Cancel Membership right after buying

I hate recurring payments. So what happens if I cancel my membership right after payment? Can you please make the recurring payment an option?
  • Dormiglione
    ESO+ of course
  • ZOS_RikardD

    Your ESO Plus benefits will remain through the end of your current membership period.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • DaveMoeDee
    I do this every time. There is no point in auto-renew. If my sub ends on Tuesday and I am unable to play until Saturday, it is wasteful to auto-renew on the Tuesday. Granted, I'm on a 12 month sub right now, but still.

    I'm not sure what I was thinking when I bought the 12 month sub since there are so many weeks where I just don't have time to really play.
  • pdblake

    I did this with my latest 3 month. Do you get an email or some kind of notice about it being due again soon, or does it just stop? Is there a way in game to see how long you have left?
    Edited by pdblake on August 14, 2019 1:29PM
  • ZOS_RikardD

    You can view how much ESO Plus time you have left by viewing your account summary page at
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Forum Rules | Code of Conduct | Terms of Service | Home Page | Help Site
    Staff Post
  • pdblake

    You can view how much ESO Plus time you have left by viewing your account summary page at

    Thanks, but that doesn't tell me, just tells me I have ESO+. Mine is through Steam though, so the answer is probably there somewhere
    Edited by pdblake on August 15, 2019 8:14AM
  • Alienoutlaw
    pdblake wrote: »

    You can view how much ESO Plus time you have left by viewing your account summary page at

    Thanks, but that doesn't tell me, just tells me I have ESO+. Mine is through Steam though, so the answer is probably there somewhere

    If you are playing The Elder Scrolls Online through Steam, you can find your ESO Plus membership details by following these steps:

    Log into your Steam Account either through the website or the Steam Client.
    Click your name at the top of the page and select Account Details.
    Under "Store & Purchase History:, click the link for Manage subscriptions.
    Your membership details will be displayed, the next billing date is the date your membership will expire if you choose to cancel it.
  • pdblake
    pdblake wrote: »

    You can view how much ESO Plus time you have left by viewing your account summary page at

    Thanks, but that doesn't tell me, just tells me I have ESO+. Mine is through Steam though, so the answer is probably there somewhere

    If you are playing The Elder Scrolls Online through Steam, you can find your ESO Plus membership details by following these steps:

    Log into your Steam Account either through the website or the Steam Client.
    Click your name at the top of the page and select Account Details.
    Under "Store & Purchase History:, click the link for Manage subscriptions.
    Your membership details will be displayed, the next billing date is the date your membership will expire if you choose to cancel it.

    Thanks, thought it would be in there somewhere. I'll have to get the date and stick it in my phone then.
  • Alienoutlaw
    pdblake wrote: »
    pdblake wrote: »

    You can view how much ESO Plus time you have left by viewing your account summary page at

    Thanks, but that doesn't tell me, just tells me I have ESO+. Mine is through Steam though, so the answer is probably there somewhere

    If you are playing The Elder Scrolls Online through Steam, you can find your ESO Plus membership details by following these steps:

    Log into your Steam Account either through the website or the Steam Client.
    Click your name at the top of the page and select Account Details.
    Under "Store & Purchase History:, click the link for Manage subscriptions.
    Your membership details will be displayed, the next billing date is the date your membership will expire if you choose to cancel it.

    Thanks, thought it would be in there somewhere. I'll have to get the date and stick it in my phone then.

    glad t help:)
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