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Tanking questions (is it my fault?).

So far I've mostly healed in dungeons and I realize it can be a bit frantic with significant damage spikes but I usually keep everyone alive (only level 20 so the dungeons I've done is pretty limited).

So I figured I'd try it out with my Templar. The first run I went as dps and our healer was only level 10 and we couldn't get past the boss.

However, it is my second attempt that bothers me. We were all level 15 or 16 so at the top end of the spectrum. I have full heavy armor specced out with the heavy armor passives (my armor level is overcharged right now) and I'm running the standing stone that helps resist spells.

However, we really struggled. We made it past the first boss on our second attempt (I had died during the fight but it was finished off after) and I died a number of times on trash pulls. Finally the second boss I couldn't barely keep alive. We tried a number of times but we never got more than one of the minions down. I finally

Keep in mind I was using food, have my own healing spell on my action bar and keeping out of the red. However, I just couldn't stay alive. Even using a potion an healing myself a couple times.

So was I just the victim of someone who didn't have the healing abilities needed (Templar healer FYI) or am I doing something wrong.

I think I'm blocking when I need, I'm keeping out of the red and I've mostly put my points into health with a few sprinkled to stamina/mana it just seems my health cant stay up (it seems to go down really fast although I've never actually analyzed it.

So, what am I doing wrong?

  • LunaRae
    Hi @loudent‌ , hopefully someone more skilled in the ways of Templars will stroll by and provide class advice as I've only ever played Night Blade. Here are some tips I can provide re: dungeons though
    1. Dying lots makes a dungeon very hard. This is because your armor durability is greatly reduced each time, thus reducing armor values to low numbers. You will continue dying faster and faster each time. I recommend either bringing a few repair kits if you're doing OK early on and make a few mistakes, or abandoning the dungeon if you take too many beatings and come back after mass-repairing and maybe getting a few levels.
    2. Do some dungeon research ahead of time. I see a lot of parties being formed with a lot of people never having tried the dungeon before. Each boss has his/her own special attacks and abilities, and this catches a lot of people off-guard. In example it makes it difficult to win if a boss is getting mass heals and you don't realize what is causing the healing. I recommend either taking a stab at it and understand you might need to leave, head to the forums or ask in /zone chat for some tips on beating X boss in Y dungeon.
    3. Make sure your current armor/gear is level appropriate. I've seen forum posts where people speak of having a really hard time and not realizing that they're wearing level 4 armor in a level 12 dungeon.
    4. Some party/player combinations don't work well. Unfortunately you sometimes get people who say they can look after heals, but in reality they've only sort-of skilled for healing. Or you get a Night Blade player who thinks because he/she picked the NightBlade class that automatically makes them #1 DPS'er, when they might be speccing survivability skills/abilities. This is where I really like being in guilds because you can ask a veteran player, or someone more experienced, for some advice. Even have them join your party to run the dungeon with you! :smile:

    Hope some of these tips help, if you any specific questions let me know.
    Stands-Strong-As-Snow ~ Argonian Templar DC NA V14
    Ytheri ~ Argonian Nightblade EP Thornblade NA V14
    Heals-All-Colours ~ Argonian Templar EP Thornblade NA V14
    Stands-In-Still-Waters~ Argonian Sorcerer EP Thornblade NA V2
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