Door repair bombers amuse me greatly - even a successful bombing will only delay the door repair by several seconds at most
Today I went to Cyro to grind for geodes, our group got door bombed twice by the same tryhard. He also tried to bomb us on a resource flag, but failed miserably
Those door bombings are really inconvenient... that cost me about 5 seconds that it takes to respawn a few steps away and run back to the door
Hehe this is how I was my first earnest day in Cyro (I don’t count my previous visit years ago, as I was only there for the fishing achievement).Yeah, this is how you can easily tell a group in Cyro is really bad - when stacking on flag, they:
- stand in one tight blob (trying to hide behind the flagpole?
- don't block, shield, nor even meditate,
- don't drop any AoE DoTs,
- don't keep up buffs,
- get easily blown up by even quite bad bombers.