Hi All, I have ongoing health issues, so I am pretty broke, but a friend might help me get some stuff with the sale that's going on.
The thing is, I'm struggling to figure out what to get. Most of my friends got the base game + morrowind with the steam summer sale, so I'd like the morrowind DLC. But I heard that the DLC doesn't actually have the warden class. So I looked it up in the crown store, and I can't see "Warden" listed in either the Morrowind DLC nor the Morrowind Upgrade. So if I want what my friends got for $10, would I have to then pay 5000 crowns (3500 crowns + 1500 crowns for warden class) to get what they got for $10?
Secondly, With the sale, it looks like buying crowns straight is the best deal on crowns (normally getting a subscription is the best deal for getting extra crowns). I'd like to buy the 5500 crowns (a little under $30) and get the cat-banker , and I might do this instead of trying to figure out how to get Morrowind + warden.
Does anyone have any comments or advice for me? I feel like I've spent too much time thinking about this already, and I find it so disheartening that I've spent maybe 8 hours trying to understand how this dam*ed crown store works.