid

This system would overall be better for everyone
Edited by Iccotak on January 25, 2020 7:28AM
  • daemonios
    As OP says, this isn't the first thread discussing the very same issue. It probably won't be the last. Might as well have pitched in there instead of making another one IMO.

    As far as the substance of the post, it seems they're trying to have their cake and eat it too, both addressing the fact that group dungeons are too hard for solo players, and that main story quests are too easy to be challenging for advanced players. Again, IMO, the real problem was how much ZOS nerfed "veteran" zones after One Tamriel. I understand the concept behind One Tamriel, but it did throw away any meaningful progression. You dominate overland at level 1, and still dominate it at level 50 CP 810. You may get more skills and passives, but the challenge is non-existent. If ZOS were to restore progression, maybe more people would become battle-ready to do DLC dungeon content and enjoy the story without yet another band-aid solution.
  • Iccotak
    well solo mode would purely be for story as players would not be able to obtain high level rewards from that but they could take the time to enjoy the story.
    If they want the good stuff then they have to play with a group.

    I think having harder zones could work on a compromise but I think we tried that with Craglorn and no one wanted to play it.
    Having some zone higher level than others goes against the go where you want philosophy, now if they put in more public dungeon spaces then I could get behind that.
  • Chaos2088
    Interesting Idea yeah. :)
    @Chaos2088 PC EU Server | AD-PvP
  • Iccotak
    fixed & updated
    EDIT: I might make a poll of this later to gauge how people feel about it
    Edited by Iccotak on January 21, 2020 11:37PM
  • Paramedicus
    Well, this is idea that might work, but i would change it a bit, because our goal should be to bring both player bases (questers and multiplayers) closer with new content (i guess that is goal of devs).

    1) there should be good set gear inside group story dungeons just like in normal ones (there must be good incentive to do them over and over again). Those dungeons could be similar to typical ones IMO. I dont see need for reinventing dung formula for them.
    2) For finishing solo mode player would get one green part of set gear (always same or one from same 3 to choose). This hopefuly would act as incentive to return to those story dung but with group.
    3) unlocking those story dungeons (group mode) should probably be account-wide, because finishing whole story on every alt would be frustrating.

    But tbh if devs would want to chose easy solution then adding solo mode to every dungeon (w/o creating new type of dungeon like yours) could be enough. For finishing solo mode, player would get fixed green part of set gear (no gear dropping from bosses or mobs); there also would be no skill point in solo but player could still get typical junk.
    PC EU
    /script JumpToHouse("@Paramedicus")
    ↑↑↑ Feel free to visit my house if you need to use Transmute Station or vet Trial Dummy with buffs and Aetherial Well (look for the Harrowing Reaper on the northern rock wall) ↑↑↑
  • Iccotak
    1) there should be good set gear inside group story dungeons just like in normal ones (there must be good incentive to do them over and over again). Those dungeons could be similar to typical ones IMO. I dont see need for reinventing dung formula for them.
    naturally, They don't need much work. Future Final Story Dungeons can have the more complicated design if ZOS wanted to.
    2) For finishing solo mode player would get one green part of set gear (always same or one from same 3 to choose). This hopefully would act as incentive to return to those story dung but with group.
    As long as no sets drop from mobs and bosses and players can never get a full set by just doing Solo mode then that's fine.
    3) unlocking those story dungeons (group mode) should probably be account-wide, because finishing whole story on every alt would be frustrating.
    If they are just grinding for gear then that would be fine as they would still have to play the whole story at least once to unlock it. If players want to complete the story then they need to actually do the quest line.
    But tbh if devs would want to chose easy solution then adding solo mode to every dungeon (w/o creating new type of dungeon like yours) could be enough.
    It actually wouldn't be that much work in the grand scheme of things as the those sections in the story are basically solo dungeons already. Just Add more difficult mobs and make the mini-bosses along the way more difficult.
    The only thing that would really need work is re-designing the final boss encounter for Group & Veteran.

    Going forward they could design a full dungeon for Final Boss encounters that includes 2-3 other bosses players have to beat first

    Edited by Iccotak on January 22, 2020 2:19AM
  • Iccotak
    @Paramedicus would you mind if I added your idea to the post?
    EDIT: I'll have to think about it some more
    Edited by Iccotak on January 22, 2020 12:49PM
  • Iccotak
    I may have messed up a Poll.... :#
    Hopefully I was able to communicate the idea well enough
  • Ascarl
    Maybe instead of overland sets having dungeon sets only dropping with learning trait would be a solution.
  • Paramedicus
    Iccotak wrote: »
    As long as no sets drop from mobs and bosses and players can never get a full set by just doing Solo mode then that's fine.
    Yeah, it would work similar to rewards for leveling up. So if there are three different sets in given dungeon you could choose only (and always) chest from on of them at end of quest.
    Gear drops being incentive for grinding those dungs in groups wouldnt suffice ofc, so these dungs should still be added to undaunted rotation (or there should be new undaunted quest introduced - like in your first post).
    Iccotak wrote: »
    would you mind if I added your idea to the post?
    Go ahead. I don't think devs reads topics on this forum (tho maybe when some discussion gets massive attention from community) but we can still talk about it and entertain ourselves.
    Edited by Paramedicus on January 22, 2020 12:49PM
    PC EU
    /script JumpToHouse("@Paramedicus")
    ↑↑↑ Feel free to visit my house if you need to use Transmute Station or vet Trial Dummy with buffs and Aetherial Well (look for the Harrowing Reaper on the northern rock wall) ↑↑↑
  • Iccotak
    Here's my problem with the current Season System

    Half the story treats me like a new player.
    Sure New Players are missing out on half the current season story and don't even know the rest BUT -

    As someone who has been playing since launch back in 2014 and regularly plays the Dungeons & Trials, I do not care for the fact that the story treated me like I was a new player by practically handing me my victory on a silver platter with tedious and underwhelming boss fights that were designed for beginners.

    Half the year aims to strictly appease one play-style, Group. While the other half aims to appease a different play-style; Solo. However, as consequence they created an inconsistent story experience for both sides.

    I was mostly fine with how zones are set up because zones also include Public Dungeons, World Bosses, and Dolmens that encourage players to work together.

    However, it is no wonder that Solo players are asking for Dungeons with a Solo mode because many are having a hard time keeping track of the story and feel locked out.

    Meanwhile I love the Dungeon content and I like playing with other people. There is a sense of accomplishment when we beat a Hard Dungeon or Trial - not when I beat something that is clearly designed for new players.

    Which is why I want a main story with content that I can do with my friends. I want the option for the Big Set pieces - The Final Battle - to have a Dungeon mode because that would be a FUN, Engaging, and Rewarding experience for me.

    This is an MMO right? Why wouldn't the main story have challenging content that players could take on Together?
    As the current system is - I feel placated by how easy they make the Main Story after they spent about a year hyping up the main villain.

    It seems like a simple solution to me. Make the Big set pieces in the Season Story which are the Big Boss Fights & the DLC Dungeons as activities that have
    - a Solo Story mode
    - a Group Dungeon mode that has more reward to incentive players to work together
  • Olauron
    So your main idea is to remove the current rewards that story players have and force them to group to receive rewards they can have now. You know what, the day when ZOS removes such rewards from chapters and story DLCs would be a day I stop paying for that content.
    The Three Storm Sharks, episode 8 released on january the 8th.
    One mer to rule them all,
    one mer to find them,
    One mer to bring them all
    and in the darkness bind them.
  • Iccotak
    Olauron wrote: »
    So your main idea is to remove the current rewards that story players have and force them to group to receive rewards they can have now. You know what, the day when ZOS removes such rewards from chapters and story DLCs would be a day I stop paying for that content.

    That is not what I said at all.

    I said that a player cannot farm the Easy Solo mode of a Dungeon for compete dungeon sets and other unique items. If they want Gear Sets then they have to play the harder Group content in Normal or Veteran.

    If they do play on Easy solo then the end reward they get for doing the dungeon quest would be just like the end reward for any quest which is usually an overland set item.
    Generally when a player is exploring a new place they get overland set items as rewards for completing quests so I am applying that logic to an Easy Solo mode.
    Edited by Iccotak on January 22, 2020 2:12PM
  • theyancey
    As I posted in the other threads about the same sort of ideas:

    What I want to see is more of a solo mode as we have through much of the base game where the computer fills in the remaining members of the group that we lack. There could be an assortment of class/faction NPCs that we could choose from to take the group to 4 members. While I might choose 1 tank, 1 healer, and another DPS to fill out my group you may wish to experiment with a different configuration. It would also be a great learning and testing environment. Want to check out how your skills in one role or another are working? Here is where you can do that without other players suffering the consequences of your mistakes. ZOS likes for players to try different roles and activities. This would be a good way to encourage running dungeons and other group activities. It would open more of the game to a large part of the player base thereby adding value to ESO. Imagine the financial windfall from new sales of dungeon DLCs, increased ESO+ membership, and crown store purchases.

    Moreover this type approach would be in keeping with Matt's blueprint for the game. Ignore the threads that you see about how ESO is an RPG or MMO. Instead take it from the person who developed,built, and runs the game. This quote from Matt Frior is just as true today as it was in 2016:

    ESO is not really a traditional MMO, so we don’t use that term much around the office – and it is this distinction that separates it from other games. If you want to play it solo, like you did with other Elder Scrolls games, you can do that. If you want to play it super-grindy with dungeons, Trials, and group bosses as the core of you experience, you can join up with others and do that too. It’s really up to you to figure out how you want to play it, as we don’t enforce a play style one way or the other. In fact, ESO has been super-successful at taking gamers not used to massive online games, introducing them to the concepts of group play by making it fun and optional, and turning them into online gamers.

    I believe that such a solo mode for group content would be the easiest way to make the game as accessible to the many without placing any undue burden on the few. Instead of a cost it is a moneymaker. It holds true to both the history of the TES franchise and to the vision of the creator of ESO. I'm all for it.
    Edited by theyancey on January 22, 2020 2:25PM
  • Olauron
    Iccotak wrote: »
    That is not what I said at all.

    I said that a player cannot farm the Easy Solo mode of a Dungeon for compete dungeon sets and other unique items. If they want Gear Sets then they have to play the harder Group content in Normal or Veteran.

    You said
    Iccotak wrote: »
    Example: items like the "Jade Dragon set" or "Regal Dragon Imp pet" would be earned from achievements for the Veteran Group Dungeon version of Dragonhold.
    That made me think that even if you are not proposing removing existing rewards from already sold content you want to remove such rewards from story content for future chapters and story DLCs.

    Personally I don't see a reason to differentiate rewards based on difficulty (or modes) from a player point of view. If I already done Dragonhold for the 'story' reward why should I do the same thing again in another mode to get the proposed Nahfahlar Imp pet reward? What is the point of repeating the same thing for me as a player? I understand when developer wants to force player to do the same thing multiple times but I don't understand the reason for a player to be eager to do this.
    The Three Storm Sharks, episode 8 released on january the 8th.
    One mer to rule them all,
    one mer to find them,
    One mer to bring them all
    and in the darkness bind them.
  • Iccotak
    And, as you may have noticed, I placed an EDIT afterwards that said:
    since those items are already available - a good reward for the dungeon would be
    - Nahfahlar theme Helmet + Shoulder
    - Nahfahlar Imp pet.

    I said Jade Dragon Armor and Regal Dragon imp as examples that players are familiar with.
    If that confused you at first then that is something I can correct for the future.
    Olauron wrote: »
    Personally I don't see a reason to differentiate rewards based on difficulty (or modes) from a player point of view. If I already done Dragonhold for the 'story' reward why should I do the same thing again in another mode to get the proposed Nahfahlar Imp pet reward? What is the point of repeating the same thing for me as a player? I understand when developer wants to force player to do the same thing multiple times but I don't understand the reason for a player to be eager to do this.

    If you perhaps read the rest of the post you would see that the proposal included Gear Sets that are specific to those Final Story Boss dungeons.
    I assume you would return for much the same reason anyone returns to group dungeons whether it is Normal or Veteran.
    Friends, XP, and/or Loot.
  • Paramedicus
    i dunno why people quote Matt Frior over and over again, as this would somehow make ESO not a MMORPG but something else, different and unique.

    ESO is MMORPG with strong focus on story (so with strong solo support). Modern MMOs generally shifted to more causal, solo players, and those games which used more vanilla approach (hardcore group focus) didn't do so well (see Wildcard as example). There are other MMORPG with strong focus on story like SWOTR or Secred World. ESO isnt someting unnamed and unique. ZOS just keep telling you this stuff, so TES players wont be afraid to try out ESO. Which is understandable (i don't count it as some malicious manipulation), because single-player TES gamers may see MMOs as some hardcore group stuff like early WoW.

    (i know that quote from Matt will be used till the end of time anywayz).
    Edited by Paramedicus on January 22, 2020 2:44PM
    PC EU
    /script JumpToHouse("@Paramedicus")
    ↑↑↑ Feel free to visit my house if you need to use Transmute Station or vet Trial Dummy with buffs and Aetherial Well (look for the Harrowing Reaper on the northern rock wall) ↑↑↑
  • JadonSky
    Yeah we asked for a solo option for dungeons for years now but never made it on the list. Cross our fingers it will make it at some point. I think it would be a good way to
    • Allow easy xp to new players as well as update the daily undaunted solo quest to be dungeons instead of delves
    • Still requires dungoen group play since you can't get the dungeon sets in solo mod its littalry just for expeirence and the enjoyment of the story
    • I would also like to see the quest in dungeons be daily like trials. After the first completions you no longer get the skill point just a box to open with a chance to get an armor piece. In solo mode you just get xp and a small amount of gold.
  • Olauron
    Iccotak wrote: »
    And, as you may have noticed, I placed an EDIT afterwards that said:
    since those items are already available - a good reward for the dungeon would be
    - Nahfahlar theme Helmet + Shoulder
    - Nahfahlar Imp pet.

    I said Jade Dragon Armor and Regal Dragon imp as examples that players are familiar with.
    If that confused you at first then that is something I can correct for the future.
    So you mean them as an addition not only to existing story rewards but also to future story rewards in future content. Thanks for clarification.
    Iccotak wrote: »
    If you perhaps read the rest of the post you would see that the proposal included Gear Sets that are specific to those Final Story Boss dungeons.
    I assume you would return for much the same reason anyone returns to group dungeons whether it is Normal or Veteran.
    Friends, XP, and/or Loot.
    I see. Well, I don't think there needs to be additional collectible as a separate reward. I know I wouldn't want it personally. I have nothing against XP or loot (sets) in another modes (though I can say that I am relieved when I finish collecting some dungeon / trial set or when I don't need it - need in a "RP with min-maxing" sense).
    The Three Storm Sharks, episode 8 released on january the 8th.
    One mer to rule them all,
    one mer to find them,
    One mer to bring them all
    and in the darkness bind them.
  • Iccotak
    JadonSky wrote: »
    Yeah we asked for a solo option for dungeons for years now but never made it on the list. Cross our fingers it will make it at some point. I think it would be a good way to
    • Allow easy xp to new players as well as update the daily undaunted solo quest to be dungeons instead of delves
    • Still requires dungoen group play since you can't get the dungeon sets in solo mod its littalry just for expeirence and the enjoyment of the story
    • I would also like to see the quest in dungeons be daily like trials. After the first completions you no longer get the skill point just a box to open with a chance to get an armor piece. In solo mode you just get xp and a small amount of gold.

    I agree with the second point but not the first or third.
    Like I said in the OP
    5th - What about the Undaunted Quests & Content?
    The Undaunted Guild is specifically for Group content. So if you want to do Undaunted Quests or obtain undaunted keys, dungeon skill point, Set gear, Geodes, etc. Then you have to play the group content.

    Your comment does remind me why Solo Mode for Dungeon is still an ongoing discussion.
    This is not a jab I am simply noting that there is a clear difference in philosophy when it comes to the game.

    From my perspective a Solo play-style should be allowed but not necessarily encouraged. This is an MMO after all and I think the game is more fun when it encourages group play-style.

    My point in the OP is that if players are going to ask for an optional solo mode so then they can follow the story through the year - then it would be reasonable to ask that ZOS makes an optional Dungeon mode for the Big Boss Lair Fights so then we can have a more consistent gameplay experience in the Year Long Story as well
  • Iccotak
    EDIT added to OP
    Edited by Iccotak on January 23, 2020 5:34AM
  • Linaleah
    Iccotalk, I think your ideas are fantastic. and yes, I think its fair to have separate collectibles/rewards for each mode, just like we have separate rewards for normal vs vet vs vet hardmode/meta achievements. doing story on solo mode to get full enjoyment out of it, doesn't mean you cannot also later on go on to do it in group setting. in fact, i feel like given my experiences in other games that offer this option - it will make it a lot less stressful if you can do the story on your own and only really worry about group mechanics and cooperation in group version of it. you are not stressing out about trying to simultaneously keep up with your group AND trying to keep up with a story.

    and as I play a healer in group context more often then not, I have all to often ran into a situation where someone runs ahead and pulls, while I'm still behind so I end up dropping what I'm doing and sprinting ahead, hoping that I catch up in time to keep them alive - because they are taking a lot of damage and because I feel that if I join a group as a healer then its my job to keep my groupmates alive to the best of my ability.

    P.S. I do also thing that DLC dungeons and regular dungeons should have a separate random queue and separate rewards. but that's another conversation.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Indoril_Nerevar
    I agree. Keep it simple.

    Solo Settings for dungeons and Group Settings for Groups.

    Activity Finder literally made thousands of people quit in 2019 and continues to still do so today.

    Imagine running and farming a dungeon 75 times, for only ONE ITEM?! Because of all the "issues" that exist 90% of the time?

    Or constantly getting trolled when you EVENTUALLY do manage to get into a queue successfully? :D

    Or watching people quit and disconnect like it's going out of style?

    Even large guilds won't offer you players to run Vet Or Norm Dungeons with if you cant solo it or do it in 2's or 3's.

    All of that above, quite literally defines Activity Finder today - especially on PS4.

    So, I agree. Because it is not always about the difficulty of the dungeon rather than who is running it with you, or not.

    It just doesn't have to be that way; broken, complicated and annoying.
  • snoozy
    love how many threads there are on this topic rn! :)

    can you hear us zos? :smiley:
    PC EU
  • MerguezMan

    - Keep current system that allows you to enter solo in any dungeon

    - Change "normal mode" mechanics, so the game knows you are alone and does not make you face group mechanics (the door opens with 1 player standing on plates instead of 2 in Direfrost keep, you can escape the ghost grab in Wayrest sewers 2 with cc-breaker mechanics, etc.)

    - display a warning if there is more than 1/2 player(s) in dungeon - "group mechanics enabled" (so you may train for Veteran with only 2 players of any level - though some mechanics require 3 or 4 players)

    - scale normal mode enemies resistance depending on the number of players (same enemies, same health pool, just move the "armor rate" cursor)

    - Don't change anything to Veteran mode

    I guess this is even less effort than what you suggest. And the current system allows drop-in and out of your dungeon for coop buddies, so you may ask help anytime if the solo challenge becomes too big.
  • TheFM
    Iccotak wrote: »
    As long as no sets drop from mobs and bosses and players can never get a full set by just doing Solo mode then that's fine.
    Yeah, it would work similar to rewards for leveling up. So if there are three different sets in given dungeon you could choose only (and always) chest from on of them at end of quest.
    Gear drops being incentive for grinding those dungs in groups wouldnt suffice ofc, so these dungs should still be added to undaunted rotation (or there should be new undaunted quest introduced - like in your first post).
    Iccotak wrote: »
    would you mind if I added your idea to the post?
    Go ahead. I don't think devs reads topics on this forum (tho maybe when some discussion gets massive attention from community) but we can still talk about it and entertain ourselves.

    Sorry, u want story mode u get no rewards, you don't get rewards for less effort
  • TheFM
    theyancey wrote: »
    As I posted in the other threads about the same sort of ideas:

    What I want to see is more of a solo mode as we have through much of the base game where the computer fills in the remaining members of the group that we lack. There could be an assortment of class/faction NPCs that we could choose from to take the group to 4 members. While I might choose 1 tank, 1 healer, and another DPS to fill out my group you may wish to experiment with a different configuration. It would also be a great learning and testing environment. Want to check out how your skills in one role or another are working? Here is where you can do that without other players suffering the consequences of your mistakes. ZOS likes for players to try different roles and activities. This would be a good way to encourage running dungeons and other group activities. It would open more of the game to a large part of the player base thereby adding value to ESO. Imagine the financial windfall from new sales of dungeon DLCs, increased ESO+ membership, and crown store purchases.

    Moreover this type approach would be in keeping with Matt's blueprint for the game. Ignore the threads that you see about how ESO is an RPG or MMO. Instead take it from the person who developed,built, and runs the game. This quote from Matt Frior is just as true today as it was in 2016:

    ESO is not really a traditional MMO, so we don’t use that term much around the office – and it is this distinction that separates it from other games. If you want to play it solo, like you did with other Elder Scrolls games, you can do that. If you want to play it super-grindy with dungeons, Trials, and group bosses as the core of you experience, you can join up with others and do that too. It’s really up to you to figure out how you want to play it, as we don’t enforce a play style one way or the other. In fact, ESO has been super-successful at taking gamers not used to massive online games, introducing them to the concepts of group play by making it fun and optional, and turning them into online gamers.

    I believe that such a solo mode for group content would be the easiest way to make the game as accessible to the many without placing any undue burden on the few. Instead of a cost it is a moneymaker. It holds true to both the history of the TES franchise and to the vision of the creator of ESO. I'm all for it.

    Real world data since then says otherwise. The game is labeled and has received rewards for being an mmo, but keep parroting what has since been refuted 10000 times over
  • Iccotak

    Kept it simple

    Change made to the post that you can find in the "Detailed Explanation" box
    Players can do a Solo dungeon with no more than Two people in their group. This is an MMO so players should be able to enjoy the story with a friend at least
  • Vaerth
    Iccotak wrote: »
    The way it is set up. "Play the way you want" philosophy that ZOS touts for ESO is not compatible with the current Season formula for two reasons
    1. Half the Story is behind the Group DLC
    2. Half the Story is catering to casual or beginner players
    The game would be better if the Dungeons & Main Boss Fights had a "Solo/Group" setting

    - Solo: You can play on easy and experience the story throughout the year (no dungeon sets)
    - Group: harder difficulty, play with a group, and get more loot from the Dungeons & Main boss fights

    This is especially the case if ZOS is going to integrate the DLC dungeons even more into the story.

    Also, with Solo Story mode, ZOS would not have to make Group DLC Dungeons easier in order to cater to Casual Players.
    On Group Mode they could make Dungeons even harder than they are now because it is aimed at players seeking Harder content and more reward.

    They could make a Hard Mode for the Final Story Bosses that have mechanics on par with DLC dungeon bosses

    It is a simple solution

    Detailed Explanation
    1st - let's establish who is the target audience of the Current Season System.
    Players like me who play the Dungeons, Chapters, and Story zone as they release throughout the year. I'm a Veteran player so I have a full grasp of the story and I never feel that I am missing out.

    2nd - How is this a problem?
    For solo players, or anyone just getting into the game, they are missing out on the story context because they have to unlock the dungeons at level 45 or greater. Then they get the prologue quests and it's just a mixed bag of a story that feels out of order if you started with the latest chapter.

    Which it is out of order if you started in the latest chapter but that is a different topic that you can find here from our friend @VaranisArano
    ( )

    Recently people have been arguing about why ZOS should cater to casual players, a common response being;
    "If you want the story then find a group"

    However..There is another side of the problem of how dungeons were integrated into the season.

    3rd - What is the other side of the problem?
    The year long storyline, that includes difficult Dungeons as part of the narrative, had ultimately built up to a Final fight full of tedious encounters & bosses that were designed so that a Beginner at the game could beat it. Which is disappointing for a player whose journey over the year was leading to this final climatic moment.

    The Season is separated between Beginner Friendly Quest Zones & Dungeons that are designed for Veterans, this created an inconsistent gameplay experience in the Story for both Casual & Hardcore Players.

    How can we meet both sides?

    4th - What is a the solution?
    Part 1 - design a solo mode for the dungeons.

    What is a "Solo" dungeon: Has normal mobs and toned down bosses. Mobs only drop miscellaneous white gear - no sets. Upon completing the Dungeon Quest players earn a single green-blue tier Overland set item from the main NPC involved in the story. Just like any Overland quest
    This allows players to experience the story if they need to catch up or want to just take their time without being rushed by a group.
    EDIT: Players can do a Solo dungeon with no more than Two people in their group. This is an MMO so players should be able to enjoy the story with a friend at least

    If you want the Dungeon set items, achievements, undaunted keys, dungeon skill point, Geodes, etc. the you have to play the group content.

    Part 2 - Design the Final Story Bosses as un-lockable dungeons called Lairs. There will be two versions of Lairs:
    Solo and Group.
    These Lairs will get their own tab in the Dungeon Finder because they are unlocked by playing the story.

    There will be a Dungeon Mode for the Final Bosses of the following;
    - Base Game
    - Morrowind
    - Clockwork City
    - Summerset
    - Murkmire

    Followed by the Final bosses of this Season;
    - Mulaamnir
    - Laatvulon
    - Kaalgrontiid

    Each ending will be a Lair that players unlock.
    The Developers already said that they want to make the Dungeons more involved in the story and the Final Boss lairs were basically Solo Dungeons already.
    So now those final battles will be utilized as dungeons that have a setting of;
    Solo, Group, and Group Veteran
    It would still be an epic conclusion that the Season was building up to as well as a challenging repeatable activity with dungeon sets and unique items Players could obtain.

    Example: Possible rewards from achievements for the Veteran Group Dungeon version of Dragonhold.
    - Nahfahlar theme Helmet + Shoulder
    - Nahfahlar Imp pet.

    Undaunted: Lair Weekly
    At the Undaunted Camp meet a mysterious Argonian character known as (NAME) he seems to have something important to tell you. He will tell you a cryptic message of your destiny and you must go out and face it.

    The Argonian will cycle Lairs every week. Which are Main story bosses as Group Dungeons.
    This covers the Base game, Daedric War, Season of the Dragon, and the upcoming Dark Heart of Skyrim.
    EDIT: Lairs will have their own tab and once a Player beats a Lair that specific activity is unlocked on the whole Account.

    Lair: Vault of Kings - Help Sai Sahan obtain the Amulet of Kings before Mannimarco

    Lair: The God of Schemes - Make your way to Molag Bal and defeat the God of Schemes

    Daedric War
    Lair: The Clockwork Vault - Defeat Barbas in the Clockwork City to restore Vivec

    Lair: Cogitum Centralis - Find the Shadow of Sotha Sil and stop him before the Clockwork city is lost forever

    Lair: The Crystal Tower - stop Nocturnal before she uses the tower to remake reality.

    Lair: Vakka-Bok Xanmeer - Prevent Kassandra from acquiring the Remnant of Argon

    Season of the Dragon
    Lair: Jode's Core - defend Jode's core and defeat Mulaamnir

    Lair: Doomstone Keep - Assist Nahfahlar end a feud with Laatvulon and save Elsweyr

    Lair: Dragonhold - Journey to Dragonhold and Defeat Kaalgrontiid to save Tamriel

    What about the Undaunted Quests & Content?
    The Undaunted Guild is specifically for Group content. So if you want to do Undaunted Quests or obtain undaunted keys, dungeon skill point, Set gear, Geodes, etc. Then you have to play the group content.

    What about Trials?
    Trials do not need a solo mode as they don't have any bearing on the main story.

    Why is this the best solution?
    1. It is a system that allows both playstyles throughout the whole story.
    - solo playstyle (at a cost of dungeon specific loot)
    - an MMO play-style where players can work together to beat the main story for epic rewards

    2. This would be a system that encourages New Players to experience the Main Story at least once to unlock Lairs

    3. We would get Overall more group content.

    This system alone would create 8 group activities per year
    - 4 dungeons
    - 3 Boss Lairs (Chapter Boss, Zone boss, Season Boss)
    - 1 Trial

    It would generate, at the least, 9 more Boss Lair activities from previous content including
    - Mannimarco
    - Molag Bal
    - Barbas
    - Shadow of Sotha Sil
    - Nocturnal
    - Kassandra

    as well as the Bosses from 2019:
    - Mulaamnir
    - Laatvulon
    - Kaalgrontiid

    uhhh, the Play your way has not ever been honored in ESO. If it was, we would have no weapon requirements like a Staff for using Magicka.

    Real play your way would have ALL skills scale off highest offensive stat. That would be YOUR way to free make the character exactly how you desire. ESO is very limited, and false advertises the play your way. If they really wanted you to have freedom of choice, then you would not need to follow the meta to get into endgame content.

    Really would have been simple to make skills scale off highest stats...
    Pact Bloodwraith
  • Kiralyn2000
    Just to note... I am playing how I want - I don't want to do group content, so I don't do dungeons.
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