If I want to make an Iron Ingot set of armor that has the stats of a Veteran Rank 10 set of gear, I should be able to. Putting caps on the max level you can craft a certain tier of armor ONLY ensures that all end game players are going to be wearing the same armor. It also ensures that you can't craft level specific gear unless you have that SINGLE material to do so. There is no disadvantage to removing that cap.
A hallmark of all "great" mmo's is the ability to have a variety of different appearances than those other players around you. ZOS, you've created so many different amazing looking armors in the game for your players to wear, yet through this limitation have told players that they should only be wearing between 3-5 different styles at endgame. Who agrees with me?
Edit: Someone posited that it was necessary for progression within Blacksmithing. Blacksmithing can be limited by level, and doesn't have to be limited by cosmetic. For example: make it so Iron Breastplate level 1 - 15ish only requires rudimentary knowledge of Blacksmithing. HOWEVER, Iron Breastplate level 25 cannot be crafted without placing a skill point into Blacksmithing rank 3 passive.
I just believe that by endgame, there are over a hundred different "lower level" armor styles that are never used or seen again. It's a complete waste of assets and time spent by designers.
Edited by AlMcFly on April 16, 2014 7:32PM