If you learn the page motif for the mask style, will you be able to create the actual mask (with the 1 -2 piece benefits i,.e., 1 - 129 Stamina recovery; 2 - 6% chance to regain ult, etc. ), or is it just a cosmetic mask?
If you learn the page motif for the mask style, will you be able to create the actual mask (with the 1 -2 piece benefits i,.e., 1 - 129 Stamina recovery; 2 - 6% chance to regain ult, etc. ), or is it just a cosmetic mask?
I did not even know there were monster motifs for the helms and shoulders. Always seems to me that people are looking for ways to hide them, not show them off.
the masks (motif) have been in crown store???
i thought the mask drops in dungeons, weapons are in crown store and shoulder in undaunted boxes?
Correct, @tim99, they have not been in the Crown Store ... but from PTS testing a little while back, it was implied the previously-offered style pages would be available in the Crown Store when the event goes Live.
Of course, no guarantees ... ZOS may decide against that practice. We’ll have to wait until mid-November.
Edited by Taleof2Cities on October 10, 2019 2:35PM