1. Soul Magic:
How exactly do you level this up? My Soul Tap has been morphed, and my Soul Magic is currently at lvl 4. But, sincerely, I still don't know the mechanics of how exactly it is leveled up. Does it only gain XP when it fills a Soul Gem? Earlier this evening, I was using it in an area that was my level, and I must have played for a couple of hours. None of the XP bars moved.
2. Mage's Guild:
So, I've got quite a bit of this unlocked already, but I still don't understand exactly what it is that levels it up. My only guess is that it's the Lorebooks. But if not, then I don't know what does.
3. Lorebooks:
Speaking of Lorebooks - what exactly do these do?
4. Fighter's Guild:
Same thing with Mage's Guild. What levels this up? I ask, because it doesn't appear to level up like everything else.
5. Undaunted:
Same thing here...