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Molag Bal Statue from Collector's Edition - Multiple Issues.

  • Gothic
    Igax wrote: »
    Just wow. Someone here needs to step up instead of passing the buck. Good to know that superglue damaged the plastic. What type/brand was it?

    3M - Scotch brand Super Glue

    Breaks down the plastic to a black, gooey mess.

  • Cutekhaos
    So, I'll toss my hat in this mess, my statues mace broke and the tail was impossible to fit in, not too mention that the whole thing is like a million razor blades, I cut myself on it and my two year-old snagged it while I wasn't looking at him and he has nicks everywhere his body wasn't covered by clothing. Oh and is the sword supposed to be bent like a fish hook?
  • Jaqles
    Cutekhaos wrote: »
    ...while I wasn't looking at him and he has nicks everywhere his body wasn't covered by clothing.

    Careful with the tot...The statue even has stamped into the base that it's not meant as a toy or be displayed where anyone under 14 can get to it. :/ (Apparently they weren't kidding.) Hopefully the kiddo is okay.

    Ah, and no, the sword shouldn't be like that. :(
    Edited by Jaqles on April 5, 2014 11:27PM
  • Booshy
    Allumis wrote: »
    I just received this email from them:

    "Hi Jeff,

    Thank you for your email and we apologize that you're having issues with your Molag statue. We created an assembly video that will help with any issues with the feet not aligning or the tailing not going in and discuss the best way to assemble Molag correctly. Please review the video and let us know if there are any additional issues:

    Kind regards,

    Customer Service"

    I feel absolutely patronised to bits, I've been an avid collector of Warhammer miniatures for the past 18 years. I know how to put something together and if it wont fit.

    My model does not fit using the method described, the holes are not the correct size, the legs are much closer together and have less give than those shown in this video.
    As a result I will be returning my copy to and requesting a full refund of my £90 ($150) what a total joke.

    I wish Zenimax would take some responsibility instead of playing pass the buck!

    I just got this email also and emailed them right away saying no, the issue isn't that I don't know how to push a stupid tail into a butt it's that it will not go into it!
  • Jaqles
    The responses from customer service have been appalling. :neutral_face:
  • Gothic
    I received two messages from GamingHeads. The first one states,

    "Can you see if you can use some super glue to reattached the Mace, it should attach without issue. You just need to make sure that the super glue you use is suitable to be used with PVC. The packaging of the super glue will indicate that."

    The glue I used states that it is safe for all plastics, with the exception of polystyrene foam, foam rubber, polyethylene, and polypropylene. PVC or ABS resin do not fall in any of those categories, therefore it should have been safe. BUT IT MELTED THE PLASTIC.

    A second email I received from GamingHeads,

    "Please can you take a couple of images of the problem areas and an image of your receipt as we need it for documentation purposes so we can discuss with the factory."

    Just to share with the public, here's the pics I sent:





    While I appreciate their willingness to at least listen to my case, I am hoping that they will honor my request for a replacement.

    Stay tuned...
    Edited by Gothic on April 6, 2014 8:33PM
  • lunarul
    Update from GamingHeads on this thread
  • Gothic
    Here's the reply I got via email today:
    Thank you for trying to fix the Mace. We would like to offer you a replacement. Please confirm your shipping address and please let me know your telephone number for filling an airway bill purpose.

    As the Imperial Edition has just been released into the market, please give us until the 16th April so we can access the full extent of the issues surrounding the Molag Bal statue so we can work out the best solution. We will get back to you in due course once the situation is clear and we know more about the number of replacements available to us and when they will be available.

    Once again, we're sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you and we hope you enjoy The Elder Scrolls Online.

    Kind regards,

    Customer Service

  • IvorySamoan
    Good stuff ZOS - quality team for sure :)
    Just returning some video tapes.........
  • Phyrdrin
    Good stuff ZOS - quality team for sure :)

    Not sure if sarcasm or....

    "Surprise me. Say something intelligent."
  • Maestro_Sartori
    No reply back in days for me, guess I don't get a replacement...
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    I must have gotten lucky.
  • Karmanorway
    Well look at it on the bright side, the new statues from collectors edition are far better quality 😉
  • ZOS_Bill
    As this thread is over five years old we are going to close the discussion. If you have a specific issue you need help with you're welcome to start a new thread in the General Help forum.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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