I have created a Breton Templar focused on Healing. I am currently level 18 and I've been doing what I've done in other MMO's in the past. Stacking anything that improves my total Magicka pool, Magicka regeneration rate, and reduces the cost of spells.
Looking at my Character sheet, I see some pretty orange numbers next to both of the aforementioned stats with an attached note informing me that they're overcharged. Being the unfortunate new guy that I am, I immediately thought that it was a good thing. >_> Shoot me.
Shortly thereafter I discovered that I was suffering from diminishing returns. So now I have a question for the veteran players who have come before me:
Should I undo these overcharged stats and re-distribute them to another place, or can I get away with leaving them as they are?
"Doubt thou that the stars are fire, doubt that the sun doth move.
Doubt truth to be a liar, but never doubt my love." -Hamlet Act 2 Scene 2