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Removing player given werewolf bite

Hi guys wonder if you can help me. I was waiting to do the Werewolf quest by the portal buffing up etc and a player ww bit me. Didn't say anything just bit me.

I didn't mind too much as I was already doing the quest. So I did the quest and after a while decided to remove WW by a priest as I decided to make a new toon character better suited for it.

So my visit to the priest went fine and I removed WW skill etc. The player bite however remains with a 6 day plus cool down. When I go back to the priest he doesn't say anything more. I'm presuming this extra bite prevents me giving vampire bite?

I bet this situation is quite rare at the moment so I'm hoping someone at least knows what to do?
Edited by stylernaku on April 20, 2014 1:56AM
  • stylernaku
    Can anyone give me an update on this? A 6 day timer for something I didn't even ask for, that I can't get rid of, stopping me getting something else is quite frustrating! not the end of the world I know but this can't be that hard to fix surely? No answer to my submitted ticket either!
  • stylernaku
    Still no answer??? come on guys,
  • Tiyamel
    have you tried to contract vampirism since? did it not work? you are right it seems to be a rare condition you seem to be in, i know you can have it removed at a price but you say that you already did that, i have looked over the internet to see if i can help find a solution, ive heard its a 2 step process to remove it, possibly in the mages guild, sorry i can't give you a definate answer
    Guild Master of Lost Prophecies, small group of friends playing in Ebonheart Pact, recruitment only accessible through playing with us and making a good impression.
    Want to know more on how to increase forum stars and achievements, check my guide here:
    Can't seem to level Werewolf or its abilities? check this:
    If it helps then please Insightful/Agree/Awesome or even Lol me :)
  • stylernaku
    Hey I appreciate the help pal. Believe it or not i'm more interested in spreading the awareness of the issue. There's a craze for the vamp/ww bite atm and I think for some it's becoming a defining factor of the game. I was late on the hype baot for these special bites, I was loving the game before I became fully aware of it (been playing since release and a little bit of beta).

    I'm ill with flu atm from work, so my game time (as I sit like a zombie with no energy to do anything else) has gone through the rough, this is how i've got the time to trawl the woods looking for a bite and then end up in this situation.

    Before I start a little book of my life here let's cut to the chase.

    The mage's guild in Riften (top floor) has a male mage (forget his name, just check them all) who will cure you if you are bit or have done the quest. If you haven't done the quest you get a location for him anyway as this is an optional plan B choice when you are giving the quest for ww, either become part of the pack or get cured.

    It seems this is a one shot deal. Npc bites, and player bites can be stacked for some reason, this happened before I completed ww quest.

    The cure however from the priest mage in Riften seems to be a one shot deal, and will only cure one bite. It removed my Ww abilities in ful, but the player bite with the 7/6 day cool down remained. I tried to start a new conversation with the mage, tried re-logging, tried coming back a day or so after in irl time, no dice. He just gives a one sentence answer when you talk to him with no option to remove anything/

    I don't think support were aware this could happen. I'll say again I didn't ask or talk to the player who bit me, it just happened, wrong place wrong time. The player wasn't being a troll I think he thought I was at the WW altar where the quest begins outside portal as I was hoping to get a bite. So infact considering he didn't ask for money or anything he was being quite nice really.

    I have yet to try getting a vamp bite to see if the flag of the cool down is a bug and i am infact bite free. I'm going to the spawn points in Riften every night cycle when I'm playing and no spawns have occured unfortunately :(

    If I am lucky enough to encounter vamps and the bite does not catch on me due to this bug i'll update this.

    TLDR: Moral of the tale here is: be warned, only ever get one bite, unless you want to wait for the 7 day cool down to expire before you can try the latter option to the bite you have. I.e try vamp shortly after ww if you decide it's not for you/god for your build (as I did) or vice versa.

  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    Now this made me laugh ... not at you though.

    People are paying around 30k for a werewolf bite, you get one for free and want rid of it.

    That just makes me chuckle.
  • stylernaku
    I was shocked when it happened because of just that. If someone else said someone randomly bit them for free without typing a word to each other, I wouldn't believe it. Perhaps someone was just being charitable, just my luck that it's been a curse and not good fortune for me :(
  • Darlgon
    1.) Did you bug it in game? To get items on the bug list, you need to report in-game. Forum posts do not count, just raise awareness.
    2.) If you are really curious if this is functioning as planned, go the next step and contact Customer Service (CS) by clicking the Support button at the top of this page.
    The lack of replies to your post tells me that your situation is not very common.
    Power level to CP160 in a week:
    Where is the end game? You just played it.
    Why don't I have 300+ skill points? Because you skipped content along the way.
    Where is new content? Sigh.
  • Gaudrath
    Wait wait... you can get infected by a player against your will? I thought it was consensual, that you have to accept it or something.

    Can you get rid of it easily, or? And can you become immune? Because if players can inflict me with curses at will, I want to be able to retaliate.
  • stylernaku
    Done all the above, the reply email i got was basically hmm this may take some time generic message and no direct reply from anyone in particular. My best guess is they don't know how to solve this, or don't see this as a priority issue and are leaving me to wait the 4 day cool off when the problem will solve it's self. From the point of view their are bigger fish to fry and game breaking bugs etc I get that. It's just a bummer for me.

    Not exactly sure vamp spawns are working atm though so they know more about this than they are letting on also, which means me complaining about a 4 day cool down remaining now for my ww to go, may be in their eyes a none issue anyway.
  • Xiodow
    I thought you could only be bitten whilst in a group with the Werewolf? That's how I did it anyway.
  • stylernaku
    No idea mate. I was drinking my tea watching my timer to count to 5 minutes hoping the snow troll would spawn ( I was lvl 24 so couldn't take down the 42 elite mobs of ww quest). I was knelt just by the altar while people were mucking about turning into wolves, kicking giants about, and what not... the next thing I notice is my character crying out and being on the floor and for a moment I wasn't sure if a giant aoe hit me or something.

    Next thing I notice is my neck has a chunk missing and there's blood down my Armour. I thought this was odd and checked character screen to see two lupine diseases, one yellow from npc and one red from player with different pictures next to them.

    The red player infection had the cooling off timer ticking away. I didn't think much of it and asked the guy why he wasted a bite on me (saying I already had a bite in effect) to which he didn't reply, didn't say a single thing, he just eventually ran off.

    So I wasn't grouped with anyone. Just solo. I thought both parties had to consent to the bite with some kind of popup so that did shock me a tad. If it wasn't for the fact you have perhaps to be at the alter I could see people doing this to *** people off during a blood fiend spawn (as with one infection you cannot have another).
    Edited by stylernaku on April 15, 2014 4:59PM
  • stylernaku
    Gaudrath wrote: »
    Wait wait... you can get infected by a player against your will? I thought it was consensual, that you have to accept it or something.

    Can you get rid of it easily, or? And can you become immune? Because if players can inflict me with curses at will, I want to be able to retaliate.

    It would seem that if you are simply at the ritual site for werewolf: a ww can bite you just as if you were an opposing player in pvp or npc mob without you having a say in it one way or another.

    The only thing I guess stopping this being a genuine concern for potential griefing is admittedly I was at that the shrine site. There still should be some kind of pop up though surely. If there was I wouldn't be in this state.

    Atm i'm not sure if I could even accept a player bite for vamp from a guild member for the next 4/5 days remaining, so in retrospect I guess this has nothing to do with convenience of a rare spawn which may take longer, and is still an inconvenience :(
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