Hi there! I have been playing since launched and dabbled in and out of PvP since then! I am alliance war rank 42 and my friend just recently started the game just dinged 400ish CP.
We are looking into attempting to try to do 2vsXing, practicing for it ofc and getting to learn how but we really don't know where to begin.
For starters he is a stam necro and I am a magplar dps - can these two classes synergize well?
What builds would be best? The more details the better!
2. How do people do it at all? How do people survive 6-10 people wailing on them as a group of 2 and then turning around and instant killing everyone and walking away? I understand things like fury and dawn breaker for stamina - what does a magicka dps like a magplar do to do this? Is it possible for a stamina to do it without using fury?
3. litterally anything and everything else! the more details the better!
Thanks for your time!