MurderMostFoul wrote: »Remove the initial activation. Make the first light attack that you land on the bar with bound armaments slotted give you the 45 second buff that permits summoning additional daggers regardless of bar.
No more annoying double activation requirement, and for PVP, the 45 second timer would start at the beginning of an instance of combat.
ThePhantomThorn wrote: »
oh ok. its not like nb needs to activate a skill. but of course sorc must have special treatment. whats next? an auto streak? auto heal?
Who said nightblades can't get the same treatment?
ThePhantomThorn wrote: »
my point is having auto buffs would make pvp easy. its not hard to click one button every 40 secs.
ThePhantomThorn wrote: »
oh ok. its not like nb needs to activate a skill. but of course sorc must have special treatment. whats next? an auto streak? auto heal?
MurderMostFoul wrote: »
Nightblades actually receive a benefit from the buff while building up to an assassin's will. Stamsorc gets nothing but floating knives. It's not hard, annoying to manage.
ThePhantomThorn wrote: »
thats not zos wiping your behind for you because your to lazy to hit a skill every 40 secs. also id like to add a few more things.
you can hit damage whenever you want.
its impossible to dodge the whole skill
and you have crit surge. magblade has nothing.
sorc is the class that zos literally pampers. play magblade and you will understand.
this should be on the merciless tooltip.
50% chance to be dodged
30% chance for it to disappear into oblivion
10% chance for it to do virtually no damage
5% chance for it to crash your game
4% chance for it to give you a loading screen
1% chance for it to hit and deal a good amount of damage.
MurderMostFoul wrote: »
Don't forget to add this to the tooltip:
100% chance for you to die instantly the next time your opponent cast biting jabs.
Crixus8000 wrote: »I remember testing this on the pts and seeing how bad it was. Then I looked at the forums and everyone was saying how strong it is, many called it op. Well now on live I haven't met a single stamsorc who uses this skill, not for the activation anyway, because they all seem to agree that it sucks.
The activated ability is not worth using, It's a waste of stamina and a damage loss since you could have used something else in that gcd.
It could be a cool skill that actually helps with stamsorc burst, something we don't have right now but sadly it's just useless in it's current state.
Mudcrabjedi wrote: »Personally, as my secondary(ans main pvper) is a stamsorc, i think the skill is fine. No offense, i think this is a L2P issue.
MCBIZZLE300 wrote: »
I've mained stamsorc for 4 years, this is not an l2p issue it just doesnt hit hard enough compared to using a different ability, its alright as an optional extra but considering zenimax created it to give the class more identity it should pack more of a punch. Saying l2p is both belittleing and arrogant, non constructive but hidden as contructive critisism by saying no offense before it.
the skill hits with a delay, so u can create a nice burst in pvp and it works perfectly with crushing weapon. 10% more LA dmg, and 20% more sustain.
Maybe people should start to create there own builds and dont c&p Alcast stuff.
last time i was in a group in cyrodiil was 1 year ago...Fur_like_snow wrote: »Yeah I’m certain people defending it are just casting the skill from the middle of their faction zerg. Try using bound against a competent player in 1v1 with your bow build and tell me how that plays out.
last time i was in a group in cyrodiil was 1 year ago...
@MCBIZZLE300 Yes the skill doesnt fit in a 2hand dizzy build and it doesnt fit in close combat builds. but that doesnt mean this skill is crap, its only situational usefull, like other skills too.
MCBIZZLE300 wrote: »
yeh ok, so it doesnt fit a 2h build, the skill was designed to define stamsorc as it had little class identity yet its not effective for a lot of builds so i think we are both in agreement really that it should be buffed/changed.
This skill has awesome passives to boot. It's fine.
MCBIZZLE300 wrote: »
I've mained stamsorc for 4 years, this is not an l2p issue it just doesnt hit hard enough compared to using a different ability, its alright as an optional extra but considering zenimax created it to give the class more identity it should pack more of a punch. Saying l2p is both belittleing and arrogant, non constructive but hidden as contructive critisism by saying no offense before it.